95. Woke

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"Maybe you can go home?" I heard someone's voice saying.

"Stop trying to get me to leave her. I won't leave, until she does," the person replied and I stirred a little.

"Shut up!" I hissed. It was becoming annoying that people interrupted my sleep.

"Did she just tell us to shut up?" I female voice asked with excitement and I felt someone frantically touching my hand.

"Hailey? Can you wake up? Please wake up," the male voice begged.

I carefully opened my eyes, the sunlight greeting me straight into eyes. The bright walls made me shut my eyes right away. I hissed from the brightness and tried to open my eyes once again, but this time successfully.

Everything was blurry at first, but with time it got clearer. I saw Rylee, Savannah and Blake standing next to me, they all looking at me like I was going to die.

"What?" I asked them and immediately after that my friends jumped on me, crushing the air out of my lungs.

"Finally! We thought that you'd never wake up," Savannah cried and I pat her with my free hand.

"Where am I?" I asked them and they let me go to look at me.

"You're in the hospital," they explained. "And you almost died."

That would explain the bright walls and the stench of death.

"How long have I been out?" I asked them and this time Blake replied.

"Five agonizing days," he said and I finally noticed the bags under his eyes and the stubble on his face. It made him look older than he actually is.

"Wasn't I supposed to say that they were agonizing?" I laughed trying to light up the atmosphere. "Because I was the one who got stabbed."

Blake clenched his jaw, clearly trying to keep himself together.

"What about the giant bunny?" I asked them and Rylee and Savannah immediately looked at Blake.

"He's taken are of," he said, clearly not willing to discuss details.

"Is that a subtle way of saying that he was killed?" I whispered and Savannah started laughing. Blake gave me a small smile and I had a feeling that he wanted to say something to me.

"God, I missed you," Savannah hugged me once more and I chuckled.

"Where's Caroline?" I asked them. It is strange, as I thought that she would wait for me to wake up, instead of being somewhere else.

"Oh, she went after coffee and food with Damien," they explained and I nodded.

"She was so devastated after all of that. We all cried, but she was worse. She's so lucky that she has Damien, because he was with her the whole time. We all were worried for you so damn much," Rylee explained.

"I'm sorry guys," I apologized, feeling guilty that they felt bad for me all this time, "You didn't deserve to have to worry about me. All of this is so fucking wrong. Especially the part about me nearly dying from a guy in a bunny mask. I pray that if I had died you would have kept that a secret."

"Don't apologize. We're happy that you're well," Savannah reassured me and chuckled about the last part.

"I'm going out for a fresh air," Blake said, taking out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.

We all watched him leave and once he was out of the door, Rylee started speaking.

"He hasn't left your side for all of these days. He was so devastated, as he was the one who found you in a pool of your own blood. He saw you getting stabbed, Hailey."

Her words pierced through me like knives and I felt so bad about all of this. If Blake had seen me getting stabbed, he probably saw me provoking the guy. And I can't imagine what he has been feeling for the past days.

But he told me that he didn't love me, it doesn't make sense. Why would he spend his time sitting by me, if he had no feelings towards me whatsoever? He didn't speak to me for three months and now he sits by my unconscious body? He is confusing me so damn much.

But then I remembered what Caroline told me about him saving my brother and I started to think. Maybe he did that because he loved me? Maybe all of this was for me.

"And when did he start smoking?" I asked them and Rylee looked at door, as if making sure that Blake wasn't here to listen to us talking about him.

"I don't know, he smoked here all the time. He hasn't been sleeping a lot and he doesn't even go to school," Rylee explained and I nodded my head.

I have to convince Blake to let me go and finally go home and sleep. I would be fine without him for a day.

"HAILEY!" I heard a voice shouting from the door and saw Caroline in tears.

"Caroline," I whispered and gave her a bright smile.

She ran up to me and hugged me with all of her strength. It was getting hard to breathe, but I managed to do that. She had been worried about me for 5 days, at least I could let her hug me.

She accidentally pressed against the wound on my stomach and I hissed, making her draw back.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking," she panicked and I laughed, trying to make her feel better.

"It's fine. I'm glad to see you," I smiled and she let the tears drop once again.

"I was so worried about you. Don't you dare to do that again!" She scolded me and I laughed.

"No promises," I winked. "But damn, imagine me dying from that guy. I would become a freaking meme."

Nobody laughed except me. I guess trying to lighten up the situation like this wasn't working. "Funny," Rylee said in a monotone tone and I laughed even harder.

Damien finally walked up to me and hugged me too.

"Although we haven't talked too much, you have made Blake's life happier this past year. And even though I don't know much about you, I still consider you my sister. I feel so bad about this," he said and I hugged him back, letting a tear slip from my eye.

"It's fine, thanks," I whispered. "But where's my actual brother?"

"He visits you everyday, you just missed him," Savannah explained and I nodded.

Damien let me go and I wiped away my tear.

I looked at all these people in front of me, that cared about me and felt my heart squeezing painfully. I was keeping from them the fact that my time with them was limited and they had no idea. And they all looked so happy to see me.

I didn't deserve their love.

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