57. Roleplay

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"I hate you," I hissed at him, making him chuckle at my defeat.

"Don't worry, we're going to have so much fun today," he promised me and took my arm, leading me through the beach.

"You know, taking me out to a beach is really cliche," I frowned, "at least you could've waited for summer... no spring, when the weather is better. Taking me out to beach on winter gives you minus 5 points."

I heard him laughing and saw his red cheeks from the frost.

"That's why I gave you my other winter jacket, gloves and scarf," he told me.

I looked at his winter jacket on my body and then looked at the one he had and frowned. "If you are cold, then I will kill you."

He looked at me with an arrogant smile on his godlike face, "aww, is my little queen worried about me?"

"You think that it would be a nice experience to drag your cold lifeless body with me through the sandy beach?" I snapped at him. "I bet if you died, you would've been just like Rose from Titanic 'hold on Jack, hold on'," I mimicked. "I could never pry you off of me."

"It's okey to be worried about me," he assured me squeezing my hand lightly. "I know that you care about me, even if you act like you don't."

I ignored him and we kept walking through the sand.

The beach was completely quiet, that was the only thing that was actually good about this place.

A cold wind was passing us with out every move and shivers were threatening to break through my body, but I grit my teeth and held them back. I didn't want Blake to think that I was cold.

"How long?" I asked him and he looked at me and gave me a soft smile.

"You're looking at it."

Huh? I looked around and only saw some trees without leaves and an abandoned building.

I gave him a 'are you stupid?' grimace and he rolled his eyes.

"The abandoned building," he pointed his free hand to the building.

Excitement bubbled inside of me and I started jumping up and down. "Seriously?" I squealed like a pig.

I heard Blake's laughter and he agreed.

"OMG, you're amazing!" I shouted and shook off his hand and started running.

I didn't get far, as Blake caught me in his embrace and stopped my marathon.

"Hold your horses," he scolded me. "We're going in there together, I don't want you injuring yourself. I'm still getting to know you and from all the things I know about you, you'd probably trip on the stairs and break something."

I frowned, but didn't argue, because he was right. I probably would've broken the stairs, if I'm honest.

"Fine, my kind king," I teased him and saw him looking ahead with a lopsided smile.

We started walking towards the building and I noticed that it was some kind of abandoned hospital. This is one of many ways that horror movies begin and I was starting to get giddy at the thought of it.

"This is probably the most exciting thing, that I will have done in my entire life," I told him kindly. "Thank you."

"We haven't even entered the building yet and you're talking like it has already ended."

He was right, but I was just so happy, that I could thank him countless times.

I saw that the building had a few broken windows and a bunch of graffiti on the walls. Apart from that, there wasn't anything much, not even bottles lying on the ground, showing that the place was visited regularly. I love this place even more.

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