27. Tension

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"Erm... I'm sorry," I let him go and was about to stand up, when he caught my hips and pressed me back against him.

"What are you..." I began.

"I know that you feel this," Seb interrupted me.

"What?" I whispered looking at his suddenly really attractive lips.

No! Get a grip Hailey. His lips have been where the sun doesn't shine and I'm not talking about ass. Or maybe he has put his lips there, as he always says something that pisses me off.

"You want me to kiss you, as much as I want to kiss you," he said his voice husky and filled with an emotion that I couldn't quite fathom.

"This is a bad idea," I grumbled putting a pressure on his chest to show him that I want to stand up.

Fortunately he let me go and I offered him my hand to help him get up.

"Thanks," he smiled and wiped his dark trousers from possible dirt that was stuck to him from the dirty floor.

"Why do you fight this so much," he wondered looking at me with a small smile.

"You know why. I have a hard time trusting people, who have betrayed me," I snapped at him. "Let's switch topics," I suggested feeling the air becoming thick with tension.

"Fine... so who drove you home after school?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"My friend Jessy," I answered without hesitation.

"Jessy? Isn't she the one who drove you to school when you were 'sick'?" He asked me air quoting the word sick.

"Yep, that's her," I nodded.

After a while of silence he spoke again and what he said made me want to run to the trees. "I know that you walked home from school. I followed you in my car and made sure that nothing happened to you. Next time you should just get in my car. I promise no awkward conversations, I just don't want to see you walking alone along the streets."

I gaped at him like I was fish thrown out of a water. "You followed me?"

"Yes, but only for your protection."

Something snapped in me and anger overcame me," protection? Sebastian, I don't need protection. Especially not from you. I've lived just fine alone all of my life, I don't see how any of that would affect me now. I haven't died yet and I sure as hell won't die in the near future."

"I'm sorry, you're right."
He grumbled rubbing his face in frustration. "Let's watch a movie or something, shall we?"

I nodded my head in agreement," but I pick the movie and you order us some pizza."



Next morning I woke up feeling as if I hadn't slept for a millennia. My muscles felt sore from having slept on the couch all night. I almost rolled down the couch, when an arm snaked around my waist and pulled me back towards him.

"What the hell," I asked in my thick morning voice.

"Well, good morning to you too, sunshine," Seb greeted me causing me to groan and press my face further into the wall.

I heard Seb gulp and he quietly said," Hailes. You're kinda pressing your head against my crutch."

I quickly realized the position we were in a I scrambled off of him. "Why did you let me sleep on you!" I shouted at him.

"Because I'm a nice human being that wasn't going to throw you off the couch only because you slept on me!" He snapped back at me.

"You could've woken me up," I muttered in accusation.

"Well sorry, but I kinda myself fell asleep here, so don't blame me for all of this. I didn't wake you up, because I fell asleep myself. I don't get it why you're making such a big deal out of this. We've done this before."

I looked away from him and sighed. He's right, I'm acting this way only because I know that the both of us have feelings for each other that we should avoid, because it will only bring pain.

"Sorry, you're right," I muttered making my way to the bathroom.

"I'm driving you to school today and don't even try with the 'my friend is picking me up, don't worry'," Seb shouted behind me.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

I locked myself into the bathroom and took a quick shower. Today's the day I'll have my revenge on my brother. I can't wait. But then again today's the day that I have to watch Seb play and it's going to be frustrating as hell.

I've been to his game once and never went again, as he looked so attractive on the field, that I realized that I need to stay away, so that he wouldn't see me drool over him. But then again that time he had a blonde bimbo sitting there and cheering for him in his football jersey and it made everything even more painful.

I'm starting to think that I actually enjoy having myself In pain all the time, as I always end up in situations like this.

'Or maybe you just have a bad luck,' a voice in my head said.

"Yeah, sure bad luck," I muttered wrapping myself in a towel and walking out to get my clothes from my room.

"What would you like for breakfast hai..." Seb suddenly stopped talking and I looked at him to see that he was checking out my bare skin.

A blush crept up my cheeks and I started switching balance between the both of my legs.

"You're naked?" He asked quietly.

"No, I always put clothes under my towels and I always shower with clothes on," I said sarcastically.

"Erm, Sorry," Seb said looking away and scratching his neck awkwardly. "Do you want me to make you something?"

"Anything that you make will be fine, thanks," I said making my way to my room.

I put on my black pants and black loose pullover. I spent about five minutes looking through all of the black T-shirts and pullovers that I had, because I couldn't decide which one I wanted to wear.

When Rylee and Savannah always came over, they became frustrated looking at me trying to choose one of the black tops. 'They're all the same!' They used to say.

No! They're not the same. The one I put on is loose and long, there's one pullover that is skin tight, one that is warm, one that has buttons on its sleeves and one that has a deep cut at its front.

And the same goes for my T-shirts.

After I had dressed up, I put on some makeup and walked downstairs to see that Seb had made us scrambled eggs.

They looked so mouthwatering apart from everything that my brother makes. I still wonder how they two became friends.

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