65. Riding chickens

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"Cinema? Did we really break out of Hailey's house to only watch a movie?" Savannah asked, looking at the cinemas entrance from the cars window.

"Well, I had something else on my mind, but we wouldn't survive the cold," she pointed out and Savannah sighed.

"What movie are we going to watch?" I asked and she looked at the rear view window and smiled at me. "Throat-slicer," she answered.

"Really?!" I asked in excitement. I wanted to watch that movie and now I'll be able to do that. The reviews on this movie were just mind blowing.

"Come on, let's go!" Rylee said, turning off the engine and walking out of the car.


The ads were already showing, once we entered the cinema and we knew that the movie was about to start. Rylee bought us some drinks and popcorn and we bought seats at the very end.

I looked at my phone, before I switched the sound off and noticed, that I didn't have any missed calls or unread messages. I guess he still hasn't noticed, that I'm gone. I wonder what he is doing?

Savannah nudged me with her elbow that the movie had started and I sat down and tried to relax and enjoy this. But I couldn't help but to think about the trouble I am in. What is Blake going to do to me? He'll probably sell me to the gang himself or kill me and abandon me in the woods.

Oh god! What if he uses my weaknesses against me? What if he eats my favorite chocolate cake with my favorite ice cream in front of me and doesn't give me a piece?

I kept zoning off the movie like this and when it finished, I couldn't remember a thing, besides the ads at the beginning.

Rylee then decided to treat us dinner at the sushi place, that was right next to the cinema.

"So, How did you like the movie?" She asked us and Savannah answered before I could say that I wasn't paying attention.

"It was great! I have no regrets coming here!"

It was great? Damn, why did I stress so much about something that will happen only an hour or two later.

"That's good!" Rylee said in approval. "I'm glad, that you had fun."

They started speaking once again, but I zoned off again, but this time girls noticed and nudged me to tell them what was going on with me.

"Nothing!" I nervously said and faked a laugh. "I was just thinking about how fast the time flies. We have two weeks left of freedom, before we have to go back to school. Scary," I shuddered at the end. Even though this speech was completely improvised, the thought of returning back to school was frightening.

"So..." Savannah began, "What was your favorite part in the movie?"

I looked at them and realized that they were starting to suspect that something was wrong with me.

"My favorite part was all of the movie," I quickly replied. "It was amazing!"

"What about the part where the blue haired guy rode a chicken?" She asked and I inwardly frowned. I missed a guy riding a chicken?

"Yeah, I remember that part. It was really amazing. How did they manage to film that?" I asked faking amazement.

I saw that Rylee was frowning in front of me. "When did that guy ride a chicken? I think I would've noticed such thing happening. It was only gore and sharp screams. I didn't see one chicken throughout the whole movie."

Fuck. I'm busted.

Savannah looked at me with an expression that said- you better start explaining or I'm going to whoop your ass.

"I'm just slightly stressed about the way we left my place, that's why I wasn't paying attention. I hope he isn't too worried."

Rylee looked at me with raised eyebrows, "he has grown quite possessive, hasn't he?"

She said that almost accusingly. I immediately understood what she was trying to point out and I rushed to explain his behavior.

"It's my fault," I started and my friends looked at me as though I was stupid. "Hear me out. See this bruise on my neck?"

I pointed my index finger at my neck and I heard Savannah gasp. Rylee only looked intensely at it and I could see the wheels in their heads spinning, as they were coming up with probably the worse case scenarios. I just hope that they don't assume anything about Blake.

"Few days ago Blake took me out on a date and it was honestly the best thing ever. He was SO thoughtful- he took me out to an abandoned hospital, where we drew on the walls with spray cans. It was amazing. But when the day was over, he brought me back home, where I was greeted by a jealous Seb, who forcefully kissed me, making me flee from the house. I found myself in a park, in the night and somehow I have such a great luck, that some kind of gang found me and planned to sell me. Bob held knife against my throat and when Blake found me, Bob cut my neck," I explained to them and Savannah looked shocked, while Rylee's face was clear of any emotion. Just blankness.

"That's why Blake is super protective of me now. He thinks that I've got the worst luck in the whole world, when I'm not around him."

As I finished my speech, I noticed that my friends were too shocked to speak. I gave them some time to process this information and when they still hadn't said anything, I started playing with toothpicks that were on the plate.

"What the fuck, Hailey!" Savannah finally spoke and I looked up to see her looking at me like I was crazy. "It's no wonder that he's so crazy about keeping you safe- we could have lost you forever. Thank god that he saved you."

"You wouldn't just run away, if Seb kissed you. There must be more to it," Rylee said thoughtfully.

"He was just saying some hurtful things to me and all of it was just too much for me."

"I guess we misunderstood Blake. We thought that he was just like all of them. He sounds actually really good. I'm happy that you've found him," Rylee commented and I nodded my head.

"Thanks," I nodded my head.

Savannah walked around the table and hugged me. "You were so close to being kidnapped. You must be shaken up and here we are, acting completely normal."

I hugged her back and laughed, "no, no. It's fine. I actually made them think that I was mental, plus I laughed about the guy, who was holding the knife against my throat. I wouldn't say that I'm shaken up."

Savannah pulled back to look at me and I explained, "at first he called himself Pain and later Blake called him Bob, I couldn't help myself. I just thought that it was funny."

Savannah rolled her eyes and got back to her place besides Rylee.

"Thank you for bringing me out. This means actually so much to me," I gave them my warmest smile and they both nodded their heads.

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