50. The black hole

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One little piggy, two little piggies, three little piggies and one big pig. It's strange how pigs rhyme with big... they aren't really that big.

"Hailey, open the freaking door, before I break it down," Blake shouted from the other side of the door.

I took a glance behind the couch at the hallway that leads to the doorway and sighed. This is going to be a painful evening.

"Go away! I'm not letting you in!" I shouted, hoping that he'd go away and I'd get to play slasher video games and imagine that I'm killing those versions of myself that I hate.

"Are you defying me?" He asked clearly surprised. Damn right I am defying him.

"And what are you going to do about that?" I asked sneakily.

"Why don't you open the door and let me show you," he growled, causing goosebumps to form on my skin. I don't know why, but the animalistic side of him always makes me shiver.

"Why don't you show your girlfriend all of that? I'm really tired and not in the mood to deal with you," I asked faking confidence, when in fact I was crossing fingers in my lap and praying to god or the devil or whatever to let me out of this situation.

"Fine! I'm going home!" He shouted on the other side of the door.

Wait, he's going home? I need to celebrate this, I actually managed to make him go home. This actually feels too good to be true... but whatever, I should celebrate his departure.

I jumped off of the couch and crawled silently to the front door. I peaked through the small window and saw that he had indeed left. There was no sign of him or his overconfident attitude.

I fist bumped the air and jumped up and down. "Yes!" I shrieked.

"I hope that you won't be like this in the bedroom," a voice behind me startled me and I started screaming.

"HELP! MURDER!" I shouted running to the door and trying to unlock it, only to come to a realization that I left the keys on the couch.

I continued screaming, until a palm was pressed against my mouth and my screams became muffled.

Blake was looking at me with slight annoyance and a glint of amusement. He's probably happy about scaring me.

I started to speak, but his hand on my mouth made the words sound like I had stuffed my mouth with 10 marshmallows.

He saw my struggle and spoke, "if you scream once again..."

I screamed to annoy him and he narrowed his eyes.

"I dare you to do that again," he smirked mischievously.

He probably thinks that I won't do it. Hah, annoying people is like my second or third name!

I screamed once more, only this time, he flipped me around, so my back was facing him and my front was pressed against the door and without taking his hand off my mouth I felt his breath fanning against the back of my neck. "You've been really naughty, don't you think?"

The helplessness of this situation made me think twice before answering. I shook my head no and could hear him growl.

"You want to play this way? So be it," he hissed.

I froze expecting him to kick me or something, but instead he pressed himself into me even more, suffocating me against the door and I was struggling to breathe. My breaths became shallow expecting his next moves, but he was being exceptionally slow.

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