84. Legacy

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After arriving in Italy, Blake forced me into a car with no explanation and started driving somewhere. I asked him how did he manage to steal a car in a freaking daylight and he just looked at me with disbelief and started laughing.

"The car was brought here by my grandpas servants. I asked him to do this for me and he agreed," he then gave me a look of disbelief, "You seemed pretty calm about me stealing a car. What was that about?"

I licked my lips and frowned- he was right. I wasn't freaking out. "Well, I don't know what you people here in Italy are allowed to do. I thought that maybe you can borrow people's cars or something, I trusted you, because I knew that you knew how things worked here."

Blake's rumbling laughter filled the car and I couldn't help but to laugh with him. "Stealing is stealing. Italy's no different."

After that we both remained silent- he was focusing on the road ahead and I was looking through the windows, enjoying the scenery. It was so freaking sunny, apart from our little city in America.

"So, where are you taking me?" I asked him, knowing that he isn't going to tell me.

"It's a surprise," he answered and I hummed.

"Are we going to meet your grandparents?" I asked him and he took a sideways glance at me and sighed. "We will, but first let me take you there, alright?"

This information got me a little bit nervous and I wondered if they're going to be like Blake's dad.

Of course they're going to be like Blake's dad, they're his parents. And what if they don't like me?

"What are they like?" I asked him and he smiled, clearly thinking about them.

"You're going to love them as much as they already love you. My grandma is the nicest woman I've ever known, she literally couldn't hurt a fly, but my grandpa can get a little intense. Well, his profession needs him to be fierce and ruthless, but for him, family always comes first. They already consider you as their family."

"What do you mean- his profession requires him to be fierce and ruthless?" I wondered and he sighed.

"We're in Italy. Try to put my words together, I believe that it shouldn't be hard."

I thought about it. What profession might require being strong and ruthless. Mafia?

No way, that's just cliche. He's probably just a policeman.

"Policeman," I proudly said, completely sure that I'm right.

There was silence next to me, until Blake burst out in laughter. "It's funny. I'd like to see my grandpa doing illegal things and trying to stop the crime at the same time."

"There's no way he's in mafia," I muttered, "that's just too cliche."

"It may be cliche, but it's true," Blake shot me a quick glance and I froze.

"No way!" I gasped. "He's in mafia?"

Blake nodded his head and I noticed that he was looking at me warily, as if I was going to jump out of the car.

"That's so freaking cool!" I laughed.

Blake relaxed in his seat and started tapping his fingertips against the steering wheel. "If he's the mafia, isn't your dad supposed to take over after him?" I wondered.

Blake released one hand from the wheel and brushed his hand through his hair. "He was supposed to, but he never really was into that lifestyle."

"Then what happens? Does your grandpa leave the gang to someone he trusts or something?"

A small smile formed on Blake's lips and he explained, "we don't call it a gang, more like the family. And the family has been ruled by our generation for ages and my grandpa would never allow anyone else to lead it."

"But that doesn't make any sense," I frowned. "Is the family going to become extinct or something?"

Blake shook his head and looked at me, "not really. My dad refused the title, so there's only one person left to take it."

Wheels started working in my head and once the realization settled in, I looked at my boyfriend in wonder, "fuck me if I'm wrong, but you're the only one left to take on the role of the families ruler."

There was a silence and I was starting to think that I was wrong, until Blake spoke, "How I wish that you were wrong."

"When are you supposed to take over it?" I asked him, starting to worry a bit. If he leaves me anytime soon, I'm going to have a freaking depression.

"Once I'm ready," he reached over for my hand and squeezed it. "Or once my grandpa is incapable of doing it himself, but I doubt that that's happening anytime soon."

Blake left my hand in his and rested it on my thigh.

"Before I met you, I thought that after high school I'd take over his business, but now I've realized that I'm still quite not ready. I want to spend some more time with you, before all that shit happens."

"What does it mean for us?" I asked him, sadness creeping up on me. "You're going to have to leave me behind eventually. This is only temporary."

I didn't have to look to know that Blake was looking at me. "In our family, the boss looks for the one woman that is going to rule by his side. He doesn't even thing about other women, he has his eyes set only his queen. You're my queen."

I frowned and looked at him, "there wasn't a single sentence in your speech about me having a choice in all of this."

"Because you don't," he said nonchalantly.

"What?" I snapped. "Of course I have a choice. You can't make me do anything."

Blake growled and tightened his hold on my hand, "I don't want to have this conversation with you right now. We'll talk about this once you finish high school."

I scoffed in disbelief and shook his hand off mine and slapped it away from my thigh. He sighed, but didn't say anything else. He just rested his free hand on his steering wheel and continued driving his car.

After a few hours of silence, well not exactly complete silence, there was a music in the background, but Blake drove into some king of port. Once he parked, he walked around the car, opening the doors for me and helped me to step out of it. He then continued leading me towards a yacht.

"Where are we going?" I asked him once again, but he refused to tell me.

There were some people on the yacht, but they all seemed to be working there. There were no other passengers other than us and that made me feel really relaxed. Some kind of guy walked up to Blake and they spoke in Italian, until Blake started leading me towards a room.

"We're going to be on the sea for a while, so I suggest you take some rest," he kissed my forehead gently and started leaving the room. "I'll wake you up, once we're there."

I watched him leave and then I jumped into the bed, snuggling into the waves of covers. This is heaven...

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