20. Amusement park of every horror movie

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"What is this place?" I asked in awe. Rylee took us to somewhere deep in the forest until we reached a river with a small waterfall.

"This is amazing!" Savannah said taking out her phone and taking a picture.

"I know, right?" Rylee looked around in pride. "I somehow found this place while looking for amusement park."

"Amusement park?" Savannah asked confused.

"Didn't you see the sign out there, showing the amusement park?"

"Yeah, But it was just an ad. It didn't even tell directions to it, besides it's somewhere just outside the city. We're far from the city."

"Wanna bet?" Rylee extended her hand.

"Ok," Savannah smirked. "What are we betting on?"

"A box of pizza," Rylee smirked back.

"Deal," Savannah shook her hand.

Rylee started jumping up and down in joy, "I'm so gonna get a pizza."

"We'll see," Savannah laughed.

"Even if there was a sign showing that here's an amusement park," I started," didn't you think that it was a tiny bit creepy that it is in the middle of the woods?"

Rylee suddenly stopped and scratched her head. "No, why would it be creepy?"

"Because that is exactly how every horror movie starts," I laughed.

"Well I didn't die... besides if I didn't come here, then I wouldn't have found this place."

I looked around once again. This place was indescribable. Trees surrounded this place and and the road was barely seen, as if nobody ever comes here. The river was surrounded by almost beach like sand and there were a bunch of violet and blue flowers growing everywhere they could.

"Come on, put on your swimming suits, I wanna go for a swim," Rylee said taking her clothes off.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just go back to my house and get it," I said sarcastically.

"Don't be so dramatic, just take yours from the car," Rylee rolled her eyes.

"Did you take my swimming suit?" I asked.

"No, that's why I told you to do it..." she exclaimed frustrated.

"And when exactly did you tell me to do that?" I crossed my arms and heard Savannah sigh.

"I told you when you ... oh wait," Rylee looked at me with a guilty expression. "Savannah, you have a swimming suit?"

"Yeah, but only because you forced me to take mine, before we went to Hailey's place."

"Oh well, I guess you're gonna have to swim in your underwear," Rylee shrugged her shoulders and took off to jump in the river from the waterfall.

"Come on," Savannah nudged me, taking off her clothes. "Rylee's going to force you to go anyways, might as well do it on your own."

I sighed taking off my clothes. "I'm just happy that I didn't wear any embarrassing underwear."

"Sorry, I reminded her, before she went to wake you. You know how she is," Savannah rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"Come on, let's go," I laughed grabbing her hand and jumping into the freezing water.


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