7. The plan

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"What do you mean you cut her finger?" Caroline asked with furrowed brows. "How is it even possible to cut someone using paper?"

I shrugged "ask Stacy. But that's not the point. Were you even listening?" I asked looking at my friends.

Savannah and Jessy seemed to be the only ones who's attention I had gained. Rylee was looking at the pizza the cafeteria had displayed and I could almost hear the wheels in her head working, as she was trying to figure out a way to get it before it gets sold out. And Caroline was too stunned about the part when I cut Stacy with paper.

"She's going to be fine, as long as she gets to have him and I'm pretty sure, that I've played the Cupid part as excellent as I could. They already know each other now they just have to talk more and realize that they are made for each other."

"That sounds like some kind of teenage romance movie, but I hope that this one doesn't end in tears and heartbreak," Caroline muttered.

"That's all?" Rylee asked impatiently.

"What do you mean?" Jessy asked.

"Well, I couldn't buy food because we had this super important discussion about teen romance movies, but now I'd like to actually eat," with that Rylee stood up and walked away from us.

"She doesn't even know what we were talking about," Savannah said shaking her head. Rylee isn't the one person that likes to listen to drama surrounding her, but at the same time, when we are upset she's the best person to go to, if you need to be comforted.

"Guys look! Stacy's finally coming to eat with us," Jessy pointed with her eyes.

I turned around and saw her coming towards us with a scowl. Why is she scowling. Oh shit! She must be mad at me because of yesterday. Quickly I turned around to pretend that I'm busy conversing with my friends.

"Hailey..." Stacy said behind me.

"Stacy." I said without looking back.

Suddenly I felt hands wrapping around me. "Thanks, Hailey. I got to talk to him yesterday and he seemed actually worried about me. Thank you so much!"

"I just hope that now you'll be able to talk to him more often," I smiled feeling proud. I'm a freaking Cupid. Then I frowned remembering that I couldn't even get my own shit together, but again at least my friend is happy.

"There's actually a tiny bit of problem," Stacy sighed. "I know that Hailey has probably already told you what's happening with me, but I thought that he would talk to me today, but he doesn't even look at me. I don't know what to do."

I couldn't believe that Jonah was ignoring her again. I cut her freaking finger to gain his attention.

"I have an idea," Jessy said with a small smile playing on her lips.

Stacy raised her eyebrows, expecting an explanation, when Jessy turned her attention to me. "You are the best person, that could organize a date for them."

"And how would I do that?" I asked not picking up on her idea.

She smirked. "You're not going to like this, but I know that you know a certain someone that could help to nudge the guy..."

"Jonah." Stacy interrupted.

"Jonah to go on a date with Stacy." Jessy finished her speech after Stacy's interruption.

I couldn't understand what she was talking about and I just kept on looking at her waiting for the answer to form in my head.

"What do you mean?" Savannah asked.

"Wait a minute. She'll figure it out." Jessy snickered.

Suddenly i realized what she was talking about. "If you think that my brother will help me to do this, you're terribly wrong. He'd most probably use this information to embarrass me somehow."

Jessy frowned "I wasn't talking about your brother." Maybe I didn't have the right solution.

Then who? And then something clicked in my head and I froze. Jessy shot me knowing look, once she noticed that I figured it out.

"No freaking way!" I exclaimed.

"Please do this. This is the only chance to help your friend. Look how sad she's been all this time and you know the right person who could actually help you." Jessy said making her voice incredibly annoying. She was kinda blackmailing me with Stacy's previous condition and she knew that I'd never say no after a speech like that.

"I hate you! I hope you trip walking out of the school." I muttered lowering my eyes.

"Am I the only one that's wondering what are you two talking about?" Caroline asked taking a bite out of her salad.

"Probably still about the movie." Rylee said taking a seat by our table with three slices of pizza on her plate.

"She's going to ask Seb for help." Jessy explained.

"Let's not talk about this," I muttered rubbing my face with my hands. Then I remembered something. "Rylee?"

She hummed in response.

"How did you get three slices of pizza, when you were like the last person standing in the queue?" I wondered. Usually the pizza gets sold out in a couple of minutes and it's a wonder how she managed to get three slices of them.

"Oh, that. You know that I'm friends with the lunch lady, she reserved one for me, plus I flirted with a couple of guys and they gave their pizza away."

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief and then I remembered that flirting is her specialty and she could flirt out of a life and death situation. There was this one time, when she "accidentally" broke into the teachers lounge and broke the tv and once she was confronted about it, she used her charms and she was simply let go.

And then there's me, rude to everything that moves. There must me something wrong with my head.

"Come on Hailey. I know that you'll be fine!" Caroline tried to encourage me.

"Yeah, sure. I barely mutter a word to him daily and now I have to ask a favor from him. You'll owe me two boxes of pizza if this works out, Stacy." I shot her a narrowed glance.

"If this works out, I'll buy you two boxes of pizza and a pint of ice cream. Deal?"

"Deal!" I said with a smile. At least I'm getting something out of this suffering.

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