2. Not so humble

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"You already know who I am, so I'll skip introductions." I scoffed at his arrogance. "But I'm here to take Hailey."

Immediately I was showered with glances from my classmates and friends. My cheeks heated at the unwanted attention I was receiving and at that moment I wanted to murder Seb for his doing. Then I remembered that I was supposed to avoid him and started considering staying here.

"Khe, Khem." A loud cough brought me back from my thoughts. I looked up to see that everyone's eyes were still on me. I expected my teacher to tell Seb to fudge off (of course in a more professional way, like get your fucking ass out of here), but instead she nodded at my direction.

What kind of teacher is that? I noticed her giving Seb a warm smile and I realized that even teachers were under his spell. Great. Just peachy.

I felt my friends trying to communicate with me through their eyes, but I avoided them, because I didn't know what to say. Grabbing my books, I stood up and put them inside my backpack. I looked up to see Seb with a smirk on his face. How I wish to slap him with a fish right now.

I walked towards him and he started moving out of the classroom. He held the door open for me and suddenly I heard Rylee shouting, "Use protection, if you don't wish to shoot an episode of 16 and pregnant!"

I groaned in embarrassment and suddenly I heard a loud smack and a groan coming from the classroom. Savannah had smacked Rylee at the back of her head and Rylee was shooting her a guilty look. I smiled at Savannah as gratitude and walked out of the classroom.

"So, we'll use protection, won't we?" Seb asked as soon as the door was closed, his mouth twitching from trying to hold in laughter.

"Oh, shut your mouth!" I exclaimed in frustration.

His laughter filled the hallways and I found myself trying not to laugh with him.


"Aren't you going to ask me, why I saved you from your personal hell?" Seb asked pulling out of the schools parking lot in his black sports car.

"Nop," I replied buckling myself.

"Aren't you going to thank me?" he asked, taking a glance at me.

"I have nothing to thank you for," I replied. He had a smirk on his face and I realized that my attitude doesn't really affect him. I feel like my cold attitude for him is like honey for bees, something that he actually craves.

After a brief moment of silence, Seb sighed, "Derek's asked me to take you home after school, because he can't."

I wanted to start laughing in frustration but instead I pinched the bridge of my nose. "You do know that school actually ends after about three hours, right?"

I looked at Seb to see him smiling at the road ahead. "Yeah, But I knew that you'd rather be with me, than learn all those complicated things, they teach in there," he shuddered dramatically.

"Wanna bet?" I asked annoyed.

Seb laughed, " No need. I already know, that I'm your favorite person in the world."

"How humble," I muttered loud enough for him to hear and he started barking in laughter.

"Don't worry, you're also my favorite person in the world," he winked at me, causing me to groan. This is exactly the reason why I never seem to get over him. He flirts his ass off with me and the next moment he does the same thing with someone else. I hate that he affects me so much, but I can't ever tell him that.


"Thanks for the ride," I said, as I crawled out of his car and shut the door.

He also climbed out of the car and I narrowed my eyes at him. As he shut his door, I asked," what do you think you're doing?"

He looked at me and his lips twitched into a smile," I already told you in the car. I'm spending time with you."

I gritted my teeth together and took in a deep breath. "I appreciate the thought, but I'm sure that you have something else to do. Maybe some barbie to annoy or something."

His smile broadened, "Today's your lucky day, because I don't have any plans. Don't worry, I won't leave your side at all, till Derek comes home." His voice at the end of the sentence becoming huskier. Creep.

I groaned and put my face in my hands. I cursed to myself and wanted to kick something. There goes my plan of avoiding him. It's like, he could read my thoughts and make my life a living hell.


My house was pretty simple, three bedrooms upstairs, a living room with a fireplace and a cozy kitchen. There are two bathrooms, one upstairs and other one next to the stairway, leading to the bedrooms. Somehow, Seb really liked spending time here, it wasn't anything as luxurious as the mansion he lived in.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked curious, watching him land on the couch.

"What? Sitting?" He asked confused.

"No, I'm actually interested why are you spending time here, if you live in a freaking mansion. I probably wouldn't want to leave the place."

He looked at me and held my gaze. I returned his gaze and he sighed," It's actually tiring to always be alone in a house that's meant for 10 people to live in. I like being here, because you and Derek are always here, plus, I don't have to walk far, if I want to see you do that freaky stuff you always do." After saying that he gave me a wink.

"What freaky stuff?" I asked confused, trying to remember what freaky I have done that he has seen. I only remember printing out my celebrity crushes and singing to them, but I don't think that he was here then. Or was he? I blushed at the thought.

"You sitting in the dark, looking out of your window. By your blush I can tell that there are freaky stuff that I don't know about?" He asked faking hurt and placing a hand over his heart.

"Get over yourself, I won't ever show you any freaky stuff that I do when I'm alone. That's reserved for my future husband." I laughed watching him pout at me.

"Then I'll better marry you," he winked causing another blush form on my cheeks.

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