87. Embarassing childhood memories

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All the way up to Blake's grandparents house me and Blake spent in complete silence. It wasn't like we had nothing to talk about, it was just the fact that we were both deep in thought. I had no idea, what was filling that head of his, but I was worried about making a good first impression on his grandparents. It seemed really important for him, as I doubt that he would have gone there, if it wasn't.

Once we got there, I waited for Blake to open the door for me and once he had, I remained inside.

"I don't think that I should go," I finally made out and was met with a complete silence.

I looked up to see him smirking at me.

"What?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Stop thinking so much in that beautiful head of yours. Were already here, it's no point of trying to escape this," he extended his hand and I looked at it with furrowed brows. "I can just drag you up there myself, but I doubt that you'd like that better."

"You wouldn't do that," I laughed. "That would make you look bad."

Immediately after I had said those words, I was out of the car and laying in Blake's hands. I squealed in surprise and started wiggling, but Blake had a firm hold on me. I heard him shutting the door of his car and he started walking towards the entrance of the mansion.

"They already know that I'm bad," he smirked. "This would be no surprise of me."

"Blake stop! Put me down! This is ridiculous!" I tried to make him let me go, but he ignored me.

"Fine! I'll go by myself," I surrendered and he stopped only for a second, to look at me. He then continued walking, as if I just hadn't asked him to put me down.

"Blake? I just asked you to put me down," I reminded him.

"Well too bad. I actually decided that I enjoy holding you."

We were nearing the entrance and I couldn't let him do this to me. That would be so embarrassing. So instead of just being an obedient doll, that he wanted me to be, I jumped up, wrapping my arms around his neck, and kissed him.

He stopped walking, clearly distracted, so I quickly blew into his nose. He started coughing and his hold on me loosened, leaving me completely free. I jumped back and rushed towards the entrance of the mansion. Guards standing by the door, noticed me rushing and surprisingly opened the doors without a question.

A bright light blinded me for a second and once I got used to it, I saw a hall filled with people in black outfits. I was the only one in red. Some people noticed me standing in the door and started whispering among themselves- something that I had accustomed to in school.

I felt a hand wrapping around my waist and squeezing it to someone else's body. "Imagine being in bed with me," he whispered in my ear and I blushed. "We would have the hottest sex. I was mad at you at first, but then I realized how much you actually turn me on. You know that I never felt like I would have trouble taming a girl, they always seemed to want to please me, but you are refreshing. I love that."

"Can we not talk about that right now?" I asked him and he didn't answer, but instead started moving me towards the mass of people.

Each person that we passed, gave us a glance, noticing that we weren't following the dress code. Blake led me to the very end of the hall, where stood an elderly couple. The woman had a black knee-length dress with lacy necklace and the man was dressed sharply in a suit. They both were holding wine glasses and once they noticed Blake, they broke out in a smile.

Blake walked towards them and once they were close enough, Blake let me go and hugged his grandma and grandpa.

They exchanged greetings and started talking in Italian. The only thing that I could make out was ciao and Francesco. I just stood there listening to them talking with a small frown like smile on my lips. I need to learn Italian.

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