85. Sicily

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"Sicily? You brought us to Sicily?" I asked Blake, as he moved our stuff back into the next car.

"What? Is there something wrong with it?" He asked and I shook my head. Of course not. This place looks like heaven.

A small smile formed on Blake's lips as we walked towards the next car. It was a sleek, black sports car, that shined brightly in the sunlight.

"So, your grandpa drives this?" I asked and immediately after Blake started laughing.

"God, no. He's more old school lover. He would look ridiculous in any other car, that isn't his. He drives coquette blackfin, that car's made for him."

I pretended that I knew what Blake was talking about, but he was having none of it, "I'll show you, once we get there."

Blake stuffed our bags in the car's trunk and opened the door for me once again. I thanked him and sat on the black leather seats, that felt like are going to burn down my butt. It was strange, the weather wasn't that warm, but the sun was still strong enough to heat this car. I hissed in pain and started wiggling from one side to other and when Blake sat down and saw me moving uncomfortably, he took off his leather jacket and gave it to me with a pointed look.

"If you haven't noticed, it's hot in here. I don't need more warmth," I hissed and Blake rolled his eyes.

"Put it under, so that it isn't so hot for your legs," he explained and I blushed.

"Right," I muttered. "Obviously."

When Blake started driving, he didn't seem to care about anything. The speed didn't matter and the signs neither. This was probably the most exciting ride that I've ever had and I was smiling the entire time. Blake noticed that and smiled with me, he obviously enjoyed everything dangerous.

Finally we were nearing a mansion near the Mediterranean Sea and I couldn't help but to gape at it in awe. It was all in white, with dark wood roof and loads of balconies with arks. It had a fountain in front of the whole building and a statue of an angel in the middle of it.

"Your grandparents live here?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Who then?" I asked him.

"This is where we're staying," he explained and I gasped.

"The two of us?" I wondered and a smirk formed on his lips.

"The two of us," he agreed and I stepped out of the car, even before Blake could open the doors for me. The warm air hit my hair, blowing it lightly away from my face. I heard the car door opening once again and turned to see Blake leaning against the car and watching me.

"This is awesome," I finally managed out and he chuckled.

Goosebumps formed on my skin, but I refused to acknowledge them. The weather here wasn't ultra hot, but it was warm enough. It was certainly warmer that back home and not using this opportunity to finally catch some sun, would be a complete waste.

"Come on," Blake suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Let's go inside."

I nodded my head and felt something being laid over my shoulders. I narrowed my eyes and looked at Blake, who was already looking at me with a look that told me not to argue. I looked at Blake's jacket on my shoulders and sighed.

This is definitely better than anything that I've ever worn.

Blake took my hand in his and started walking towards his house, pulling me behind him. His phone suddenly started ringing and he stopped right in the front of the entrance. He took it out and answered.

I didn't listen to what he was talking about and he said my name, gaining my attention, "it's for you."

I frowned and gave Blake a small smile. For me? Who could it be?

I carefully pressed the phone against my ear and said hello. I heard Damien's voice on the other end and frowned.

"Hailey! God, we've been trying to contact you all morning," Damien quickly explained and I watched as Blake slowly inserted the passcode on the door and opened it for me. I walked inside and Blake trailed behind me.

"Why?" I asked Damien and heard a couple of scoffs in the background. "Are you on speaker?"

"Yes!" Caroline laughed.

"Hey, everyone," I warily said and could almost feel the aggression coming from the other end.

"Hi? Is this all you're going to say? Not even, sorry guys for not telling you that I'm okay?" Savannah asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you are going to be worried," I explained and Blake handed me water, that I took with a nod of my head.

"As a punishment," Rylee started and I sighed, "we've bought your favorite chocolate cake and we're going to eat it with the ice cream, that you've left in your fridge."

"NO!" I shouted in anger. "DON'T YOU DARE EAT MY STUFF!"

I unconsciously took the water bottle and pressed it against my cheek, making it flow down my face and on my shirt.

"Fuck!" I hissed and saw Blake laughing like a maniac. He clutched his stomach and wheezed, tears forming in his eyes.

"What did you do?" I heard Savannah on the phone and I cursed once again.

"Did you just try to drink with your fucking cheek?" Blake laughed and I blushed.

"She did WHAT?" I heard laughter coming from the other side of the phone.

"Ha ha, funny. This is so stupid," I grumbled.

"Anyways," Caroline finally spoke, "we called to wish you happy birthday."

"Wait, it's today?" I asked them and heard multiple annoyed sighs.

"This is the reason we're your friends. You can't even remember when's your birthday," Rylee said.

"Maybe because i don't want to celebrate it as much as you do," I explained for the millionth time and I felt that they weren't listening to me.

I noticed that Blake was listening to our conversation and trying to figure out what we were talking about. "Anyways, thanks for the call," I said as I was planning to drop the call.

"Have you told Blake about what day today is?" Savannah asked.

"Guess twice," I said overly sweetly.

"Could you give me Blake?" Damien suddenly said. "I want to talk to him about something."

I frowned, as I knew that he'd probably tell him about my birthday, "Yeah, sure, let me just... oh wait, the battery's low," I lied and ended the call.

"What was that all about?" Blake asked me and I shrugged.

"Nothing. Just making sure that we're alive."

"Well, in that case," Blake said cheerfully, "go upstairs, turn right and the door at the end of the hallway is our bedroom."

"Do I look like I want to sleep?" I asked him.

"You certainly act like you do," he pointed out to my wet clothes. "I just thought that you'd want to change."

Right. I still have wet clothes.

Without any other word, I walked up to the staircase and skipping two steps, ran upstairs. I walked slowly through the long hallways and noticed the double dark wooden doors on each side of the walls. There were some small stands with flowerpots and overall the simplicity looked really good.

I finally got to our bedroom door and once I opened it I gasped. What the hell...

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