72. Obession on a whole new level

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I was looking through Blake's cars window at my school and contemplating my life. I hate school and I don't want to repeat the stressful days that I'll have ahead of me.

I felt Blake taking my hand and squeezing it lightly. "Come on, it's going to be alright."

I looked at him and sighed, "I'm sorry, you must be already late. I didn't want to make you late on your first day after winters break."

He looked away from me, as if he was trying to hide something, but I didn't think twice about it. I gave him a smile and wished him a good luck, before climbing out of the car.

"What about a goodbye kiss?" He asked me with a pout and I chuckled.

"Nop, you have to go to school," immediately after that I left him in the parking lot and walked towards the entrance of the school.

The hallways were already filled with bunch of students and I was getting a little bit claustrophobic. I hate places that are filled with people.

My first lesson was maths, so I went to my locker, got out my books and walked towards the classroom. Seb was leaning against the wall, right next to it and I froze in my steps the moment I noticed him. The moment he noticed me he straightened his back and I immediately realized that he was waiting for me.

It's now or never...

I walked towards the classroom and was about to walk in, when Seb called out my name.

"What!" I asked him annoyed.

"Listen," he began looking straight at me, "I'm really sorry for what I did. That was completely wrong, I had no right to do that. Can we still be friends? I promise you, everything will be alright, I don't want to lose you..."

I looked at him and a small smile broke out of my lips, "I forgive you. You're right, that was completely stupid what you did, but I understand your reasons. You were desperate and as long as you've realized your mistake, I'm ready to be your friend again."

He hugged me and at first I was still, but once I realized what had happened I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. I felt extremely happy, that me and Seb were past our problems and we could finally move on. This year is definitely going to be better.

"Thank you," he mumbled in my hair and I nodded.

"I'm glad that we can finally move forwards," I muttered back and pat his back. He let me go and gave me a warm smile.

"I should go now," I pointed my head to the classroom and he nodded and rushed away.

"Welcome back, class," our maths teacher greeted us. "I see that nobody has decided to switch schools after the first semester and I'm really glad to see that. We're going to have so much fun this semester..."

All of the class started groaning and our maths teacher looked at us with furrowed brows, "What is it? I think that you're over exaggerating your displeasure at this subject. Honestly, all you have to do is work with some numbers, you don't even have to think something, just act."

"Easy for you to say," someone in my class muttered, but the teacher didn't hear him.

"Let's begin, shall we?" She asked with a big smile on her lips.


The lesson passed extremely quick, but the teacher was as mad as a bull at the end of it. The class was too loud and in the end the teacher just gave up. She was too tired to continue rambling about something that my class didn't want to hear. I felt somehow guilty about my classmates behavior, but I reminded myself that the way the act isn't my fault. It's theirs.

"I can't believe they acted that way towards her," Caroline spoke about our maths teacher and I nodded. It was extremely disrespectful. I hope that our next lesson will be better.

"Imagine what it's going to be like with Mr. Carr," Jessy continued. "He's going to quit his job at the end of the lesson if our class doesn't finally submit."

"Let's hope for the best," I muttered and we continued jogging to our next class.

I sat in my seat and looked at the clock. We had arrived her too early- we had at least 8 more minutes until the lesson starts. I took this opportunity to look around the classroom. Everyone looked so tired and so done with everything that a small chuckle escaped my lips. If you have school, when you have to wake up at 7 o'clock and then comes the break, when you can sleep as much as you want, it's going to be hard to get used to the old regime.

A cold wind blew past my face and I shuddered. I looked up and saw a familiar face entering the classroom and I frowned. What the hell is he doing here?

Blake walked past me, without even glancing at me and looked at the guy that was sitting in a stool right next to me, shooting him a glare. The guy shuddered, picked up his stuff and walked to a different seat.

"Are you lost or something?" I asked him and he smirked.

"Not anymore," he gave me his dazzling smile and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Go back to your own school," I hissed and he looked ahead to the teachers desk with a small smile.

"I already am," he shrugged and I looked at him with widened eyes.

"No you didn't! You are not going to be learning in the same school as me," I hissed and he laid back into his seat, getting comfier.

"Try to convince me otherwise, as I'm not planning to go back to my school," he smirked at me and then continued looking straight ahead.

"How are you even here right now? Almost everyone here is 16 years old, you have to learn in a same class as Derek and Seb," I wondered and he gave me a wink.

"I have my own ways, besides English in this school is the same every year. I'm not going to miss out on anything."

"I hope this is the only class that I'll be having with you, because I'll quit this school if that's not the case. I can't believe you've taken your stalking to this extent. I thought that it was nice the way you were being obsessive over me, but this is way too damn much. You just can't c-," I was suddenly interrupted as Blake forced his lips on mine. At first I answered the kiss, but when I realized what was going on, I pushed him away from me and turned my head away from his.

"You were talking too much. I'd rather you be lost of breath because of my kisses, not because of the words vomit that was coming out of your mouth," he said huskily.

I looked back to the class and noticed that almost everyone had noticed what had happened as they were talking in hushed voices and looking into our direction.

"I hate you," I hissed and heard his chuckle.

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