35. Rumors

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"Who's that hotty?" Savannah asked browsing through my photos in my phone.

"What?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"He wants you to call his number," she looked at me raising an eyebrow. "Is there something that you want to tell us?"

I looked at Rylee to see that she hadn't noticed our conversation and was practicing catching candy in her mouth.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied. I had a little suspicion that I knew who she was talking about.

"You have a boyfriend and didn't tell us?" She shrieked gaining Rylee's attention.

"Hailey? A boyfriend? No way, she wouldn't know someone was flirting with her, even if they held a sign above their head saying 'I like you, Hailey, and this is me flirting with you'," Rylee laughed throwing another skittle in her mouth.

I furrowed my brows," That's not true, I'd clearly know if someone told me straight, that they like me. I just don't assume things that aren't there."

"Just like you did with Seb?" Savannah raises her brow, trying to make a point.

"But he betrayed my trust. Why are we even talking about him? I thought that I was supposed to forget him, not be reminded about him every single day," I glared at her.

"So, what's his name?" Savannah asked after a while of silence.

"Name?" I asked.

Savannah groaned, clearly annoyed that I didn't tell her anything that she wanted to hear and she turned around her phone.

When I saw the image I chocked on my spit and started coughing. How did his picture end up on my phone?

"So, I guess that based on your reaction, you do know him," Savannah observed, waiting for an explanation.

"Believe me, if I told you the full story, you wouldn't believe it," I laughed.

"Try us," Rylee suddenly grew interested in where this conversation was heading.

"Ok, to sum it up, I accidentally ended up on a runway in a black lingerie and this guy is the designers son," I gave them a tight lipped smile.

Savannah looked at me like I had grown two heads and started laughing," Yeah, sure. You're a Victoria's secret model and Rylee's a pirate."

"This is why I told you that you wouldn't believe me. Call Stacy if you really think that I'm lying," I pointed to my phone she was holding in her hands.

"Stacy was there?" Savannah asked.

"Yeah, we originally planned to stalk Jonah, but I ended up modeling underwear."

"Was it fun?" Rylee asked me with curiosity in her eyes.

"If it had been you, I have no doubt that you'd have enjoyed it very much, but you know me. I hate attention."

"So... the hotty on your phone is the designers son?" Savannah asked.

"Yeah," I nodded my head.

"Hailey, he wants you to call him, what are you waiting for?" She asked throwing me my phone.

I glanced down and finally saw what was the reason my friends interrogated me. Blake had taken a selfie on my phone and edited it so that it had his number on the picture and words 'call me'.

"He just wants me to return for another job," I made a grimace, imagining going through the same shitshow twice.

A sudden pain in my head caused me to fall off my bed.

"What the hell!" I roared in anger, rubbing the pain away from my head.

"Stop being so damn blind, Hailey. What kind of employer makes selfies in their employees phones and writes down their number?" Savannah hissed.

"A persuasive employer!" I snapped.

"She's going to die alone, I don't know why are you even trying," Rylee whispered in Savannah's ear, but she whispers like she has a freaking mic pressed against her mouth.

"I heard that!" I said crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at them.

"Good! Then keep that in your blocked up head," Savannah glared at me.

We spent about 10 minutes in silence, collecting ourselves, mostly me, but after these 10 minutes I finally had gathered my thoughts.

"Listen, guys," I gained their attention and I could see that they were expecting something completely stupid out of my mouth," i believe you, ok?"

They both shared looks of disbelief and Rylee had a smile on her face."I knew that you'd finally come to your senses."

"Wait, don't assume things just yet," and just as I said that they both groaned.

"What again?" Savannah asked.

"Listen, Blake doesn't know me. He thinks that I'm a model and that's probably the reason why he started speaking with me. He doesn't know the truth and if I call him, he's going to be so disappointed, when he finds out. I'm not doing that and besides, he doesn't even know me. He'd surely run for the hills , when he saw the real me."

"Ok, I agree with the part about you being a model and him being disappointed," Savannah began," but you, my dear friend, have some serious self esteem issues, that you need to have fixed."

"I know, but it's hard, after you know..." I said looking down at my knees.

"So, you're already on the first name bases, huh?" Rylee asked snickering to herself.

I rolled my eyes at her playfulness. "Yeah, Ry we've already engaged and I'm changing my surname to Moretti."

"His surname is Moretti?" Savannah asked.

"Yeah," I looked at her. She seemed really surprised and I wanted to know what's so surprising about that. "What about him?"

Savannah looked at me and then sighed," I always forget that you live in a cave. He's quite popular around the whole town. I've heard some stories about him, wanna hear?"

I said no, just when Rylee said yes. I glared at her, but she didn't notice, because she was too interested in Blake's mysteriousness.

"Basically not many people know him and the ones that do, are afraid of him. If he's interested in you then you might be in trouble, because he never talks to anyone, but his friend. Or friends, I don't know, I've heard some saying that he's like mafia or something, but that's just ridiculous, mafia in this town?" Savannah chuckled to herself." I've heard some saying that he's a playboy, sleeping with everything that has two legs, but I've also heard, that he's never been spotted with a girl before. What's known for certain is that he doesn't talk to strangers, so it's really strange that he spoke to you. Are you sure, that it's really Blake Moretti you were talking to?"

"Mhmm," I made a humming sound, as if I was thinking intensely, before shooting my sarcasm at her," now that I come to think about it, I think that I spoke to Nicholas Cage instead, my bad."

Savannah rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at me.

"Stop being so sarcastic all the time!" She threw another pillow at Rylee, as she was laughing and we started hitting each other with pillows.

Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what guys think that girls at sleepovers do and it's partially true, only it ends when one of us gets truly injured, that's when we know that it's enough.

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