24. Manliest underwear

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"I'll lure her to the janitor's closet and from there what you two do doesn't concern us," Jessy explained Jonah her plan.

"Maybe I should lure her," I raised my hand to gain attention.

"And why?" Jessy raised an eyebrow.

"Because you can't be trusted and there's no way that Stacy will let you drag her anywhere. Plus you're a terrible liar," I shrugged.

"I am not!" She argued. "I'm an actress, I'm probably a better liar than you."

"Yeah, doubt that," I muttered.

"Listen, I know that you want to do this plan by yourself, but you forgot that she trusts me more that she does you," I explained. "Let me do this."

Jessy took a deep breath and sighed. "Fine, But If this plan fails because of you, you'll have to..." she started to think my punishment.

"You'll have to forgive Seb," Jonah suggested.

Jessy's eyes shot up and glowed in excitement. "Exactly. If you fuck up, you have to forgive Seb."

"Fine. I'm not going to fuck up anyway," I muttered walking away.

"Be there at 2 pm," I shouted walking away.


"Stacy!" I shouted her name as soon as the lesson ended. Few people looked at me and I could see pity in their eyes. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

Stacy turned around and looked at me.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked my voice sounding weak.

She instantly noticed my sad expression and walked towards me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just too embarrassed to walk around the school alone now. Everyone is looking at me like I'm some kind of weirdo," it is partly true. Except I'm not embarrassed, more like annoyed. "Can we meet up after five minutes in the janitors closet?" I asked.

"Why five minutes?" She asked confused. "We can walk together."

"I need to make sure that Jonah doesn't follow us," I looked around, as if I was making sure that nobody heard it.

"You know that I've been avoiding him?" She asked amazed.

"You do know that it is really obvious. You're literally running around the school like you were being chased my a horde of spiders," I chuckled.

"Listen," I started. "Run to the janitors closet and lock the door behind yourself and when you hear three knocks, open the door," I told her my plan. What she didn't know, was that she was going to lock herself into the closet with Jonah, as he is already there. He probably thinks that I've failed.

"Ready?" I asked.

She nodded her head and bolted out of the classroom. I started laughing as soon as she disappeared from sight. She's definitely going to kill me.

The little pussy's calling...

Oh crap. I forgot about Seb. I declined his call and texted him.

Sorry, I got caught up.

It's fine, I'm waiting by my

I quickly walked out of the school and I could feel that a storm was coming. The air was really quickly turning cold and the sky was turning dark.

I saw Seb leaning against his car and looking at me. I suddenly blushed, realizing that he was checking me out.

"You look beautiful," he muttered giving me a small smile.

"Thanks," I muttered glancing down at my shoes.

"Ready?" He asked opening the car door for me.

"As ready as I can be," I said slipping into the car.


"How's your eye?" I asked Seb after we had ordered our food.

"Nothing that I can't handle. I'm actually grateful that your fiend hit me, it's a constant reminder of how big of a jerk I've been," he gave me a half smile.

I coughed, realizing that this conversation was going somewhere, I didn't want it to go.

"So, What is your plan?" I asked after a while of silence.

"You know how friday is the game?" He asked.

Right the game...

"You forgot," he grumbled shaking his head. "But that's fine, now you'll have a reason, that will make you want to actually come."

I sat up straighter interested in where this conversation was going. "Just tell me," I grumbled impatiently.

"Do you know why Derek plays football?" Seb asked me.

"Because he thinks that's the best way to gain popularity and chicks," I laughed.

"Exactly. And what do we do about that?" he raised his eyebrow, smirking at me.

"We ruin his imagine on the football field," I laughed realizing Seb's plan.

"Do you have something specific in mind?" I asked smirking at him.

"Did you know that he wears ultra pink underwear under his shorts, because he believes that it is his lucky color?"

"What? He does?" I asked.

"Yes. And we need to show everyone that. And I'm thinking of ruining his shorts," he smirked putting his hands together as he finished explaining his evil plan.

"But there's nothing embarrassing in wearing a pink underwear. Even for a guy," I argued.

"And that's where you come in plan," he crossed his fingers. "You'll exchange his underwear for something pink and embarrassing."

He took out a really pink underwear and showed me that it had something drawn on the back of it.

"Is that?" I started and soon was barking in laughter.

"Cinderella," he smirked and chuckled after seeing me laugh.

"This is perfect, he'll kill us for sure this time. I want to see his face as soon as he figures out our revenge," I smirked.

After that we had small talk to fill in the silence and when we finished our meal and were ready to pay for it, Seb insisted on paying for me.

"Seb, I can pay for myself," I argued.

"I know, but money means nothing to me, please don't argue with me on this," he pleaded with me, hoping that I'd let him pay for me.

"You forgot that we weren't on a date," I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to argue.

He sighed and brushed his hand through his curly hair," You're right, I'm sorry."

I can't let him pay for me, because I know that one day, he might use this against me as a form of blackmail.

Or not.

Either way, I have to be careful around him, because I still don't know what intentions he has towards me.

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