91. The old diner

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I avoided Blake the next couple of days and he was getting sick of it. I could tell it from looking at him from the seat that I switched with Caroline. He was being all animalistic and looking at the clock all the time, but Caroline always helped me to escape the class, as she stood in front of Blake, successfully making him stuck where he was.

And like that I never had to talk to him.

The week passed and me and girls finally went on the trip. I counted in my head- three more weeks. That's all I've left with them.

We buckled up and Rylee put on some of her music and they sang along it. I didn't know the words, as I never listened to the popular music, but I smiled seeing them so happy. And I was pretty excited about the trip too.

I felt happy that I could finally relax and avoid meeting Blake and I knew that my friends were excited to spend some time with me as well.

The trees passed us all along the highway and I leaned my head against the window. I can't imagine myself living in the England. It's actually pretty funny. It gets me homesick even if I'm away from home for a day, I can't imagine how bad i will feel after moving to England.

"Why's Blake talking to you?" Rylee suddenly asked and I snapped my attention towards her.

As nobody else answered I realized that she was talking to me, "He says that he has a reason for why he broke up with me."

"Do you believe him?" Savannah asked and I saw furrowing her brows.

"I don't know," I replied honestly. I have never been so close to anybody, but as soon as he got everything from me, he simply left me. I want to trust him, but I don't know if I should.

"Ok, I know that he hurt you," Caroline began, "don't hate me, but he never stopped loving you."

"What are you talking about?" I asked her and she smiled.

"I'm with his best friend, remember?" She asked and I nodded.

"When you left him in Italy, he was freaking out, because he hadn't planned for you to leave him like that. He called like crazy and Damien seemed worried for him. Damien told me something, that I wasn't supposed to tell you, but now that Blake's trying to speak to you, I guess I can finally say this."

She took a deep dramatic breath, "your brother joined that gang that tried to kidnap you."

"What?" I asked and both Rylee and Savannah asked Caroline this too.

"He had thought that it was the easiest way to earn money and the gang told him that to become a member he had to kill you, because they were holding a grudge against you. Derek called Blake and told him that your head was wanted, so he had to break up with you, to leave you out of all that mess. I honestly don't know how all of that turned out, but I really don't want to know. The only thing that matters that Blake and Derek are safe."

At this point I just started crying.

All of this is just bullshit. He promised me that he would never leave me and, once I was threatened, he jumped out of his pants and left me.

I realize that he only thought that it was going to protect me, but I would have liked to know that my brother was in danger.

Caroline hugged me and I sobbed into her chest.

"I thought that he never loved me," I cried and Caroline hugged me tighter.

"You both need to talk. But this weekend, let's not talk about him anymore. It's just you, us and some fishes."

I sniffed and chuckled, "right. I can't wait to see those fishes."

"That's my girl," Rylee exclaimed cheerfully.

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