100. Final

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All my friends were gathered at Blake's house, as he had organized a small get together before I leave. Here were Rylee, Savannah, Caroline, Damien and Derek.

Derek was lurking somewhere in Blake's house, but Blake had no care in the world. And I didn't really either, me and Derek were both really bothered about leaving, but at this point, there was nothing that we could do.

I think that Derek actually wanted to have a change of scenery after all of that gang shit, that I wasn't aware of. He might miss Seb and his popularity, but the memories still haunt him.

When the time finally came, Blake took my bags and went out to leave them in his car.

I turned to look at Caroline and Damien and hugged them both. "take care of her," I looked at Damien and he gave me a small smile.

"Take care of yourself," Damien said.

"I love you, Caroline. It's really hard to say goodbye," I frowned, but she hugged me once again.

"Don't worry, after three years we'll meet again."

I looked at her with raised brows, but didn't question her. I then turned to see Rylee and Savannah and started with Savannah.

"I love you. You are like a sister to me. I don't want you to be sad about my departure, but I do believe that at some points it might be for the best. You and Rylee never really needed me, I know that, but you'll realize that you'll have far more fun without me," I smiled sadly.

"Don't be ridiculous," Savannah sniffed. "We love you."

I hugged Rylee, "take care of Savannah. Thank you for the amazing adventures that you organized and thank you for the moments when I felt actually cared for. I love you."

"We'll text you every day, I promise," she promised. "I love you too."

I walked out and climbed into Blake's car. Derek was already seated on the back seat, so I didn't have to worry about him.

"Ready?" Blake gave me a blank look and I nodded my head. He shook his head and turned his attention back to the road.

My friends stood on the street, waving at me and I could feel the lump in my throat growing. I bit my cheeks and waved back at them, faking a smile.

As soon as I couldn't see them anymore I turned my attention as much away from Blake as I could and let a few tears slip.

I hated goodbyes, but at this point I had no choice.

Everything was really my fault. If I hadn't let my emotions speak for me those few months ago, I could still be living in that house, maybe gotten a job, to pay for the bills.

The entire drive was pretty silent, Derek occasionally commenting about things that he's going to miss.

Damn, how I wished to hit him with a shovel.

Imagine having to leave a place you love, which is essentially a hard thing to do, and someone in the back seat comments about every single nice thing in that place. He made everything even more fucking difficult than it actually was.

Thankfully the ride wasn't long and Blake parked in the airports parking lot.

"Take the bags and go in, she'll see you there soon," Blake said, passing my brother his and mine suitcases.

"Sure. Goodbye, man. Thank you for everything," Derek gave Blake a bro hug and he almost looked sad to leave Blake behind.

We watched as Derek entered the airport and as soon as he was out of view, I felt lips crashing into mine and Blake pushing me roughly against the car.

"Blake," I gently pushed him. "I'm barely holding myself together. Please don't make everything even more difficult."

"I couldn't let you leave without feeling your lips against mine for the last time. I won't feel them for three more years," he pressed his forehead against mine and exhaled in even breaths. "And that's fucking insane."

"Don't give me any promises," I whispered. "Promises are meant to be broken. I don't need that."

Blake leaned back to fully look at me and he almost looked disappointed, "You don't believe me."

"What you're telling me is unbelievable. You'll find me after three years? No fucking way," I shook my head and saw Blake pressing his lips together.

"Broken promises isn't really my thing," he finally said and drew circles on my cheek with his thumb. "You may not believe me right now, but you'll see me again."

He then took out something shiny from his pocket and let it hang in front of

"This thing," he showed me the tree pendant, "this necklace is my promise to you. This is yours."

I looked at him like he was insane and shook my head, "you're crazy. I doubt that we'll be seeing each other and you're giving me a necklace that is worth a freaking car? Are you fucking nuts?"

Blake gave me a serious look and forcefully took my hand and dropped the pendant in it, "that's the thing. We'll be seeing each other. This is my promise."

I looked into his brown eyes, trying to memorize them one last time. He seemed like he was holding back and honestly, I appreciated it. Any kind of affection right now could form a hurricane of tears out of me and I hated crying.

"Ti amo (I love you)," I said in italian, knowing that he'll appreciate it.

I bit my lip and hugged him one last time, before walking away, without looking back.

I know that it might have been hurtful, but I physically couldn't look back. I felt so fucking devastated and looking back would only remind me from the things that I'm walking away from.

Walking away from my school, friends, acquaintances and the guy, that actually made me feel special. This has probably been the best part of my life and I'll always keep it in my heart.

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