70. Families

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"How do I look?" I asked Blake for the millionth time.

"You look beautiful, stop stressing," he chuckled and took my hand in his, leading me inside his parents mansion.

Everything looked so clean, that almost instantly I felt like I didn't belong there.

"You?" Christina, Blake's mom, asked, making me glance at her. "I remember you, you modeled my underwear at my new shop."

"Yep, it's me," I awkwardly chuckled.

"What happened? After the runway you disappeared and you didn't even let me pay for the job."

I laughed awkwardly, "It was an accident, I wasn't supposed to be there."

She looked at me with raised brows, "you aren't a model?"

"No," I shook my hair with pursed lips and Christina started laughing.

"I can't believe this. Why didn't you tell me so? You must have been terrified going up there and walking down the runway."

"It was fine," I assured her. "Besides, It was my fault that I didn't tell you anything. I don't know what I was thinking at that moment."

"Well, despite the circumstances you did a pretty good job. I'm proud of you," Blake's mom gave me a warm smile, which I returned. This is going better than I thought it would go...

A man walked into the room with us and I immediately noticed how much in common he had with Blake. Blake was like a younger version of his dad, the only thing that were from his mom, were his facial expressions. But Blake's dad looked kinda intimidating, I felt a little awkward in his presence.

"Hello, I'm Francesco's dad, Angelo. You must be his girlfriend... Hailey, right?" He extended his hand, that I shook. He had an Italian accent that was really noticeable. If with Blake his accent was barely noticeable, then his dad's accent was really thick.

"Yes, nice to meet you," I respectfully shook his hand and he nodded.

"Come on inside, let's not keep our guest standing by the door."

Blake took my jacket and gave it to a maid, that took it and I took off my shoes. Blake noticed my tense shoulders and squeezed my hand lightly, reminding me that he was by my side.

After we were both done, he took my hand and led me to a dining room, that had a huge table standing in the middle of it with 10 chairs. Blake took out a seat for me in front of his parents and I sat down. He chose to sit right next to me and after that servants began bringing out food.

A servant out in front of me a plate and I shot him a grateful smile, that didn't go unnoticed by Blake. He silently growled and I smirked internally. What a jealous little bunny.

I looked down at my plate and saw that it looked like a restaurant worthy meal. A steak and mashed potatoes were laid down on the plate with a dark gravy and some greens. It looked so mouth-watering.

"So..." Blake's mom spoke as we were eating, "How did you and my son end up together?"

I smiled and looked at Blake to shoot him a wicked smirk. I'm going to have some fun.

"I first met him at the podium," I began telling the story. "He was looking at me through the crowd and I just felt that he might be the one. Later he stole my phone, planted his number inside and begged me to call him. I didn't."

I heard Blake chocking on his food and wanted to laugh, but bit my cheeks and continued the story.

"He was quite persuasive. He liked to stalk me and drag me into rooms where nobody could disturb us and then kept pushing me to finally accept him. I felt sorry for him, so I finally agreed," I ended my story and looked to see Blake glaring at me. "But after all of this, I don't regret meeting him. He braids my hair and sometimes even paints my nails. He also likes to come shopping with me and he always picks out the most amazing pieces of clothing."

Blake suddenly grabbed my thigh under the table and started squeezing it, telling me to stop. I wasn't planning to...

"I don't regret finally accepting him. He had been the best boyfriend ever. He is just like a girlfriend that I've ever wanted, only a slighter masculine version," and with that I ended my speech.

I saw Angelo looking at Blake with a slight disappointment in his eyes and I couldn't help but to smile at my victory. That is for using my drunk self to reveal things about him, that shouldn't have been revealed.

Blake's mom coughed, "well, I'm glad that he has been treating you well."

I nodded my head and we continued our meal. Blake kept his hand on my thigh and started tracing it up and down my leg, slowly making his way up to my core. I slapped his hand and heard his chuckle.

"Hailey is really talented," Blake began and I felt that this was not going to end good. "She is smart, can draw amazingly and she also sings. You should hear her voice."

Oh no, not again. I faked a smile and wanted to squeeze his thigh, but instead squeezed something else, that made Blake shot up from the table. Tears formed in my eyes from amusement and I pressed a palm against my mouth.

I looked up to see shock in his features. His parents looked at him as if he was crazy, but he pulled himself together in a record of time. Then he smirked and extended his hand towards me. "Would you mind demonstrating?"

I looked to see that his parents were already looking at me and expecting me to sing. "I don't know, I think that Blake is exaggerating the way I sing. It's nothing really special, he just likes me too much."

"Go on, darling. I'm sure that Blake knows what he's talking about," his mom nudged me and I stood up.

"What do you want me to sing?" I asked them and Christina told me to sing whatever that I felt like. I gave them a smile and pinched Blake in his butt.

After that I sang a song that wouldn't make me feel embarrassed, as it held a strong message behind it. Surprisingly I didn't cringe at my voice and Blake's parents seemed impressed too. I dodged a bullet, that Blake had shot me and the rest of the evening we spent talking about little things and getting to know each other.

It was good to know that Blake had parents that loves him really much. Sitting by a table with a family made me realize how much I actually miss all of this. I miss the feeling of home.

Blake afterwards took me to his home, where he thanked me for the present I made him and gave me his house keys. He explained that he wanted me to be able to get to him anytime that I wanted and if necessary I could live there and that was the most commitment that I've ever received from a guy.

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