4. My mistake

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And that's exactly what I did. I did something stupid. I panicked when Rylee announced that Seb was making his way towards us and in haste did the first thing that came into my mind. Run!

I jumped up from the chair, hitting my legs against the wooden table and groaned in pain. But that wasn't enough for me, as when I was trying to run away, I accidentally knocked over the chair and tripped over it.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I heard my friends laughing and I was pretty sure, that if I turned around, I'd see them in tears. They're never going to let me live with this. I looked up to see that the whole cafeteria was laughing and some were holding on to their stomachs, because of laughter. Seb was sitting by his table, watching me with amusement.

Wait! He's at his table. Then what... oh my god. I got up, dusting myself off and turned around to face Rylee, who was hysterically laughing. I narrowed my eyes at her and put my hands on my hips in what I hoped was an intimidating position. Even Savannah was laughing and that's a rarity, when it comes to her friends suffering.

"Rylee Collins! You should be ashamed of yourself!" I said sending her a cold look.

"Me?" She started laughing even louder "but I wasn't... I wasn't the one..." she struggled to speak, her laughter becoming unstoppable. She then calmed herself down, but I saw her trying to fight her laughter, her eyes glistening with tears. "I'm not the one who should be ashamed. I wasn't the one, who was just laying on the floor." After finishing her speech she continued laughing.

"I hate you," I said trying to hide my embarrassment as anger.

"Love you too," Rylee laughed. "But to be fair, I did warn you not to do anything stupid, so you brought this upon yourself."

I grimaced noticing the pain in my legs, when I hit them against the table and later on fell on them. I will probably have a huge bruise. But I'd rather hit my legs countless of times, than relive this embarrassment.

I picked up the chair and my bag. "Where are you going?" Caroline asked, her face red from laughing.

"Out. I'll probably never step my foot in here again."

"Oh, you aren't really angry, are you?" Rylee asked, becoming serious.

"Not, really. I did kinda bring it upon myself. I'm just embarrassed. Besides, I have to find out what's up with Stacy. See you guys later. Don't laugh too much." Rylee's laughter returned and hearing her laugh this much, brought a smile on my lips, despite the reason for her laughter.


"Stacy!" I shouted in the library, after looking for her for about 15 minutes.

"Have you ever been in the library?" The librarian asked, taking off her glasses that looked like smaller version of binoculars.

"Of course," I said confused.

"Then shut your mouth! What makes you think that you can shout in here?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

I frowned and muttered apology. See what I'm telling you? I've got some serious bad luck. I think the world hates me. Or I'm just stupid and I do everything without thinking... yeah, probably the world hates me.

Stacy looked up from her homework and watched me with a confused expression. I smiled at her direction and I heard the librarian clearing her throat. "Are we clear?"

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"You weren't listening to me? How dare you! I swear to God, kids these days will lead the world to it's end, faster than the global warming." She mumbled the last part, loud enough for me to hear. "Don't shout in the library or this will be the last time, your stepping your foot in here, got it?"

"Sure," I said. I quickly made my way towards Stacy, before the librarian could snap at me for something more.

"What was that about?" Stacy asked.

"What? Oh you mean the lizard with the shot glasses on her eyes? She probably hates me now." I smiled at Stacy.

Stacy laughed. "Yeah, don't look back, but she's shooting you a death glare."

I slowly peered over my shoulder, to see her looking at me with a clenched jaw and sharpening her pencils with aggression. I shuddered and returned my gaze back to Stacy. "She's scary."

Stacy giggled. "So what brings you to me?"

I sat down and gave her one of my brightest smiles. "I humiliated myself in the cafeteria, so I decided to spend my time in here. I don't want to talk about it, but I'm sure that Rylee will tell you and Jessy anyways. Where's she by the way?"

"Jessy has theater. They are practicing for the upcoming performance of Romeo and Juliet."

"That's nice..." I said. They perform the same act every three years, only the actors change. I think that the theater teacher might be obsessed with this play.

Stacy suddenly became tense and she fixed her gaze upon something. I turned around and saw some kind of guy talking to the librarian with a book in his hands. I looked back to Stacy and shot her a knowing smirk. I turned back around and watched as the guy tried explaining something to that demon of a woman.

He had black messy hair, I could see from afar that is eyes were bright, probably light blue. He had headphones sitting on his neck and he was dressed in a dark hoody and ripped jeans. He was handsome and I could definitely see why Stacy was so fixed upon him. He looked like her type.

"I'm in so much trouble, I don't know how he crawled inside my mind, but he's everything that I can think about and it's driving me crazy," Stacy said and I returned my attention back to her.

"Maybe it's not so bad. I bet he'd like you, if you tried talking to him." Stacy groaned hitting her head against the desk, gaining attention of students around us.

"I already tried. He doesn't even look at me. I think that he has a girlfriend."

"Maybe he had his headphones on and he didn't hear you?" I suggested, as the guy was walking around with them around his neck.

"Don't you think that, I'd notice that he has freaking headphones on?" Stacy asked frustrated.

"Who knows?" I shrugged. "You know how you sometimes doing things spontaneously fail to notice things around you. Try again..."

"You're right! I'm going to talk to him!"

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