67. Unexpected suprises

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Today is Christmas and I've been waiting for this day for quite a while. I had to go Christmas shopping and bought Rylee a really cool bracelet with a wolf on it, for Savannah I bought a lip kit that she had always wanted. For Caroline I bought a shiny makeup bag, that she once showed me. But when I had to figure out what to gift Blake, I found myself facing a dead end. What do I gift someone, who already has everything?

Everything that I could buy him, would be definitely cheap, keeping in mind that he has loads of cash. I then decided to draw something to him. It wasn't anything expensive, but at least it could be thoughtful.

I scrolled down my pics in my cellphone and found a few selfies with me and him at the abandoned hospital. I decided to use that picture and portray it on a canvas.

About three hours later, I stood back from my masterpiece. It wasn't perfect, but I could clearly understand that it was me and him in the picture. I know that 3 year olds also know what they're drawing, but I drew us pretty good. I used the graffiti tree as a background and felt good about the outcome.

I packed the presents and hid the new pink underwear, that I bought my brother wrapped in front of his door.

This year, I wasn't planning on celebrating the Christmas. My friends were celebrating with their families and I told them, that I was going to celebrate with Blake. Blake asked me to join his family at Christmas and I refused and told him that I was going to party with my friends. Basically I made a net of lies, that's going to bite in my ass later. I just felt like I would be a burden, if I joined another family at their Christmas celebration.

But one thing I decided on doing, was giving them their presents. When i got to Blake's house, I knocked on his door a few times and left the present by the door, leaving, before he saw me. I did the same with Rylee, Savannah and Caroline and returned home to watch romantic movies and eat loads of ice cream.

I knew that my friends would know that I was the one who got them those things, as I left a message for each of them.

And now, I was sitting and having the time of my life.

My phone rang and I saw my mom calling me for the first time in months. I contemplated on answering, as I was still hurt about her putting everything above us, but I realized that if I didn't answer, I'd feel guilty.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Merry Christmas, honey," my mom chirped on the other side of the phone. It didn't even feel like she missed hearing my voice, she sounded genuinely happy in a really long time.

"To you too," I replied, tears brimming in my eyes.

"How are you? I'm sorry, that I haven't called, it's just that I have loads of work on my plate," she explained.

"I'm fine," I almost got killed by a gang, I wanted to say, but realized that she wouldn't probably believe me. "What about you? Is everything alright there?"

"It would be better if you guys were here," I could almost feel her smile.

"You sound really happy," I noticed.

"I am. Don't be mad, but I met someone," she started, "he's everything that I could ever want. We're going to spend Christmas together."

"I'm happy for you!" I said, as I felt tears sliding down my cheeks. Did she really choose to spend Christmas with him not us? That hurts quite a bit.

"Anyways, I'm happy that you're fine. It was nice to hear your voice, I must be going," she spoke and I sighed.

"Of course, mom. Have fun!"

"You too, hun. Love you," and with that our call ended and I looked at my phone, not believing the things that happened. That's why she never called us. She has found someone else and she never thinks about us.

I should be happy for her. She spent 18 years with our difficult asses, she needs a break from us too...

I sighed and leaned back on the couch. I heard my phone ringing once again and looked to see that it was Blake.

I decided to call him later, as I didn't feel so good right now and he would have noticed. I noticed that my friends had also messaged me, while I was speaking with my mom. Savannah and Rylee both sent me their kisses and thanked me for their presents. It felt strange that Caroline hadn't thanked me, but I didn't think twice of it. Maybe she was busy and forgot to text me? Or maybe she was planning to thank me in person.

"Don't expect me at home, but if you decide to drink, then leave some for me," Derek said, as he passed me and made his was towards the entrance.

"That's not what you're supposed to say to your little sister," I shouted and heard him laugh.

"Merry Christmas and thanks for the present!" He shouted as he left the house.

"What a douche," I grumbled to myself and continued eating ice cream and watching Tv.

A knock on the door interrupted my movie night and I sighed in annoyance. Derek has the keys, but why is he knocking. I swear, sometimes he does the most stupidest things to annoy me.

I lazily picked myself up from the couch and walked over to the front door.

"I swear to God, Derek, you have something wrong with your..." I said as I opened the door and realized that I wasn't speaking to Derek.

A wide smile graced my face and I looked into the eyes, I didn't expect to see. The person at the other side of the door, engulfed me in a warm hug and muttered the words, that warmed me even more, "Merry Christmas, Hailey."

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