63. Blue balls

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"What happened to your neck?" My brother asked me as I entered the living room of our house.

"Agh, you know... I ran into a tree," I forced a chuckle and Derek looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"And what is he doing here?" Derek asked, looking at Blake, that was placing down his bags of clothes, as he decided to stay with me. Bit possessive I know, but he gave me two choices- either I stay with him, or he moves in with us. I chose the latter, as everything that I needed was at my home.

"He wanted to stay, because he's jealous of Seb," I quietly whispered.

"More like looking out for her, because your little sister almost got her throat sliced by a gang that were planning to sell her," he explained behind me.

I looked to see Derek looking at him with raised brows. What the hell is he doing, does he want me to end up spending the rest of my life locked up in my home? Knowing him, that's probably the case. "Hahaha, you're funny!" I laughed, placing my hand on his bicep, "he just had some problems at his place and asked me nicely if he could stay here for a while."

My brother gave Blake a bright smile and extended his hand to shake his, "of course you can. Welcome to our home!"

What a freaking leach! If it was me in Blake's position, he'd probably kick me out of the house.

"Oh and Hailey? Mom called, she said that she misses us terribly and unfortunately she can't come home anytime soon. We will have our first Christmas and New Year without her! Finally, I will be able to go to the parties without sneaking out at midnight!" He sighed contently.

I frowned and couldn't believe the words he had just said. Mom can't come home for holidays and he's already celebrating and planning to go to some kind of parties?

I was about to give him a few nice words, when Blake put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it slightly, warning me that i will probably regret this later. He was right, acting on these kind of emotions always led to regret and later so much guilt, that I'd never want to walk out of my room.

"So anyways, it was nice meeting you Derek, but me and your sister will go upstairs now," he excused us and grabbed my hand, leading me up to my room. He grabbed his bags on his way and as soon as we entered my room, I jumped on my bed and laid down.

"You recently woke up," Blake chuckled and I shot him a glare.

"Sleeping at your bed isn't the same as sleeping at my own,"I explained and snuggled further into my blankets.

"What am I supposed to do," he whined, dropping the bags on the floor with a bang.

"I don't know, I suppose you can go back home, because I won't die without you," I muttered, my voice muffled by the blankets.

"Funny," he growled and then I could only hear silence.

"I can't imagine my world without Blake," I heard him speak in a girly voice and immediately I turned around to watch what he was doing. He flipped his imaginary hair and left his hand hang in mid air, making him look super girly, "when I first saw his abs, I became so wet, that I had trouble to stop myself before I boned him. I always drool, when he isn't looking and touch myself, thinking about his huge member and him talking to me in Italian."

I gasped and blushed, "please stop talking like that, that's complete bullshit."

He then stopped his act and turned to look at me, "I'm bored, so this is only beginning. I can't wait to moan and start banging my hands on the wall, so that your brother thinks that we're having sex."

"How dare you!" I gasped and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I came to my girls house to have some quality time with her, but she decided to have a nap," he pouted and I sighed. He's acting like a complete child.

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