75. Frustration at its highest peak

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"Are they going to sit with us or..." Savannah asked looking at Damien and Blake that had just entered the cafeteria.

"No, Blake promised me that he would keep us much distance as possible, because he kinda pissed me off, by not telling me that he was going to learn in our school," I quickly explained, digging into the fries.

"I don't know why you're getting so worked up about this," Caroline wondered, "Damien didn't tell me, but that didn't make me angry with him. I actually feel safer, because Trevor isn't going to try anything with me anymore."

I could easily understand her point of view in this situation, but I had no such problems. Even if I did, my character wouldn't allow him to help me. I'm pretty independent and I wouldn't want him to deal with my problems.

"I can't argue with you about your safety, but Blake came here because he wanted to obsess over me. That is completely different," I narrowed my eyes at her and she nodded her head.

"I guess you're right. I'm going to quickly say hi to him, as he's waving me over. I'll be back in just a minute," with that Caroline left the table and we continued our lunch.

"Have you seen how many girls have started drooling over Blake?" Savannah pointed out and I looked around to see for myself. Most of the girls were admiring Blake from afar and giggling to themselves, probably talking about him. It actually looked like when in movies a hot new guy is introduced to the plot.

Wait... the exact same thing has happened in our school. A hot new guy has arrived and is rumored to be looking for a girl. How cliche.

"Yeah, well, I told them that he's single," I murmured and after that Jessy spit out her cola over her lunch tray.

"You did what?" She asked.

Savannah looked at me like I was stupid and Rylee was laughing about all of this.

"I wanted to have a sort of revenge on him for not telling me things. From the things I know about him, he isn't really fan of girls chasing him and I specifically told them that he likes girls that are determined. I don't know, we'll see how it goes," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Blake wants you to come over," Caroline suddenly spoke, taking her seat by our table.

"Good for him," I muttered having a drink of my soda.

I looked at him and saw him looking at me with raised brows. He definitely knew that I was aware of his request. I sat back and gave him a warm smile, tilting my bottle a little in a way to say hello.

He shook his head and looked away from me and I took that as my queue to continue my conversation with girls.

"Is Trevor still on your back?" I asked Caroline and the girls listened to what will be her response.

She took a deep breath and put down her fork, letting the salad fall back on its plate. "He hasn't been for a while. I accidentally spilled about him to Damien, when we were drunk in the bar and he decided to take the matters into his own hands. He beat him up... badly. His face really wasn't recognizable and he came over to my place to beg for forgiveness. I guess it's kinda funny, that he threatened to hurt you Hailey, when in the end he got hurt himself."

"That's why I told you from the very begging that I was willing to help you. If you had just let me help you, you wouldn't have to had to spend all that time with him. That must have been pretty depressing," I said.

Caroline scoffed and and spoke to me emphasizing every word, "he told me that he would hurt you, if I didn't do what he said."

"I don't care," I raised my hands upwards. "I'd rather let him hurt me once, that let him hurt you for weeks."

"Can we not talk about this?" Rylee suggested. "I'm starting to lose my appetite and it means something, if it comes from me."

I nodded and decided to leave the topic as it is. I felt a little bit guilty about this situation, but what's done is done and now she seems happy with Damien.

"Hey guys, look who's targeting Blake," Jessy snickered, pointing to the blonde bitch that I hate with everything that I've got.

Cindy was making her way through the cafeteria, towards unsuspecting Blake, who was too engaged in a conversation with Damien. She walked up to their table and squeezed her boobs together, while leaning her hands down on their table, showing them a full display of her flesh.

I saw Blake put on his face a completely blank emotion and I chuckled to myself. She was telling him something and I caught Damien rolling his eyes. It must be something really good...

Cindy then sat down next to Blake and started laughing about something. I looked around the cafeteria and noticed that almost every girl in here was looking at that event and even some guys had their eyes glued to the their table. They were probably Cindy's deepest admirers, that had no chance with her.

I looked back to their table and saw that Cindy was starting to get touchy touchy with Blake and I could almost feel the annoyance radiating from him. He looked at me, as if he was begging me to help him, but i simply looked away, as if I hadn't seen anything.

"Oh, god. He looks like he's going to murder someone," Savannah commented and I peaked one more glance at him and noticed that he looked really mad. Oh well, what a bummer!

Cindy touched his bicep and squeezed it a little bit. I felt a little pang of jealousy inside of me, but I suppressed it, reminding that one- Blake would never cheat on me, two- he is suffering right now.

Blake spoke something and quickly stood up and I could only imagined that he excused himself, tired from all the affection that Cindy was trying to show. He walked straight towards me and I widened my eyes, realizing that he is probably coming after me.

When he was right next to my table, he took my arm and pulled me out of my seat, making me stumble a little bit. He then proceeded to drag me out of the cafeteria, but I stopped him midway, making him freeze in his steps.

"What are you doing! You are going to make them think that something is going on between us," I hissed and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Because there fucking is something between us. You think that this is giving them something to gossip about?" He scoffed.

He then pulled me closer to him and hissed in my ear, "I think that we should show them something to really talk about."

Before I could protest, his lips were on mine, completely dominating over me. This was different from all the other times we've kissed, this felt desperate and almost angry. This kiss left me tingling all over my body and once he let me go, I was a panting mess.

"I have wanted to kiss you like this for a long time, but I was always too nervous about your feeling, but today... I just snapped and didn't care," he said with a sigh, connecting our foreheads and trying to even out our breaths.

I used the remaining of my power to untangle myself from his grip and walked away. I should've just walked with him, when he gave me the chance to be discreet about his emotions. Now the whole school suspects something, if not knows that we're together.

I can't believe that I thought that Seb was devil. He clearly isn't, Blake is. It felt like Blake knew that I was setting all of these things up and he used his frustration to make us both feel so damn good. And I couldn't resist him, because he's so irresistible. I think I'm falling for him so damn bad, it's not even funny anymore.

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