92. Camping in the dark

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Once we left the diner, it was already dark outside. We all jumped into Rylee's car and we drove off into the darkness.

A car would pass occasionally, but apart from that this road seemed almost stranded. Usually, I would find some kind of comfort in this silence, but tonight it all just seemed like the calm before storm.

"Hey guys?" Caroline asked. "Is it only me, or is something bad going to happen?"

"I feel so too," I admitted and saw her looking at me in relief.

"I thought that I was the only one," she exclaimed and I nodded my head.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about, but maybe you have just overstuffed yourselves so badly that you are making things up," Rylee tried to come up with a reason for our bad feelings.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Savannah said. "You overstuff yourself with food all the time. I don't see you running around and being all paranoid."

Rylee chuckled in answer, "I don't know, I was just trying to find a solution for your worries."

"Well maybe try looking at the car, that is following us," I said, noticing that a car was keeping it's distance, but still driving close enough that we could see. It was driving without the lights on and that was the first red flag, that raised in my head, when I saw it.

Rylee took a peak at her rear view window and noticed the car.

"Isn't it the same car from the diner?" Savannah asked and I nodded.

"It seems so," I said.

"Don't worry guys, I bet it's just a coincidence that he's driving like that," Rylee tried to lift our worries. "And if he isn't, I can always just take him down."

"He seemed pretty buff, Rylee," I pointed out. "I wouldn't allow you to go anywhere near that guy."

"It's just a guy," she tried to argue, but she knew that if it really came down to it, we would all be running.

Except me. I'm not a runner, I'm a fighter. I wouldn't have any problem to serve as the distraction, so that my friends could escape.

When the sign of the water park showed up, Rylee drove into the forest road and stopped. We all watched as the car, that had been following us, just drove off.

"See?" Rylee said with a smug smile. "I told you that he wasn't following us. You guys need to have a break. I can see that you get stressed over little things too much."

I relaxed a little and the tension in the car eased with each passing second. Caroline started laughing and brushed her fingers through her hair, feeling the atmosphere changing.

"I'm going to text Damien about this," she laughed. "I can't believe we actually got so easily scared."

Rylee laughed with her and once again started driving, but this time towards the waterfall. I saw the forest that I had seen only a few months ago and realized how much I actually needed this. It all looked so spooky, but at the same time so familiar. It was a really weird feeling.

And despite seeing the car, that had been following us, driving by, I still felt a little frightened. Something just wasn't right. I just had this gut feeling, that something was about to go down.

Rylee stopped when the road ended and we all climbed out of the car. She then opened the trunk and took out some bags.

"What is all of that?" I asked and she smiled.

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