94. Desperation

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Blake's POV

"There's a problem," Damien said collecting his wallet and his car keys.

"What do you mean?" I asked him annoyed. I was trying to figure out a way to deal with Hailey, but I felt like she wasn't going to be talking to me anytime soon. And the part about the last month really confused me. What the fuck did she meant by the last month?

"Caroline texted me that a guy was following them and from her description it sounded like Viper," Damien rushed out and I shot up from my seat, collecting my jacket.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I roared. "We have to go now. They're in danger. Hailey's in fucking danger!"

Damien was clearly panicking as well, but he hid it behind his calm mask. We rushed out of the house and jumped into Damien's car. He started driving, ignoring all the streetlights and driving past the speed limit. We both knew that they didn't have a lot of time and Iwas begging for Hailey to be safe by the time we get there.

I have so much to say to her, but I'm afraid that it might be the last time I see her alive and it scares me the fuck out.

"How long?" I asked Damien and he gripped te steering wheel, trying not to lash out on me.

"I don't know. I'm driving as fast as I can," he said and I remained silent.

"I can't lose her," I said and felt tears forming in my eyes. The familiar lump formed in my throat and it was getting harder and harder to breathe, every second thinking about not seeing her again. "She's my world. I fucked up with her so badly. I knew she would never let me deal with her brother's problems alone, but she doesn't want to know why I did what I did. She fucking hates me."

"Where's the guy, that practically forced her to be with him, huh?" Damien asked. I hated to admit, but he had a point.

"I've hurt her too badly. I don't deserve to claim her," I muttered.

"Do you really believe the shit, you're trying to sell yourself?" Damien asked. "You fucking sacrificed your relationship with her to save someone that she loves. I don't think that you realize that you are the best thing she can ever have."

I ignored his statement and looked out of the window. Trees were passing by in a blur and I couldn't help but to think that this was probably the last thing that Hailey saw.

After a painful ride, we finally saw the ad and right next to it was a road, that had a car parked next to it.

Caroline and Savannah were standing by the car, with puffy eyes. Damien stopped the car and once he got out, I jumped into his seat and drove further into the woods. I heard his shouts behind, me but I concentrated on a task of a greater importance.

The car bounced a little bit from the uneven road. It didn't matter to me, as I was begging for Hailey to be fine.

The headlights showed two figures in the distance, so I picked up my speed and drove faster. Hailey was still standing, but I recognized this position she was standing in. The stance of defiance and a little bit of giving up.

"NOO!" I roared and drove full speed towards them.

I saw Viper thrusting his knife inside Hailey and her falling helplessly on the ground. That's when my world fell apart.

I stopped the car and rushed towards Viper, who hadn't expected for me to come. I started punching him with my fists, hitting him a bunch of times in the head and stomach. Once he passed out, I rushed towards Hailey and tried to wake her up.

Her chest was rising up and down as she breathed, but she wasn't responsive to any of my attempts to wake her up. She looked calm, almost too calm and I started crying. I picked her up and gently moved her to Damien's car.

Then I heard her angelic voice whisper, "Tell Blake that I still love him."

I stopped to look at her and noticed that her breathing was becoming slower and slower and I realized that she is close to dying.

Without hesitation I started driving out of there. She bled out on Damien's front seat, but at this moment I didn't give a fuck about Damien's car. She was turning paler and paler, the only sign that she wasn't a corpse, were her flushed cheeks.

I drove past her friends and off to the hospital. I had no time and every second mattered to Hailey.

I have been such a jerk these past months and now when I see her so unresponsive to me, I realize the level of my fucked-upness. I love her and I always have.

Her words were like a boost of energy to me. She loves me. These were the words that I was so desperate to hear.

She will fucking survive and once she is fine, I will sweep her off her feet. She is a fucking queen and she deserves to be treated like one.

I realize now that I can't make her do things, but I won't allow her to be with anyone else either. She knows what I feel for her and I'm going to remind her that for the rest of her life. I have the rest of my life with her left, I'm sure that she'll forgive me at some point. She's the kindest person I've ever met.

Finally I could see the hospital in the distance and I took a glance at Hailey. She was barely breathing, so I clutched the steering wheel and drove immediately for the emergency. A woman saw me driving past the speed limit and waited for me patiently by the entrance.

I stopped and jumped out of the car, "you have to help her. She's stabbed and she's barely breathing."

The woman nodded and called out her colleagues, who took Hailey in. I watched her being dragged away and once she was out of sight, I slumped to the ground.

She needs to survive. I can't fucking live without her.

I started to suffocate in my own tears and I didn't even hear my friends approaching me.

Now I just have to pray that she is strong enough to survive.

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