46. Animal king

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You know how sometimes you just want to run away and never come back? The feeling of total failure brings you down and you wish to just... disappear.

Well, I haven't done anything to feel like a failure, on the contrary, I feel really good about myself. I just want to disappear, it doesn't matter if I just stick my head in the sand and suffocate myself, because I just don't want to be seen.

I diverted my gaze from him for just a second and saw that Cindy, the schools queen B, was clutching to his bicep like a horse to hay.


I shivered lightly, thinking about the two of them being together. Wait! This is the plan, Hailey. That's exactly what you wanted, isn't it? He's going to leave you alone and you'll be able to die with loads of dogs. All alone...

I shifted my gaze back to Blake and noticed that he had noticed the way I was looking at Cindy. He looked at her, with a smirk on his god-like face and looked at me once again, but this time, his eyes were filled with something... I couldn't really understand, but it didn't look good. It almost looked sinister.

Small gasps escaped from the students, as Blake started moving towards our table. I gulped loudly and tried to come up with an effective escape, if this situation gets out of hand.

He was looking at me all the time and I didn't dare breaking the eye contact. I think he expected me to break the eye contact, but I felt too proud to back away.

At the last moment, he and Cindy switched the direction they were walking to and walked to the table next to us and immediately, the students, that were eating there, packed their lunch and ran away.

The whole cafeteria remained silent, expecting to see Blake killing someone, but he simply sat and looked at me with crossed arms.

I scoffed and turned so that he couldn't see me anymore and hissed to my friends.

"We have to go!"

There was a complete silence, but Rylee whispered after a few minutes, "I don't think that is a good idea."

"Why not?" I whispered back and she replied almost immediately.

"Because it's too quiet to leave unnoticed."

I slowly turned my head to look at Blake and this time he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at Cindy, like he used to look at me.

This actually hurt me. He was just like Seb, getting over me the second he had the chance to. Am I really that unworthy, that guys don't think that I'm worth the fight?

What am I thinking? This doesn't go according to my plan. Make them leave you, they don't want you anyway.

"Listen, I have plan, just follow me," I said trying to come up with a plan at the last second.

I quickly stood up, leaving them no chance, but to follow me.

I stretched my arms in the air and let out a long yawn. "Damn, I need to finish studying for the test that we have after lunch," I exclaimed rather loudly and was showered with curious glances.

"We have a test?" Some stupid soul called out and I paled a little bit. But don't worry, lying is my second name.

"Yeah, don't remember? The maths test about trigonometry," I loudly said. We aren't even learning that stuff right now, but they didn't comment anything on the topic.

I looked at my friends to see that Rylee was silently laughing, while Savannah seemed like she wanted the earth to swallow her. Same gurl, but now's not the time.

"Come on, guys," I said taking my bag and walking around the table to escape this torture.

"Stop!" I heard a deep and rough voice calling behind us.

I stopped walking and closed my eyes. I didn't turn around, as I knew who I'd see looking at me. Maybe I can just keep my eyes closed and he'll get tired of me acting childishly and he'll leave me alone.

"Hailey, turn around!" He demanded, power radiating from his voice.

I wanted to shake my head, but decided against any sorts of communication with him. Or I can just run, while he's so far away...

One second passed, two seconds passed and on the third one I started running, only to hit my head In a wall and fall to the ground.

I was almost 100% sure, that I wasn't anywhere near any walls. Maybe the universe doesn't want me to run from him, so I was teleported right next to the wall, neglecting me the choice of escape.

I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted with fuming Blake. There weren't any walls around, meaning I ran into him. I looked at him and then noticed the position I was in and realized how screwed I am.

He scowled at me as soon as I started to stand up and quickly grabbed my arm in his hand.

He walked up to me, making our chests brush against each other's and leaned in to whisper something in my ear.

"So this is your grand plan, hmm?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Making me date some kind of hoe so that I wouldn't bother you anymore? Is that it? You want me to fuck her?" He asked the last part biting my ear.

His words made me impossibly angry and I wanted to slap him, but then he'd think that his words actually meant something to me, so I decided against it.

I smirked and said, "what you do, doesn't concern me. For all I care, you can really fuck her, we aren't in a relationship."

'Please don't agree, please don't agree, please don't agree,' I chanted in my head.

He stepped back and looked into my eyes, making me feel uncomfortable. "I think that your mouth and your eyes have come to a disagreement," he said looking at me intensely.

"What..." I asked dreamily looking at him. Get a grip, Hailey!

"What do you mean?" I asked and made my voice sound annoyed.

"Your mouth speaks yes, while your eyes speak no. What is it Hailey?" He asked overly sweetly. "Cat got your tongue now?"

"What are you? Some kind of eye reader now?" I asked sarcastically and he clenched his jaw. I could hear a few gasps around me, probably the few people who think that he's going to murder me.

He looked around the cafeteria and laughed. He then licked his lips, as soon as he was done and looked back at me. "You know what? I'm going to be nice, as I understand the situation I've put you in. You have time until the next year to get accustomed to me in your life, you don't have to call me every night until then and I'll leave you alone to think. But after that, you'll do exactly as I say and you'll stop acting childishly. Consider this as my first of many gifts to you."

"But the next year," he continued, "there will be no escape. If necessary, I'll drag you into this relationship kicking and screaming."

After listening to his speech I became mute. No sounds could escape my mouth and I just stood there looking at him. Next year? That is only two weeks...I furrowed my brows and spoke, when I was ready, "what?"

"You heard what I said," he rolled his eyes. He then raised his voice, so that the whole cafeteria could hear him, "and everyone who dares to somehow abuse her, I don't care the reason why, is considered dead. And if anyone tries anything with her, you'll be dead too. She's mine!" He said the last part almost like an animal. It sounded more like a growl than human talking.

I was about to take a step back from him, but he caught on my movement and caught my waist, bringing me back flush against his chest.

"See you next year," he smirked and kissed my forehead. He then turned around and walked out like he owned the place.

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