25. Trapped

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"You're dead, Hailey Summers!" Stacy shouted.

At first I was confused why she was going to murder me, but as soon as realization hit me, I turned on my heel and ran away towards our next class.

"Hailey! Hailey!" I could hear her screaming become muffled as I ran away from her.

My breathing became shallow and I stopped at the entrance of the class.

"Summers," my math teacher raised an eyebrow. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

I looked down at my feet with wide eyes, remembering the murder that I saw in Stacy's eyes.

"You have no idea," I muttered to myself and entered the classroom.

I saw Jessy already sitting on our seat and Savannah and Rylee sitting in front of her.

"Hey, guys," I greeted them with a warm smile. "Are you ready for the test?"

Jessy started fake laughing and rolled her eyes," Yeah sure, and we also prepared for the unicorn science."

I furrowed my eyebrows," What do you mean?"

"You've pulled this prank on us a couple of times, we're not stupid," she said like she was explaining something to a toddler. I'm not stupid neither... I mean either.

"I'm serious..." I grumbled.

"Yeah, sure you are," Rylee laughed.

I gave them all a tight lipped smile, knowing that I'm right," just wait and see."


And guess who the fuck was right all along. ME!

As soon as the lesson started and papers were distributed my friends faces paled and they panicked. In the end I ended up telling them all of the answers, but that's not important right now.

They were actually angry at me, because the prank that I've been playing at them, has made me untrustworthy in these kind of questions. They'll always think that I'm just joking around and trying to stress them out, when I'm fact I'm telling the truth.

The last time I did this was the last year. I think that I've matured enough to stop playing such stupid pranks on people.

Except for... ok, maybe I've not stopped.

But despite my stupid pranks, it really wasn't my fault that they weren't aware of the test. And after explaining that to them, they finally forgave me in a way.

We all sat down by our usual lunch table and were getting ready to eat, when I saw that Caroline was sitting with the creepy kid.

I stood up and my friends started questioning me with their eyes, but I acted as if I hadn't seen the silent questions.

I walked up to the table Caroline and Trevor were sitting at and put my hands on the table, trying to seem intimidating.

"Caroline, can I speak to you?" I asked looking at her.

"She's busy," Trevor said grabbing her wrist and holding on tightly. I saw her tiny wrists become slightly red from the pressure and Caroline hissed in pain.

"Let her go," I hissed.

"No, please, Hailey. Just go," Caroline pleaded.

"What? No, I came to talk to you," I snapped.

"She isn't allowed to talk to either of you, because I know that you poor excuse of friends will prohibit her from seeing me, because you're all just a bunch of jealous little bitches, that are too ugly to get someone to love them."

I wanted to hit him and was about to swing my palm to slap him, when he caught my hand and forced it on the table, with a loud bang.

"I dare you to try that again," he smirked.

I swung my other palm and slapped his cheek with all of my force. It was so strong that an imprint of my palm could still be seen on his cheek.

"Who's a bitch now?" I hissed.

His face turned into a scowl and I saw that he was about to hit me back, when his first was stopped in mid air.

"Who the fuck do you think you are," I heard someone forcing words out of their teeth as if he was spitting venom.

I turned my head to see Seb holding Trevor's fist in his hand and shooting him daggers with his eyes.

Trevor winced at the pressure Seb was putting on his fist. "She interrupted my meal with my girlfriend."

I looked at him with a horrified expression. "Are you stupid or something? She isn't your girlfriend."

When he looked at me I saw him clutch his teeth together.

"Hailey, let's his somewhere quiet," Caroline spoke up after being silent all of this time.

"That's all I've wanted and we could've just started with that," I snapped looking at her and Trevor.

I heard Trevor grumbling something and he didn't let go of her hand.

"Daddy, please let me do this. I promise that I'll return to you after this," she gave him a forced smile and I could see that all of her words weren't of a genuine affection. I cringed at her words, but didn't comment anything on this.

She took my hand and dragged us out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest and balancing myself on one leg.

"Listen, Hailey," Caroline started her voice shaking. "I realized that he's actually an ok guy, and I really like him. I don't want you going in between us."

I just stared at her like she just told me that she believed that 2 + 2 = 4.

Wait it is true...

What I meant is that she just told me the most stupidest thing. And it sounded really unconvincing too.

"Car..." I shook my head in disappointment.

"You can't lie. What makes you think that you can lie to me?" I asked.

She sighed and rubbed her palms against her face.

"I can't..." She grumbled and her voice broke.

I immediately walked up to her and removed her hands from her face. "Listen, I can help you. Just let me help you, I can get rid of him."

I'll just butcher him and feed his guts to the crows that love to fly around the school.

"If you say that you're going to butcher him, I'll never talk to you," she gave me pointed look.

I guess not.

"What about Seb?" I asked desperate to help her.

"Listen, Hailey! I know you care about me, but this fight I have to fight on my own," she snapped at me. "This isn't just about me anymore."

"What do you..." It isn't just about her anymore?

She interrupted me," if you want to help me, then stay out of my way. If you don't, then I'll help Seb."

"Are you blackmailing me?" I asked shocked.

"I have no choice," she whispered. "I promise you that I'll explain everything to you, as soon as this ends, but please, let me do this."

I saw desperation in her eyes and tears started falling down my cheeks. "Fine," I agreed and hugged her. "If you can't take it anymore, I'll seriously butcher him. Just give me a call," I sniffled.

Caroline hugged me back and I felt her nod her head.

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