22. Worse

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"Watch," Jessy pointed her head at a figure that was running through the hallways.

"Is that..." Savannah started asking.

"Yep," Jessy nodded.

"Why's she running?" I asked.

Jessy shrugged her shoulders. "She's been running around the school for the last few days."

Stacy rushed past us and didn't even glance at us. And few moments later we saw Jonah quickly advancing after her.

"Hey, What did you do?" Jessy snapped, grabbing his hand.

"Me? She doesn't let me do anything," he exclaimed frustrated.

"Oh..." Jessy said quietly and we started laughing.

"What's so funny?" He asked raising his brows.

"Did you know that she has had a crush on you like for a really long time now?" Jessy asked and me and Savannah shot her a glare. She had no right to say this to him and Stacy will undoubtedly kill Jessy for it.

"Really?" He seemed surprised. "When we went in the first date, I realized that I really like her and she started avoiding me after."

"That's Stacy, alright," Jessy laughed. "We need to somehow corner her."

"I've already tried that, she jumped out of the freaking window," Jonah groaned.

All of us started laughing except Jonah.

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out," I assured him. "Just don't give up on her, I'm sure that once this all ends, she'll give you an explanation to all of this."

"I hope so," he muttered.


"Will you come to my game?" Seb asked me after I got my books out of my locker.

"I don't kn..."

"Please," he pleaded with me. "I promise that I won't do anything to you. You can still be the old rude munchkin that I lo... i mean liked so much. It will be just like before, only better."

"Better how?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"This time I won't be making you jealous and hurting your feelings," he smiled at me.

"Don't worry about that, you can do whatever you want. I will come to your game, as a friend. And don't worry about hurting my feelings, I'm not your problem anymore," I said closing the locker after myself.

He made a grimace, but didn't comment on what I said.

"So when is it?" I asked walking towards English class.

"This Friday. I will drive you home afterwards so that's not a problem," he added quickly.

"I'm capable of getting myself home," I sighed.

"I know. But that's what friends do," he said giving me a small smile.

"Fine," I agreed with him.

"Great! See ya later, Hailes," he said walking to his next class.


"So... how do you guys feel today?" Mr Carr began.

"Tired," almost everyone grumbled, some saying that they feel good.

"Me too," he sighed messing his hair up, making himself look like he just crawled out of the bed. He looks like a mess.

"Do you guys just want to, I don't know watch a movie or something? I don't feel like teaching you anything today," he grumbled loud enough for everyone to hear.

Everyone agreed and you could feel that the atmosphere in the class was getting brighter. Everyone suddenly didn't feel so tired anymore.

"Let's watch titanic and you can start thinking about how Rose chooses love over wealth," he smiled and turned on the movie.

And this is the reason why everyone in this school loves this teacher. He's too relatable. Only the students that are dedicated to learn all of the time are the ones who complain about it.


"I'm so sorry, Caroline. I forgot, I feel so bad right now," I sighed hugging her.

"It's fine, I know why you weren't around, so don't stress too much," she muttered hugging me back. "I'm sorry about what happened."

"I'm fine," I forced a smile and broke the hug to face her. "Did you meet him?"

"Yeah," she rubbed her forehead with her slender fingers. I always thought how she could easily play piano, as she had really long and slender fingers, that could effortlessly float around the piano tiles.

"So..." I wanted her to continue.

"He's some kind of a fat creepy kid, that was too afraid to face me, so he started writing those letters," she sighed. "I told him to stop, but he started talking to me more often."

"I can talk to him if you want," I said, trying to help her out.

"I think that he might be a little bit crazy, so I'm afraid that I won't let you do that. Besides, he hasn't harmed me and as long as he only talks to me, I can manage," she muttered and I knew that she didn't feel alright about this situation.

"But you're scared," I said.

"It doesn't matter. I'm sure that he'll get tired of me and eventually leave me alone," she smiled sadly. "Oh no, here he comes."

I looked around to see a guy that was a little bit taller than us, walking towards us with a smug smile on his face.

"Sunny," he smirked seeing Caroline squirm.

"Trevor," she nodded.

"What did I tell you? You can call me, daddy."

I made a grimace after what he said. Daddy? That's disgusting. I looked at him and wanted to vomit on him when I saw Caroline warning me with her eyes.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"That's fine, sunny. Do you want to go out with me tonight?" He asked trying to look seductive, coming out actually creepier.

"Actually, we're hanging out tonight," I said, before Caroline could agree. I know that she would without doubt agree as she was terrified, you didn't have to know her to see that. It was all over her face and body language.

"What?" Trevor asked looking at me.

"You heard me. She's coming over at my place tonight," I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"Then I'm coming with you," he said giving a smile to Caroline.

"Yeah, no. Only girls," I said in a voice that almost challenged him to disagree.

"Fine," he hissed.

"Good. Now we're leaving," I said taking Caroline's hand and dragging her with me.

"Bye sunny," he shouted behind us.

"Thank you, Hailey," Caroline said after we were far enough so that Trevor couldn't hear us.

"I'm sorry about this," I hugged her.

"It's fine, I'll get through this," she patted my back in assurance.

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