77. When past comes biting in your ass

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"Hailey!" Derek shouted from the toilet.

I looked at Blake, who was calmly eating breakfast and he looked at the source of sound.

"What?" I asked and heard him opening the bathroom door.

"We're going to visit our summerhouse this weekend. Seb is coming with me and I guess that Blake is coming as well?" He said the last part as a question.

"Of course," he sipped on his coffee.

"Great! Then my job's done here," Derek said, walking to get something from the fridge.

"Why are we going to the summerhouse?" I asked him. "It's still the middle of fucking winter. It's going to be cold as hell in there."

"Mom asked me to check up on the house. I originally asked Seb and he agreed, but then I realized that it is kinda gay to spend the weekend with Seb, so I asked you to come and Blake is like an extra, when it comes to you now."

I stared at my brother, as if he was the stupidest person in the world and Blake just looked at him, thinking about something deeply. "I think that spending time with your best friend is gay, only when you start thinking about it that way. I've spent most of my life with Damien and we're like brothers." Blake spoke and I looked at him open mouthed.

Derek just gave him a glare and continued picking out things from the fridge. This is the first time I've seen Derek so quiet, after hearing someone talk shit about them. He'd always start arguing, even if he knew he was wrong.

I pressed my lips together, to erase the smile off of my face and reminded myself that I still have to eat breakfast.


"Why is Sebastian waiting by our classroom?" Savannah asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, maybe he wants to talk to me about the weekend," I explained and earned a surprised look from my friend.

"What about weekend?" She asked.

"We are going to our summerhouse," I explained.

"In the middle of winter?" She asked and I laughed.

"I had the exact same thoughts. Apparently, my mom wants to check up if the house is alright," I said.

"Hailey, hey," Seb came towards us and Savannah walked away, giving us some privacy.

"What's up?" I asked him.

He looked really cheerful and I was really starting to wonder what it's about. "I heard that you're coming to the summerhouse too."

I nodded my head, "Yeah, Blake too. We're a package deal now."

After my words I felt his sudden change of mood, apparently he expected me to be without him. I know that they are not on the beat terms right now, but hopefully they'll be able to look past their differences.

"Maybe it's going to be alright," I tried to encourage him, "I know that you two could easily get along, he's a really great guy. I know that you'll like him."

"Yeah," he looked down at his shoes, "I should go now, before the class starts."

"Ok," I muttered, as he walked away.

It almost seemed that when I suggested the thought of him and Blake getting along, Seb looked almost disgusted at the thought.

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