90. What's left

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Just like always I took a seat next to Blake and he ignored me. Caroline suggested me switching seats with her, but I wasn't planning to show Blake that he affects me anymore, so I politely refused. Besides, if I managed to sit besides him for these last months, I certainly shouldn't have a problem sitting beside him for the last month.

"Hailey, hey," I heard someone saying.

I looked to my right and saw Seb looking at me as if I was going to have a mental breakdown any moment.

Please don't look at me that way.

"I heard that you are speaking again and I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime?" He asked hopefully.

Going out with Seb? That would lead us nowhere, but I felt that I owed him that much, as I had limited time over here.

"Sure," I hesitantly said and gave him a forced smile.

"How about this Saturday?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Sorry, I'm going on a road trip with my girls," I explained and saw a fling of disappointment in his eyes.

"But I'm free the weekend after that," I said and his eyes lighted up.

"Great, then. I'll be seeing you soon," he waved as he left the classroom.

I turned back to face the teachers desk and noticed with the corner of my eye, that Blake had been eavesdropping our conversation and now was keeping his hands in fists.

"Are you always this fucking easy on guys?" He forced through clenched teeth. "That guy doesn't deserve your fucking attention."

I looked at Blake with disbelief. Who the hell does he think he is?

"Who the fuck are you to speak?" I asked him. "You were the one that fucking told me that you didn't love me after I gave you everything that I had."

"Don't you dare fucking talk to me like that!" He hissed and I could almost see the vein on his neck expanding from anger.

"You were the one, who fucking started talking to me, so I guess that you shouldn't talk to me like that as well," I stated and he sighed, bringing his hands into his hair and dusting his hair into his hands. "Besides, this is a bit hypocritical of you speaking about Seb being the bad guy, when you did the same thing as him."

"I did not do the same thing. He fucking cheated on you," Blake looked at me with so much fury, that I thought that even the class could feel the tension burning from him. "I had a reason why I did what I did and now that it's over with, I can finally explain why i couldn't be with you."

"Go to hell!" I muttered and he immediately tensed up.

Who does he think he is? Some guy starts to talk to me and he instantly becomes jealous and forgets about everything he has put me through.

"Believe me, my hell started when I woke up that morning and saw the pain that I caused you. And the cherry on top was you leaving, before even I could drive us back here and looking for you like a freaking maniac," he forced out and before I could answer, Mr Carr walked into the class.

The lesson started and I was saved from possibly a conversation that would make me hope that he still loves me. I formed a plan in my head, that involved me rushing out of the class and I remained tense the remaining lesson.

Blake was completely zoned out as well and I could feel the need for him to talk to me. He just sat there, arms crossed and a stern expression on his face and he kept looking at the clock in front of us, as if he was trying to make the time run faster.

And the time just seemed to drag in a snails pace, keeping me stressed for forty long ass minutes. And when the bell rung, I was prepared.

I jumped up from my chair, grabbing my things on my way up and was about to walk out, when Blake took a hold of my arm, keeping me in place.

"I said that I fucking need to talk to you," he hissed out, so that no one could hear him.

I turned around and did the only thing that I thought was appropriate in this situation.

I smacked his cheek. Really hard.

The sound of my palm hitting his cheek echoed throughout the whole classroom and that was like a blood to mosquitoes. My classmates all stopped doing what they were doing and focused all of their attention on us.

I wasn't planning to humiliate Blake further, so I leaned in and whispered, "you had three months to talk to me, but you chose to speak to me the last month? Fuck you!"

And with that I forced my arm out of his hand and walked out of the classroom. I thought that I'd feel bad about hitting him, but he had deserved it. And I felt a weird sense of strength after this.

If I could hit the guy that I still love and avoid his pleas for me to listen to him, I could do anything.

I walked out of the school and saw that Rylee and Savannah were waiting for me in Rylee's car. They seemed so happy and finally relieved to have me back, but little did they know that it wouldn't be for long.

Looking at them now I saw all of our memories from past and realized how much I'm going to miss them. They had my back when I didn't even know that I needed someone to be there for me.

I remember the spontaneous trips that we all did and all of our adventures, missing out on school, but still being at the top of the class. I remember that they were the first friends that made me feel somewhat special. I will never forget the little things that they always did to make me smile, but soon this all will be just a distant memory.

I forced another happy expression and sat down in the back. They started babbling about things that I've missed out and I chuckled occasionally, to make it seem like I'm listening to them. I watched them smiling a carefree smile and I knew that the news of my departure would make them bitter, so I decided that I would keep it to myself as long as I could.

Even though it was the most selfish thing I could do.

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