11. Recovering book worm

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The way back home was actually better than the way to school. Why? Because I remembered that there's the option of listening to music while walking and it actually makes everything better.

I opened the door of my house and was greeted by a smell of something burning in the kitchen.

"What the hell, Derek! If you can't cook, why do you struggle so much with it, it smells like you burnt our neighbors cat in here." I closed my nose with my fingers.

"Hailey!" Derek popped his head from the kitchen and I could feel that he had planned something.

"Whatever you're planning to do... I don't care. Just grow up already," I snapped at him.

"Don't you want to see what I've done?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"What have you done?" I narrowed my eyes and walked towards him.

I saw him stirring something in the pot and based on smell it wasn't anything good. Then he picked up the wooden spoon and took out something familiar.

I'm going to kill him. Slowly. With a freaking carrot in his eye.

He had drenched my favorite T-shirt in tomato sauce and something else. It's completely ruined.

I growled in anger and was about to launch at him, when someone grabbed me by my hips and turned me around.

Seb. Great. Just fantastic. From one idiot to another, now I can see why they're best friends.

"Hailey? I was so fucking worried! I came here in the morning to pick you up, but you weren't here and when I waited for you at the entrance at the school and saw all your friends walking out I almost lost my fucking mind! Don't you fucking dare to do that to me again," Seb fumed and I was taken aback from his line of curses, because I've never heard him curse in front of me.

He ran his hand through his curly hair and sighed," I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. Just don't do that again. We need to talk."

I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. Talk? He actually wants to talk. Yeah, not happening.

I took his hands and saw relief in his eyes, but then i took his hands off of my hips. He looked hurt. But I don't care anymore. He hurt me first. Wow, now I sound like I am from the first grade, but honestly that's what he gets for hurting me.

I walked around him and he tried taking my wrist but I shook his hand off. "Hailes, I'm sorry." I heard him mutter in a really low voice.

I ignored him and walked towards the stairs.

"Remember the deal, Hailes?" Seb suddenly spoke, forcing me to stop walking. "I want you to forgive me and act with me just like you acted before I defended Betty."

I took a deep breath and turned around. "Fine. But if you hurt me again, I won't ever forgive you. And her name's Rachel by the way..." I said.

He smirked "Rachel, Betty, what's the difference. They mean nothing to me, our friendship means everything to me. I'm not ready to lose this."

"What friendship? I'm rude to you most of the time, I can't believe that you can actually stand being with me, I'm like a walking potato."

"But you're MY potato." He gave me a smile. "Besides, you're actually pretty fun, I can't exactly tell you why, if you're wondering. Maybe I'll tell you some other day."

I hummed in response. " I can't believe that you wasted the deal to this," I laughed.

"I don't regret it, because you are talking to me again," he winked.

He's so cheesy, I hate him.


Red. All I could see was red. I wanted to kill Derek, but now I know that that's too gentle for him. I have to make my revenge more effective. And I have a plan.

And I have decided to ask for help from the person, that knows the most about him. Our mom... just kidding, she has no clue what's happening in our lives. Seb. I decided to text him for the first time in my life.

It's actually so strange but this last week I've done so many things that I have never done in the past 8 years. Anyways, back to the plan.

Hey, Seb. I need to ask you
another favor.

I texted him this and suddenly felt really nervous. What if he rejects me? What if he tells Derek that I'm planning something fishy?

Oh, god! I'm so dramatic! Nothings going to happen, that's Seb I'm talking to. He'll help me... I hope.

I waited for a response for only a minute, which is pretty fast, considering that my brother responds to my texts only a week later.

I'm intrigued. Shoot...

Do you know anything about
Derek's dating life?

I might know a couple of
things. Why?

Could you tell me when's the
next time he's having a date
and where?

Sure. Can I know why?

You'll find out soon enough.
Unless he decides not to see
girls anymore.

Sounds good😉

I put my phone away to read a book, when suddenly I heard a ping on my phone indicating that I've received a message.

This Saturday at 16:00,
Frank's pizzeria.

Thanks, I hope this works.

Don't forget to tell me later.

I won't, I promise.

Derek's going to kill me after the stunt I'll pull on him, but that's what he gets for messing with my stuff.

I put my phone away once again and resumed on reading my book. Books were the greatest escape from problems in my life and reading was something that I couldn't live without. I became addicted to reading when I was about 8 years old. It was the first time I saw how fast the time flew, while reading.

Now I read whenever, even if I have tests to study for the next day.

I just realized that I was talking about reading like some kind of recovering alcoholic. And now I imagined myself with a group of people explaining my addiction. 'Hello, I'm Hailey, and I'm a recovering book worm'. And then everyone would cheer for me, as I was brave enough to admit it.

I started chuckling to myself, when I realized that I still had a book in my hands. Maybe I should just go to sleep? Yeah, I should...

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