10. Back to the first grade

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"It worked?" Stacy screeched on the other line.

"Jesus, I think I might have become deaf on one ear," I exclaimed moving my phone away from my ear. I could hear her jumping around excitedly and then suddenly it just stopped.

"Mom?" Stacy asked on the other line. "What are you doing here?"

I giggled and brought the phone back to my ear to eavesdrop their conversation.

"What is your problem, Stacy? Do you know how late it is? I already put your sister to bed and if you don't shut up, I'll take your dad's hammer and force you to sleep," her mom shouted at her. It's funny, because, her sister is sleeping, but they both are bickering in loud voices.

"I'm sorry, mom. I'll be silent from now on," She whisper yelled at her mom. I started laughing uncontrollably and I heard silence in the other line.

"Who's that?" Her mom asked. I stopped laughing realizing, that she's talking about me. Did I really laugh that loud?

"Nothing," Stacy said in her 'I'm lying, but you already know that' voice. And then line went dead and I started laughing once again. I enjoy seeing other people struggling with something, I don't know why. It's just pure entertainment when your friends happen to put themselves in ridiculous situations.


"Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound," I sang walking to the school.

I decided to avoid Seb as much as possible. I know it sounds exactly like what I said a few days ago, but this time I'll really try to avoid him. I wasn't dedicated enough for this task, but now I have come prepared. Or you could say that I'm just walking and refusing to have a lift from him to school.

I actually realized that walking to school is better than driving in his super cool and warm and comfy car. I can hear the birds chirping and see the children getting ready to do whatever they do nowadays. Also I can feel the wind blowing and the air smells really... I don't know, dirty. No! I like walking and the air actually isn't that bad.

It really isn't.

Oh, who am I kidding, this is horrible! I had to wake up earlier and I didn't manage to have breakfast and I hate walking, because I have to try to ignore people that are walking past me. And I always end up glancing at them and embarrassing myself, when they actually look back at me. And the air is horrible!

I hate this, but I have to be strong. 'Just smile and you're going to thank yourself later for this,' I reminded myself.


"Don't forget to do your essays until Friday!" Our history teacher reminded us for the third time this week.

"I hate homework," Savanah whined.

"Same, sister," I nodded my head in agreement. "But unlike you, I've already done it."

Savannah shot me a glare and I started laughing.

"So, did you talk to Seb?" She asked me throwing her things in her bag and putting it on her shoulder.

"Mhmm," I agreed.


"He's going to do it," I shrugged my shoulders and Savannah seemed really happy with the news.

"That's great! Stacy's so lucky to have you as a friend."

"Not exactly. I'm getting the best part out of all of this. I get food, she gets a guy, what's better, huh?" I smirked elbowing her gently.

"Right. Fries over guys," she returned my smirk.


We walked out of the classroom to see the hallways full of people. How I hate the crowds and seeing so much people in such a small place makes me want to stay in the classroom. Savannah nudged me to move forward and I started moving alongside the masses of people.

Fortunately the next class was just around the corner, or else I would have been squashed between these elephants.

I saw Caroline sitting in my seat and immediately I realized that somethings wrong, as she never sits in my seat unless she wants to speak to me.

"Car?" I asked walking towards her.

She turned around and I could see that she was stressed out about something. Last time she was like this, we had an exam in chemistry that she had no clue about and I'm worried that something like that has happened again.

"Hailey? I need to talk to you, it's something urgent," her voice was trembling. Ok, this wasn't like the last time. This actually seemed worse.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Look..." she took out a crumbled peace of paper out of her pocket and handed it to me.

It wasn't her handwriting, hers looked neat and really delicate, but this one looked like someone wrote it with a foot. I could hardly understand a word it said, but when i decoded the writing I felt really confused.

Dear Caroline,

You might not know me, but I know you. I see you walking to your home everyday and I wish that I could take your hand in mine and walk beside you. I hate seeing you and not being able to feel you. I've realized that you're my one and only and I'll never let you go.

See you soon,


"Emmm, I don't know what to say..." I finally confessed after a moment of silence. "I'm sorry, but let's talk about this after the lesson, I need a little bit of time to come up with a something."

"Ok," she stood up and walked back to her seat, her whole body tense.


"What does he think he is? A first grader? What sixteen year old sends those kind of creepy love notes? Don't worry, Caroline, we'll find him and beat him up for scaring you," Jessy fumed after finding out about note.

"But what if he's cute?" Stacy asked and Caroline shot her a death glare.

"Cute? What part of stalker spells cute? I'm scared to walk home now." I could see her struggling not to panic too much, but she was starting to shake. Rylee came up to her and hugged her.

"It's going to be fine," she said calming her. "If he sends another note, that somehow shows that he's creepy, I'll find him myself. Deal?"

Caroline nodded her head And visibly relaxed. "Thanks," she murmured.

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