66. Facing the sloth

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After our conversation I was actually more relaxed, than I was before. Sharing stuff with them, always calmed me down.

Rylee then drove me home and she decided to apologize to Blake and get to know him better.

He hadn't called me or texted me, so I was growing even more nervous. What if he still thinks that we're in my room, watching movies? What if he realizes that we've been gone, only the moment we enter our house? He's going to kill me for sure.

But when I think about it that's unlikely that he doesn't know that we're gone, as the movie that Rylee turned on has already ended and that's fucking Blake. he knows everything. I just hope that he hasn't been worrying too much.

As soon as Rylee stopped at my driveway, I noticed that the lights in the house were still on and they were coming from the living room. I looked at the girls and saw that Savannah was quite nervous, but Rylee looked really happy.

She's never nervous...

We climbed out of the car and I was kinda expecting Blake to force the front door open with all of his strength and take me in his arms, to lock me in my room and scold me about my reclesness.

But there was nothing.

The three of us made our way inside as fast as possible, trying to avoid the cold. When the sun was still up, we could easily survive the cold, but once the dark settled in, we started dying from the coldness.

"Fuck me!" I shivered, once we were inside my house.

"Gladly," I heard Blake's voice coming from the living room and instantly froze.

Rylee chuckled and went to greet him, without a hesitation. I saw how she disappeared behind the corner and turned to look at Savannah, who was already heading towards him too. That leaved me there completely alone.

I decided that if I walked to my room and went to sleep, the I would just show him that I'm afraid of him, so I just walked towards them.

When I walked into the living room, I stopped. I saw Rylee hugging Blake and smiling at him. Seeing my friends get along with a guy, I'm seeing, was warming my heart. I crossed my arms over my chest and watched as my friends talked to Blake and laughed about something, I wasn't paying a enough attention to know what they were laughing about.

Blake then turned around to face me and my smile immediately wiped off and i straightened my posture.

"Thanks for looking out for her," he told my friends earnestly.

"She's like a sister to us, of course we'll take care of her," Rylee said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Right," Blake muttered, looking at me.

Rylee and Savannah hugged Blake goodbye and he was watching me the entire time, making me even more nervous.

Then Rylee walked up to me and gave me a strong hug, "I'm so happy that you're alive and well, after everything. You're lucky that you've got Blake."

Yeah, I'm quite lucky. Then Savannah hugged me and I asked them to text me when they're home, so that i won't worry about them.

Once they had left my house and taken their jackets, uncomfortable silence filled the room. Blake watched my every movement and I felt like a deer caught in headlights.

He then started walking towards me and I took a step back with his every step towards me. He watched my movements with a smirk on his lips and when my back hit the wall, I was about to run away, when Blake trapped me between him and the wall.

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