30. Awimba ve

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I saw my brother waltzing into the field, waving at his biggest fans with biggest boobs.

I rolled my eyes and wanted to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, but I decided against that, as I was going to experience something so much better that harming his private parts.

The game was about to start and I saw Seb looking at me one last time and he hit his fist against his heart three times and blew me a kiss.

This caused mixed emotions from the audience. There were people cooing and there were actual people hissing at the gesture.

If I had to guess then the hissing part was done by the snakes of our school, who are obsessed with his ass and the cooing was done by the taken girls, that loved seeing romance in the air, probably remembering that their loved ones did something similar.

"This is too cute," Jessy said dreamily.

"You can take him," I gave her a smile and saw her give me a glare.

"Might as well just do that. Your ungrateful ass doesn't see what treasures in front of you."

I gaped at her in surprise. Is this what she really thinks of the situation? "Do you know what he did to me?" I asked.

"Yeah, he kissed you and then some bitch gave the school impression that he's cheating on you."

"That's not the truth," I shook my head.

"Wait, What? What did he do then?" She asked.

"Later, ok? The game's about to begin and I need to keep a close watch on my brother. I suggest you do the same. You're not going to regret this."

"What did you do?" Savannah asked.

"Just Wait and see," I snickered thinking about what's about to happen.


We were watching the game for some while now, when my friends started to become annoyed at the fact, that they had to keep a close eye on my brother and they couldn't see the rest of the game.

I have to admit, that's really boring. He was running around the field, cocky as ever and he was looking time to time to the audience and giving them his biggest smiles, causing his fans to erupt in loud cheers.

"Do you hear all those teenage girls, drooling over my brother?" I asked, not breaking my eye contact from him.

"Yeah, and?" Stacy asked.

"This is the amount of girls, he's going to be embarrassed in front of," I smirked taking a glance at Seb, who was slowly making his way towards my brother.

I saw him pat my brother back and he quickly pulled something from his shorts in a quick motion.

And then it all happened.

The whole field became as silent as a horror movie before jumpscare.

My brother was standing in the Cinderella boxers looking down at them and then looking at the audience.

He started hissing something at Seb and Seb just shrugged his shoulders and looked as though he was concerned for Derek's ripped shorts.

"Is that?" Jessy asked.

"Yep," I smirked looking at my brother, who was unaware of the Disney princess on the back of his shorts.

I looked up to see the crowd having mixed emotions. Some were concerned with Derek's well being, while others, mostly guys were whistling at Derek, as though they were flirting with him.

I think that Derek noticed the commotion coming from the audience and he turned to them.

"What is it?" He shouted, so that everyone could hear him. "Never seen a guy wearing pink shorts?"

He then proceeded to turn around as if he was showcasing his boxers and it caused the audience to start howling in laughter.

Someone shouted from the audience," I thought that it was a myth, that you were obsessed with Cinderella! Guess not."

Derek stopped in his tracks and looked at his boxers once again and looked over his shoulder trying to see the image of Cinderella.

I could almost hear him fuming in anger and he quickly turned his attention towards me and gave me an evil smirk.

My friends were doubling over in laughter and I took this opportunity to stand up and quickly walk away. But guess what happened... you're not going to guess.

"Could you please help Hailey Summers to make her way down here? She promised to sing us something, to lift our teams spirit!" My brother spoke into a microphone. Wait! A microphone? Where did he get that?

I shook my head in embarrassment and I heard some someone quickly advancing towards me. I turned around and that was the mistake that got me caught. Some guys from the football team walked after me and raised their hands asking for the crowd to cheer.

They caught me and lifted me up in the air. I saw the heads of my schoolmates and we were getting closer and closer to my brother and he was smirking as he watched me being carried towards him.

The guys from his team put me down it front of Derek and I stumbled as soon as my get hit the ground.

"So, sis, what have you prepared to sing for us on this really important day of our school?" He spoke into the microphone.

I nervously took the microphone and started singing the one song that caught my mind at this moment.

And if you guessed that I'm talking about high school musicals 'We're all in this together' then let me tell you, then you're wrong.

I actually started singing 'the lion sleeps tonight' by the tokens and let me tell you, nobody expected me to sing that.

At first it was really awkward as the crowd watched me sing looking confused at the choice of my song, but Seb walked up to me and started singing with me and soon the whole crowd joined. In the end I actually had fun singing, while my brother's plan to embarrass me worked a little less in his favor.

The crowd erupted in cheers and I glanced at my friend to see that they were laughing with tears in their eyes. Another thing to add on my list of cringe worthy moments.

Seb took the microphone away from me, turned it off and threw it on the ground. He took my hand and walked me back to my friends.

"That wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. I knew that you didn't have a bad voice, I just thought that you'd sing cotton eye joe, or something in panic," he chuckled.

I ignored the part about cotton eye joe and grew curious about one thing," What do you mean, you knew that I didn't have a bad voice?"

He gave me a wink, as he guided me back to my seat," you always forget, that I've been next to you my whole life. I know a lot about you, including your singing habits."

With that he left me to become the laughing stock of people, who I liked to call my friends.

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