8. Deal with the devil

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"Hey, Hailes," Seb greeted me standing by his car. He was sporting his usual smirk and I felt myself becoming even more stressed out.

"Seb," I nodded my head.

He smiled and opened the car door to the passenger seat and I quickly climbed in. He's usually not this gentlemanly, but now I couldn't afford to point that out in case he gets mad at me and decides not to help Stacy. I think that he expected me to point that out, as he looked surprised that I was silent. This was actually quite funny. I should try to be polite to him more often, because the surprise on his face is priceless.

He climbed in the drivers seat and pulled out of the parking lot.


He snapped head in my direction and I struggled to hold in my laughter. This was the first time that I actually initiated the conversation and his eyes were wide open in surprise.

"Yes," he swallowed loudly and I could sense that he was nervous.

"Can you..." I couldn't force the words out of my mouth. "Can you tell me what's up
with Derek lately?" I bit my lip as I struggled to ask him the favor. Now I felt stupid, because I'd have to talk to him again. I should've dealt with this as fast as I could.

"Oh, the usual. He's dealing drugs and getting high on cocaine, just like the good old days," Seb shrugged his shoulders.

"What!?" I asked turning to face him. Derek doing drugs? That might explain why he's never at home and stupid as a rock.

"I'm just kidding, relax. But I know that that wasn't what you wanted to ask me. I'm quite curious what's so important that you actually spoke to me, so spill whatever it is."

I took a deep sigh, relaxing after Seb's stupid joke. As cool as I might have acted, I actually felt like someone was sitting on my chest and poking my heart with a sharp pencil, just like the one the old librarian was sharpening.

"I have a friend that's interested in a guy that you are familiar with." I finally confessed. "I was wondering if you could help her somehow, if he's willing to see her."

Seb took a glance at me and i think that he didn't look pleased with my request. "Who's this girl? If you're talking in riddles and actually want me to help you gain someone's attention, then..."

"No! It's really my friend. I don't know if you know her, but her name's Stacy." I saw him relax in his seat after interrupting him. Did he look pleased? Yeah, probably not. I shouldn't overlook things.

"Ok. I'll help her, as you so kindly have asked me, but only on one condition." He smirked glancing at me.

I narrowed my eyes. I should have figured that he'd want something out of me. But I couldn't refuse, as this was something that was bothering Stacy. Wait! Why the hell am I even helping her?

Then my dear and sweet subconscious popped up "because you're a good friend, that would hate herself for years if you wouldn't help her."

Right. I don't have a choice.

"I'll do whatever that you want," I sighed. "But aren't you interested who is the guy?"

Seb shrugged his shoulders. "I was only interested in what you can offer me, I have no doubt that i can help your friend."

He pulled up at the side of the road and turned to face me.

"So Hailey Summers. I will help you if you give me your word that one day, when I come for a request, you won't deny to fulfill it." He extended his hand.

"I promise you Sebastian Stone, that I'll keep you my word, as long as you keep yours," I took his hand in mine and we shook them, closing our deal. He gave me a satisfied smile and I realized that I pretty much just made a deal with the devil. Way to go, Hailey!

"You know, this is actually the first time that I've heard you speak so much and I kinda like it. You should speak more often." He gave me a warming smile as he started driving again.

"Don't get used to it," I snapped. And here I go again, back to my rude old self.

"What's his name?" Seb asked after a while of silent smirking.

"Jonah," I muttered.

"Hmmm, he's actually a hard nut to crack. Maybe I should have asked you for two favors," Seb said with a mischievous tone in his voice.

"No way, mister! We already sealed our deal. You'll just have to deal with it." I said crossing my arms and slumping back into my seat.

"Fine, Fine," he chuckled.


"Thanks for everything," I said climbing out of his car. My house looked so dark and gloomy.

"You have nothing to thank me for. You aren't getting a thing out of this deal, it's me who's benefiting."

"That's where you're wrong. I am getting food out of this deal. That's all I need."

Seb raised his eyebrows. "So you are saying that you'd do anything for food?"

"Not exactly. I was also blackmailed to do this. But food is a bonus."

"And If I wanted you to do something and bought you dinner afterwards, you'd do it?"

"Depends," I shrugged. "I want you to know, that I most certainly won't help you to kill anybody, if that's what you want."

"I'll keep that in mind," he smirked. "Bye, Hailes, see you around." And with that he drove off. Relief engulfed me, as I realized that I have done my part and soon enough Stacy will have what she wants.

I turned to face my house and made my way inside. Strangely it smelled really unusual. Like something extremely sweet and not in a good kind of way. I like sweet things but this smell makes me want to puke.

"Hello?" I asked, sensing that someone apart from me was in my house.

"Seb?" A blonde tall girl walked into my view. "You're not Seb," she frowned.

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