82. The giant bunny

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"I can't believe you were acting like you didn't know anything all that time," I accused them, slightly mad.

"He was going to surprise you, so we thought, ah, what the hell, let him have some fun with you too," Savannah shrugged and walked to my kitchen to get something from there.

Rylee started jumping up and down because of excitement and suddenly I saw Savannah walking towards me with a gift bag.

"I'm going to burn it alongside with you," I growled looking at the both of them, as they ignored my request.

"Oh, shut up," Rylee laughed, "you're going to like it."

I sighed and extended my hand, to take the bag and when I looked inside I froze. What is it? I took it out and inspected it with my eyes and hands and suddenly, when I realized what it is, I dropped it back into the bag.

"What the fuck!" I shouted in panic.

"Don't be so dramatic," Rylee rolled her eyes. She then turned her attention back to me and wiggled her eyebrows, "Me and Sav decided to make sure that you were prepared for the trip, if you know what I mean."

"I don't want to know what you mean," I nervously chuckled.

Rylee then stood up and started squeezing her boobs together to make herself look sexy. "I'm Hailey and I need to seduce my sexy ass boyfriend. How lucky I am to have friends that bought me some sexy ass lingerie. Now I just need to go to Italy and let him bang me against every corner and I'm going to moan like oooo, oooo, yes Blake! I like your huge dick inside my-," I slapped my hand over Rylee's mouth, blushing furiously.

"Nothing's going to happen," I hissed. "But thanks for the thought."

Rylee started laughing, so I released her mouth. So fucking childish!

Suddenly the bell rang and I went to open the door. I saw Caroline standing there with a paper box in her hands, that definitely looked heavy.

"Caroline? Come on in," I invited her, steeping aside to make some room for her to get past me.

When she passed the threshold, she gave the box to Rylee and turned around to hug me, "happy following birthday," she muttered squeezing me tightly.

"Thanks," I muttered back and we finally let go.

"I brought you something," she smiled and reached over for the box in Rylee's hands and opened it. There, inside the thick paper walls, stood the most delicious looking cake, I've ever seen. It had a chocolate frosting and some kind of chocolate candy placed on the top. I bet that it was a chocolate cake, based on everything that was on there.

"Oh my god!" I shouted and walked closer. "This looks amazing! Thank you!"

Caroline just threw her hand in the air, as if she was saying that it was no problem and I smiled. This is exactly how I wanted to spend my birthday- in the company of my best friends.

"And," she wiggled her eyebrows, "I brought something extra."

I looked at her, fully knowing what she was talking about. I pursed my lips, but I couldn't hold on for a long time and started laughing. "Of course you did!" I laughed and she joined me.

"What is it?" Rylee asked curiously.

Caroline took her black backpack off her shoulders and reached inside to retrieve a bottle of vodka.

"Oh," Rylee looked down at the alcohol bottle. "I guess then we're getting wasted tonight."

I pointed my finger at Caroline and started poking her with each of my word, "but this time no prank calls to our boyfriends. I don't need him to know what we're doing."

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