59. Gold digger

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After our date, Blake took me home and kissed me goodbye. This was the best date, that I've ever been to, not that I've been to many, but still. He nailed the things I love right on the spot and I had a great time.

I saw that few lights were on in the house and knew that Derek was home. I just hope that he doesn't do something that will make me suffer.

I slowly opened the door, which unsurprisingly was left unlocked, and sneaked myself into the hallway. I could hear someone speaking, more like arguing, in the kitchen.

That was my cue, to sneak up to my bedroom unnoticed.

But guess who the fuck has the worst luck in the world...

As I was sneaking my way to the stairs, I accidentally bumped my hip into the little cupboard that was near the entrance. The impact didn't cause the sound that attracted attention, no... it was my stupidity.

I cursed in pain right after the impact and the voices stopped talking in the kitchen.

"Hailey?" My brother's voice called out.

"It's me," I shouted back and soon enough I heard footsteps approaching me. First I saw my brother, who I was expecting to see, and then I saw Seb. Seb looked pained and I couldn't help but to pity him.

"Where were you?" Seb asked me.

I narrowed my eyes at him and laughed, "wouldn't you like to know."

He narrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at me as if he was meeting me for the first time.

"You fucked up, Seb," my brother put his hand on Sebastian's shoulder, offering him some comfort. "She already has someone else, who doesn't live up to anyone's opinion. Let's be honest, with the way you hurt her, you really didn't want her as much as you thought you did."

"Shut... up..." Seb hissed at my brother and shook his hand off his shoulder. "Hailes, I don't know what sparkly crap that guy has been feeding you, but trust me that he isn't who you think he is. You're just blinded by his riches and good looks."

I gasped at the last part and saw that Seb was starting to redden. "I didn't mean to say that."

"Yeah, sure you didn't. You think that I'm such a gold digger that I switched from one handsome rich guy to another? Do you think that I'm a whore too? Selling my body to him for money, is that it?" I was starting to scream and my vision was starting to get blurry from tears. "So this is what you really think of me, isn't it? I'm so simpleminded that I only get attracted to people's outer appearance? Thanks for clearing that up."

I saw that my brother had shamefully lowered his eyes, knowing that he can't go between his best friend from the fourth grade and his sister, that he loves to make her suffer. It's not like I was expecting him to stand by my side and help me deal with this, on the contrary, that would be a fucking miracle.

Seb saw the pain in my eyes and started walking towards me, but I shook my head telling him to stop. He ignored my request and grabbed my hand, trying to make soothing circles with his touch, I suppose. But he doesn't know, that Blake is the only one who can do that now.

I jerked my hands away from his, as I didn't want to cheat Blake in any kind of way, by being in touch with my ex? I don't know what to call him, but he used to be... something special to me.

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