3. Unwanted attention

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"Do you know what's up with Stacy the last few days?" Jessy asked, while we were walking towards our next lesson.

"What do you mean?" I hadn't noticed anything weird in her behavior. But honestly how can I notice anything, if I have Seb to keep my attention occupied.

Yesterday nothing else happened and I'm grateful for that. I wouldn't be able to sleep, knowing that he has somehow showed another sign of maybe liking me more, than his best friends sister. I need to stop looking into things that don't exist.

"She's always deep in thought and I haven't heard any of her silly stories during this week." She said looking around.

"Maybe she has something on her mind." I suggested. Now I feel like a bad friend, because I'm too occupied with myself. "I can ask her and later tell you, if that's ok?"

Jessy nodded her head in a silent agreement. "I hope it's nothing too serious."

"I'm sure that it's nothing to worry about. After all, that's Stacy we're talking about."

We entered the English class and seeing Mr. Carr sitting there awkwardly, immediately made my day. Mr. Carr is the clumsiest teacher I've ever met. His lessons are usually cringeworthy, as he somehow manages to humiliate himself. I saw him nervously tapping a pen against his desk. The tapping sound was somehow relaxing to me.

I sat down at my usual seat, on the right side of the class and close to the teacher, because I believed, that in order to learn something, I need to actually be able to hear it.

I turned to look at the class and saw Stacy looking out of the window. Something's definitely going on with her.

The sound of something breaking and hitting the ground suddenly filled the classroom. Everyone turned their attention to Mr. Carr to see, that his pen was now broken and ink was flowing out of the pen. Wow! I wasn't actually aware, that pen's contained so much ink. It's actually unbelievable the things we find out, when our English teacher decides to do something like that.

"Not again!" I heard Mr. Carr mutter to himself. The class broke down in laughter and the poor teachers cheeks became red. He then proceeded to clean up the mess he made.

Savannah sat next to me and I could sense, that she wanted to ask me something. She slowly took out her books from her bag and I became nervous watching her. "Spill..." I exclaimed, my patience running low.

She looked at me with a smug expression and looked around to see if anyone was listening. "Where did you go yesterday? I thought that you two would just talk and I would later meet you at lunch. I definitely didn't expect you to completely leave school."

"Seb took me home," I summed it up.

"That's it? Why?"

"I don't know, I think that he just loves to annoy the living daylights out of me," at least he doesn't offend me like my brother, but still."Did I miss something yesterday?"

Savannah snickered, " You know, the usual. Stacy's weird, though. Oh, and Rylee kinda loud laughed about you two during lunch. The whole school knows now, that he took you home. His fan club seemed pissed."

I put my face in my palms and sighed. Of course, I didn't expect anything less to happen. The whole school likes to gossip about me and Seb and often times, Seb's fan club shoots me hate glares. These gossips are like coal to the flames.

"It will be fine, Hailey, they'll forget about you, when they'll have something else to gossip about. Just ignore them, like you always do."

"You're right. I've been through this countless times, it shouldn't even affect me."


"It shouldn't even affect me, I've been through this countless of times," I mimicked myself, walking through the cafeteria, seeing that everybody started whispering, throwing glances in my direction. I rolled my eyes. These humans are really something... I can't understand why are they even interested in this gossip, it isn't even anything interesting.

I saw Rylee, Savannah and Caroline sitting at the end of the cafeteria, their chatter loud enough for me to be able to know, that they're laughing about something.

Rylee noticed me walking towards them and I saw her mischievous smile. Nop!

I turned around and started to walk out of the cafeteria, when I saw Seb making his way inside. I think that I might have accidentally broken every mirror available, as bad luck was following me like a blood hound.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Out of two options, Seb and Rylee, I figured that Rylee was the lesser evil. I turned around once again and quickly walked towards the girls.

"Please don't do anything evil, you know I love you," I begged Rylee. I saw her smirk.

"Oh, don't worry! Everything's going to be sugar. And by sugar I mean sweet," she winked at me and I narrowed my eyes.

"Whatever you're planning, please drop it. I have enough on my plate now, as it is."

She pouted, but then her mischievous eyes returned, making me groan.

"Where's Stacy and Jessy?" Caroline wondered, looking around the cafeteria.

"Who knows. Stacy doesn't even talk to us anymore and I'm starting to worry," Savannah furrowed her brows.

"I bet she's in looove," Rylee snickered. She acts like a child and if it were any other day, I would have laughed with her, but she's managed to make me paranoid.

"Stacy? In love? But we would have noticed, wouldn't we?" Caroline said, picking up her apple. She eats healthy. At least in school. I know that when she's at home, her inner Cookie Monster rises and she devours all sweets that happen to be in her way.

"Would we? No offense, but Hailey has stolen all of the spotlight alongside Seb." Savannah said pointing with her eyes at me.

"I didn't do it on purpose, you know that I would rather be hiding in the shadows. I hate this attention, it makes me feel like I'm an animal at the zoo," I sighed.

We all stopped talking in a silent agreement. None of us wanted attention, only Rylee was able to live with it. Rylee coughed, catching our attention" Seb's making his way towards us, don't do anything you might regret later, Hailey."

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