9. Backfired

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"Who the Hell are you!" I shouted in suprise. What the Hell. Is she one of Seb's girlfriends, that he has so kindly decided to get rid of?

"I'm Seb's future girlfriend, he told me to meet him here, because he had some kind of plans. Who are you? Are you his sister?"

I looked at her in disbelief and started laughing. "Seb's future girlfriend? Seb's sister?!" I erupted in another fit of laughter. "That's why he has sent you to the wrong address? Who even let you in?" I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

"Wrong address? No way! No one has ever said no to me. I'm sure that he'll come around." She crossed her arms and sat on the couch.

"Don't take it personally, but knowing him, he has probably bailed on you. That's what he does, so... please go." I tried pleading with her, to see her narrowing her eyes at me. Oh no, here we go again.

"You're only saying this, because you're jealous of me and him. He'll never like someone like you, you're not good enough for him. You're pathetic to believe that he might be interested in you." She flicked her hair like a true bitch she is. Seb picks the worst girls ever. And I hate to admit, but her words hurt me more than they should. I have known for a long time that there's no me and Seb, but still it hurts.

"Listen, blondy," I started.

"It's Rachel," she interrupted.

"Whatever... If Seb told you to wait here, then that's fine. But please do it outside. I hate seeing fake around me and you are the definition of fake."

She gasped. "How dare you, you bi..." she was interrupted by the front door swinging open.

"Rachel!" Seb walked in with worry in his eyes. I hate him. This is what I have had to deal with since I've met him.

"Good. You're here. Explain to the blondy that you have no interest in her whatsoever and you only brought her here, because you're just a little coward that can't reject someone by yourself." I snapped at him.

"I'm sorry, Rachel," that's it, take it you blonde fake!" But this is not true. I'm guilty, I forgot that I told you to meet me here and now I'm ready to take you out. Let's go." Wait what? He apologized to her? I can't believe him and for a second I actually thought that he might have changed. Who am I kidding, he's never going to change.

I saw the blondy smirking at me with a satisfied expression. I want to break her neck so badly, but I'm not ready to spend my life in prison for a bitch like her. She walked out of the house, her perfume slapping my face with sickening sweetness.

Seb turned to face me and I think that I saw him shoot me an apologetic look. I turned around to walk to my room, when he called me.

"No, I don't want to hear it. I want to be alone."

Without letting him apologize, I ran up the stairs and locked myself in my room, to slide down the door and clutch my knees. I felt extremely sad, but I didn't want to waste tears for someone like him. From now on, he's nothing to me.


"Hailey, dinner's ready!" Derek shouted and I immediately ran down the stairs to the kitchen.

I saw him sitting on the stool with a plate of spaghetti in front of him. And oddly enough, he had made me something too.
It looked good, almost too good. But I'm too hungry, so there's no point of overthinking it.

I took a seat in front of him and placing my fork into the mountain of spaghetti I swirled it and brought it to my mouth. I looked up to see Derek trying to hold in his laughter and I realized that the spaghetti was spicy. And I mean like lava hot spicy.

Sweat broke down on my forehead and tears formed into my eyes. I bet that he enjoys my reaction to this, so I decided to continue eating, as if it wasn't hot as hell.

I looked up to see Derek looking at me expecting a reaction, but holding my eyes on his, I brought another fork of spaghetti in my mouth and chewed.

He looked horrified and I almost started laughing at his face. "What's wrong, Derek? You look like you've seen a ghost."

He spluttered for a second and then his sneaky expression returned on his face.

"How are the spaghetti?" He asked.

"Really good, thanks! I just wish that there was more sauce on it." After saying this his eyes widened but he smirked as if he wanted to suggest this himself.

"Yeah, sure, let me just take it from the kitchen and I'll be right back!" He stood up and walked to the kitchen.

This was the perfect opportunity to get revenge. I switched our plates, before he got back, so that he'd pour himself the spicy sauce. After a couple of minutes, he came back with the sauce and undoubtedly he added something to it, as it took too much time, to get it here.

He poured all of it on the plate and I immediately stirred it, so that he wouldn't notice, that he was eating the plate, that he just poured the spicy sauce on. As soon as he left to put away the pot of sauce, I switched the plates again.

I bit my cheeks to avoid laughing, but it became extremely hard, as soon as I saw him walking back to the table.

I took another bite of spaghetti and moaned, as if it was the best thing that I've ever tasted. "It's so good!"

"It is?" He asked shocked.

"Mhmm, Yeah. This is probably the best thing that you've ever cooked." I was dying inside from the spice, but I couldn't break my act so easily.

Derek grumbled something and then took a full fork filled with the spaghetti. I watched as he placed it inside his mouth and chewed, when suddenly he started coughing. His face turned red and he jumped up from the chair and ran to the kitchen. I heard him open the fridge and undoubtedly he took out the carton of milk to reduce the spiciness.

I started laughing, when I heard him shout," Hailey Summers! I'm going to Kill you!"

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