71. New Years celebration

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"Where's all the food?" Rylee whined looking around the room.

"Have you tried going into the living room?" Savannah asked, rolling her eyes at my friend.

"What kind of dumbass places the food in the living room?" She asked Savannah with a glare.

"The kind of dumbass that hosts this New Years party," she told Rylee, pushing her in the direction of the living room. I chuckled at them and looked at their retreating figures going after food.

"How are you feeling?" I felt a pair of hands wrapping around my waist and a head laying down on the crook of my shoulder.

"Surprisingly good," I muttered and placed my hands on top of his. "Thank you for doing this."

"What?" He asked lazily.

"Hosting the party. You didn't have to do this."

"Of course I did. Whatever makes you happy, mia regina," he then kissed my shoulder and let me go. I turned around to face him and a soft smile was gracing his face.

"Come on," he extended his hand towards me, encouraging me to take it, "let's go and play some games with them."

We walked over to the living room, hand in hand, and Blake stopped at the entrance of it. He started speaking gaining everyone's attention, "Thank you for coming! Let's do something fun, shall we? Has anyone any suggestions for games, that you'd like to play?"

There was silence in the room, as everyone started thinking, until Rylee broke the silence, "you mean like Xbox?"

I started laughing and felt Blake's chest rumbling in laughter. "No, he means people interaction games, not computer games."

"Oh," she laughed and the rest of us laughed with her.

"We can play never have I ever," Stacy suggested and we nodded with her.

"But let's spice it up with some alcohol. If you've done it, you have to take a shot," Caroline suggested with a mischievous glint in her eyes. I looked up at Damien to see him rolling his eyes and I couldn't help but to chuckle at her.

After that everyone just sat around the coffee table in Blake's living room and Blake took some kind of alcohol bottle.

"Who starts?" Stacy asked and looked at Jonah.

"I guess I can start..." he looked at all of us and quickly made up a statement. "Never have I ever been to another country."

"That's the lamest thing you could have thought of," Damien spoke, "everyone here has been out of the country."

I looked at Jonah and shook my head. "I haven't."

"Well, I guess everyone, except Jonah and Hailey, takes a chug," Damien shrugged, leaning for the bottle. When he took a mouthful, he passed it around in a circle, until everyone had had a drink.

"Never have I ever practiced throwing rubber gums, imagining that I was sharpshooting," Stacy said and I raised my brows.

"I have!" I looked at her in disbelief. "How did you know?"

She just shrugged her shoulders and I took the bottle from Blake's hands and took a chug. I felt how the liquid burned my throat and warmed my insides. Why am I drinking so much lately?

I took my phone and turned it away from Blake and wrote to my friends, making up a plan. I was going to get him drunk. They gladly agreed and I sat back and dropped my phone into my lap.

"Never have I ever had rich parents," Jessy spoke and Blake and Damien took a chug from the bottle.

Next came Rylee and she looked at me and winked, "Never have I ever drawn graffiti."

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