45. Winter package

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"Just concentrate your attention to the story and analyze the behavior of two characters. You can choose whatever character you want to describe, you can start now, so you don't have to do as much home," Mr Carr explained the today's task rather lazily and sat down on his chair.

I sighed and pulled out my cellphone. The screen had little scratches, but it fortunately wasn't cracked. I don't know what came over me, when I threw it out of my window, but retrieving it wasn't hard. Well, at least it wouldn't have been, if I had gotten the idea to call myself quicker.

At first me and Rylee and Savannah split up to look through my backyards bushes and after about twenty minutes I realized that Rylee it Savannah can just call me.

Of course they both groaned, when I said this, because it was freezing outside and we had been looking for something in a pitch blackness. Eventually my phone started ringing and I saw the light coming out of a tiny little hole I had in my backyard, that me and Seb made to make my brother fall a few years back.

He still trips in this hole up to this day and he has no idea that me and Seb did it, but that's not the point. My throw was so skillful, that I actually managed to get my phone in that tiny hole.


And when I inspected my phone and saw that it only had a few scratches I started jumping in joy, because such luck happens only once in a lifetime. Rylee and Savannah were of course amazed, but once we realized that the food had gotten cold, because we had spent half an hour in search of my phone, Rylee and Savannah scolded me and forced me to bake them a cake.

"Psst," I heard someone attracting someone else's attention.

I curiously watched how the guys from my class started pointing at my English teacher and chuckling at something.

I looked at Mr Carr and saw him sleeping in his chair with his mouth hanging slightly open and drool dripping from the left side of his mouth.

How did this guy even become a teacher?

I heard a chair scraping behind me and soon enough I saw Rylee walking towards Mr Carr with her mischievous smirk.

This is not going to end good.

I turned around to face Savannah and she was chuckling at Rylee and I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Just watch," she said keeping her eyes glued to Rylee.

I turned around once again and cringed at the sight. Rylee took out her permanent marker and started drawing on Mr Carr's face. At first she drew hideous mustache and an unibrow and she complimented the look with a dark mole that she drew on his left cheek. She then drew the Harry Potter scar on his forehead and the class was trying so hard not to laugh and wake him up.

When Rylee was finished she turned around, bowed and walked back to her seat. I had tears in my eyes from laughing and most of the class were the same.

A bunch of my classmates started walking up to Mr Carr and taking selfies with his unconscious form, probably posting it on social media.

Even though this looked hilarious, I couldn't help to feel pity towards this unfortunate man. He is just like us, only everyone expects him to act like an adult, when in reality, he's just a student in an adults body.

For the remaining time of this class I just listened to my music and watched the birds flying by the class. The winter is creeping into our lives so fast that I'm starting to feel sick. I hate winter, I hate the cold, the short days, the dark evenings and the feeling of depression.

And it all comes as a winter package.

I didn't even notice how the time flew by, when I heard the bell ringing. Everyone just threw their stuff inside their bags and ran towards the canteen.

I rolled my eyes, "animals."

"Hey, good news," Rylee said, walking up to me, while I was putting my stuff inside my bag.

I shot her a curious glance and she shook her head, "I'll tell you at lunch."

I just nodded my head and walked out of the classroom. Mr Carr was still fast asleep, even after the bell rang and I'm starting to think that he hasn't really slept at all, if he slept through Rylee's art lesson and the annoying bell.

We walked silently through the hallways and walking into the canteen I noticed that almost every table was full with people. But of course no one dared to sit by our table, as Rylee gives hell to whoever that dares to do that.

We sat down and I noticed that this time it was only the three of us here.

"Where's everyone?" Savannah asked looking around the table as well.

"Jessy had something with theater, but I think that's she's just in love with the guy that acts as Romeo. And Stacy's with Jonah. Caroline is with you know who," Rylee said looking around our table.

"It seems so quiet," I murmured.

"It does," Savannah agreed.

"Stop with the negativity. Smile a little. I have some great news by the way," Rylee gave us her widest grin.

"I can almost feel the words dripping from your pores. Just speak already," Savannah laughed looking at Rylee adoringly.

"Remember how I gave our schools queen B Blake's number?" Rylee looked at us trying not to spill everything once and for all.

"Continue," I nudged her.

"So, she said that he replied to her only through texts, but that still counts," she quickly added. "He asked her about you something, but he also asked her what school does she go to and promised her to pay a visit. She is already head over heels for him."

"What did he ask about me?" I nervously asked. Why did he even think about asking her about me? He definitely knows that I gave her his number.

"He just asked her if she knows you," Rylee shrugged.

"I hope she didn't tell him, that she does," I said hoping that she wasn't so dumb.

"She did," Rylee said looking at the food that was displayed.

I growled in annoyance and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What's wrong, Hailey?" Savannah asked concerned.

"He now knows that I gave his number to her. He's going to kill me."

Savannah smiled at me. "Nonsense. He'll fall for the Barbie's looks and he'll forget you even exist. Don't worry."

She's right, this is all part of our plan. He'll finally leave me alone. Isn't it what I wanted all of this time?

"I didn't expect to see him here so soon," Rylee said and I noticed that the whole cafeteria had stopped it's chatter. I looked at the closest table to us and noticed that all of the students were looking alarmed at something that was located near entrance.

I slowly turned around and my breath hitched. His eyes caught mine once again and a slow smirk formed on his lips.

This is going to be the end of me.

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