5. Respect

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"Wait, I don't think that I'm ready to do this." Stacy panicked.

"What? Come on, you've done this before, you can definitely do it again. I'm here if you need anything." I reassured her.

She looked towards the guy and I saw her pale a little bit. "I don't have a reason to go towards him..."

I looked around and saw her history homework laying there. I snatched her finger and cut it with a paper. "AUCH!" What the hell!!!" Stacy roared, gaining attention from everyone in the library.

"Oh god! Her finger is bleeding!" I acted concerned. "I think she's going to faint, she can't handle seeing blood." I pointed to the guy, Stacy has a crush on," hey, you!"

He looked around, as if I was speaking to someone sitting on his shoulders. "What? Me?"

"Yes, you. Could you please help her go to the nurses office, she's too heavy for me to handle on my own and I don't want to drag her there. She needs a bandage on her finger, before she faints." I looked to see Stacy blushing red like potato... I mean tomato.

"Sure." The guy muttered, making his way towards us. "This is Stacy." I introduced her to him.

"Jonah." He nodded his head as a greeting. He wrapped his hands around her shoulders and started making his way out of the library.

"Thanks, Jonah!" I shouted feeling proud of myself.

Stacy's definitely going to kill me for this little stunt, but she got to speak to the guy, who's made her into a walking gift box. Pretty on the outside and empty on the inside. I hope she doesn't remain like this for a long time, because I miss the old and happy her.

I took her books and put them inside her bag. A tap on my shoulder disrupted me and I turned my head to see the old librarian. I groaned internally and turned around to face her. She gave me a brown peace of paper.

"With this paper I ban you from this library. Pack your things and never come back. Little vandal..." she said and walked back to her desk.

The peace of paper looked ancient. I think that once upon a time this peace of paper I'm holding right now used to be white. I wanted to laugh at this situation, but I didn't want to make the old lady even angrier, so I packed the bag and took it with me, towards our next lesson.


"I'm Home!" I shouted dropping my bag on the floor and making my way towards the kitchen. Entering the kitchen I saw Seb and Derek sitting there eating something that undoubtably my brother has made, because it looked like shit. "And I'm gone!" I said turning around walking to the stairs.

"Hailes wait!" Seb shouted and that was like a fuel to me, to make my way upstairs even faster. "What the?" I heard him mutter and I laughed to myself.

"Hailey Summers! Do Not walk away, when someone wants to speak to you!" Derek's voice boomed through the house. Often times he thinks that he can make me do whatever, because our dad is gone and he's the second oldest figure in the house, but he tends to forget that while I'm a year younger than him, I'm the wiser one of the two of us.

"You can speak as much as you want, but I won't be listening, because knowing you two, it's probably something that you want me to do AGAIN, and I'm sick and tired of your stupid little games. I'm not going to act like your girlfriend Seb, so man up and break up with her on your own."

I saw Seb watching me with a smirk. "Maybe I want you to be my girlfriend for real..." he said putting his hands inside the pockets of his jeans.

I looked at him and then I saw that Derek was looking at Seb with a confused expression. I started laughing. And when I mean laughing I mean not like the giggling, but like the laughter that scares children at night. "You want me?!" I laughed. "What? Did you slip in the shower and hit your head or something?"

When my laughter subsided I looked at him to see that he was hurt? No way. But as quick that I saw hurt flash in his eyes, arrogance swept over them. "You're right. I just wanted to make sure that you're fine after the cafeteria incident."

"What cafeteria incident?" My brother raised an eyebrow.

"She fell after looking like she was running away from a murderer." Seb laughed to himself recalling my misfortune. I groaned and pressed my palms against my face.

"And I missed this? I wish that someone had taped it." My brother laughed probably imagining the way I fell. He loves making fun of me in these kinds of situations. What am I talking about. He doesn't need a reason to make fun of me.

"This was nice, but if you could excuse me, I have stuff to do, so..." I couldn't bear the embarrassment anymore and walked inside my bedroom. I opened the window, greeting the fresh air in my face and sat down on the windowsill overlooking the neighborhood. I'm tired of my clumsiness and I'm tired to be a sister of someone popular, because as much as he builds his name and fame, having sister like me is like a downfall.

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