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It's so fucking strange.

I remember myself at the start of the year. All carefree and goofy and now depressed and shit.

Some people might say that school does this to you and honestly... I couldn't agree less.

Seb was like my whole world at the beginning of the year and we both made mistakes, that we'd like to take back. The only thing that I don't regret with him were all the pranks that we pulled on my brother.

He was actually a pretty ok guy, when he didn't make me feel bad about myself.

I realize now, that if it hadn't been for Seb, I probably would have never helped Stacy, she would have never gotten Jonah and we would have never gotten into the mall, where I met Blake. That's why I don't regret a single thing about my last year.

Blake changed me. All I know is that I feel somehow more mature now, more confident about myself and more comfortable being me. He made some positive changes in me, that I appreciate.

I will cherish the memory of him forever and now, as I look at my mom and her new boyfriend cook dinner, I think of how eventful this year has been.

Rylee and Savannah texted me and honestly it felt like I never had left. They told me about everything that was happening and I felt like I was being there with them.

Blake didn't contact me, giving me the freedom that I desired and honestly I was a little bit disappointed.

I knew that he would find someone in these three years, but I felt like I owed it to him to wait for him. I decided to give him my trust and wait for him.

I have no idea if I'll see my friends again or if I'll see Blake, but for now all I have is promises.

And I hope that none of these promises will be broken.

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