48. You're going to regret this

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"We need to have a New Year's party!" Rylee shouted swinging her arms around her.

"We need to finish this semester," Savannah rolled her eyes and grabbed Rylee's arms, so that she wouldn't accidentally knock anyone out.

"I'm just planning ahead," she whined.

"That's a great idea, we should invite Stacy and Caroline too," Jessy agreed with Rylee.

"I hope Caroline will be able to come. I think I'll invite her," I suggested.

They just nodded their heads in agreement and we continued our walk through the corridors.

"I'm going to use a bathroom, let's meet up in class," Savannah told us slowly walking away.

"Me too," Jessy sprinted after Savannah. "Wait up!"

Me and Rylee watched their departure and I could almost feel her thinking about going to the bathroom, only to accompany my friends. I turned around and saw Cindy leaning against my locker with her back-up bitches and I paled a little bit.

"Rylee, I hate you," I growled looking at my locker.

"What? Why? What have I done now?" She asked confused.

"Look at my locker," I hissed.

She became silent until a small curse escaped her lips. "Don't worry I'll..."

"You'll do nothing, she wants to kill me, let her kill me," I whispered.

"Don't say that, I dragged you into this, I won't let you drown. I'll stand by your side, you don't have to talk to them alone," she assured me.

Honestly, I was scared out of my mind of the thought of taking to them, but Rylee's presence makes up for it.

I took a deep breath and started walking towards my locker, but eventually my legs led me elsewhere and I walked in a different direction I intended to walk to.

"What are you doing?" Rylee asked snatching my elbow and stopping me in the middle of the hallway.

"What does it look like? I've lived after walking into Derek's bedroom and touching his dirty underwear, I sure as Hell won't die here. I've done too much and not enough to die now."

"What?" She asked confused. "Listen, you need books for the next lesson and I'm going to be right next to you, don't worry!" She nudged me forwards and I gave her a weak smile. "Come on. You hate delaying things, you would have regretted avoiding this anyway, so be happy."

She's right. I hate delaying things.

We started walking towards them and soon enough they noticed us coming and stopped their conversation.

"Well, well, look who we have here," Cindy smirked and looked at her friends as a sign to start laughing at me.

"What?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"The boyfriend stealing bitch!" She hissed at me and I saw Rylee about to pounce on her, until I grabbed her at the last second and shook my head to tell her that it isn't necessary.

"Listen, I'm sorry. It wasn't meant to happen this way. I wanted him to be with anyone, but me, so I thought that you'd be the best person that could help me."

"Help you? Not one single thought was given about you, when I brought him to this school. He was supposed to be mine, but you, little whore, weren't satisfied with Seb, so you stole another man from me. Let me tell you one thing, Hailey Summers. I'm not going to give up on him so easily. I'll do anything... and I mean anything, to get him."

I was slightly shaking with mixed emotions, "First of all, I didn't steal Seb, you ruined our relationship pretty quickly, don't you think? He's all yours, what are you waiting for? Wasn't that the reason why you kissed him in the chemistry lab? You wanted him so much, that now, when I have no feelings towards him, whatsoever, you discover that he's not worth it?" I was fuming at this point. "And Blake? I get it, I mean, he's extremely attractive, but that's about all you know about him. I don't mean to offend you, but don't you think that if he really wanted you, he wouldn't have chased after me?"

I saw the anger in her eyes, but Rylee stepped forwards slightly reminding her not to anything stupid.

She scoffed, "You don't deserve Seb, that's why I broke you two up. You might be now thinking that it wasn't his fault and your breakup was all my doing, but actually, he was pretty willing. So don't bother thinking that you mean anything to him... he just likes the chase."

Auch, that hurt pretty bad. I could feel the lump in my throat forming with every word that she said, but I forced myself not to show my vulnerability, so I turned off all of my emotions from my face.

"And I don't mean to offend you," she snarled repeating my words, "but who says that Blake is any different than Seb? I say... He likes the chase too, only he doesn't know that yet. And at the end of the day, they all come back to me."

"Yeah, well I guess you are right," Rylee laughed. "You're so easy that they all come back to you and at the end of the day you're going to realise that apart from a decent body you have nothing else. I can bet that you've wondered why hasn't anyone committed to you and I have all of your answers- you're shallow, boring and conceited and have I mentioned boring?"

I watched as the color drenched from Cindy's face, meaning that Rylee had hit a nerve and hurt her deeply. I almost felt sorry for her, but remembered that Rylee said all those things to her only because she was being a bitch to me.

"You're going to regret this!" She finally hissed and walked away, her tails following her.

"Why do they always say this? This phrase is so overused," Rylee laughed.

I wasn't in mood to laugh about anything, so I kept quiet and walked up to my locker to take out books.

"Hailey? Are you ok?" She asked me placing a hand on my shoulder.

I wasn't ready to talk so I just moved my head up and down. I knew at this moment that she had figured out that I wasn't fine, so now I shook my head and inserted my lockers combination. The locker opened and I took out my books and placed them into my bag.

"Hailey, don't think about her words, you know that she was just trying to get to you," Rylee said worryingly.

"Well, she got me," I finally spoke, my voice trembling slightly.

"Can I hug you or the hell is going to break loose?" She asked warily.

"Don't. I need to remain strong."

Rylee grumbled something under her breath and hugged me. "But it's ok to be vulnerable. You're a human, not a machine. I don't want to see you in pain."

Her words made my tears fall instantly and I started sobbing.

"It's alright," she tried to make me feel better, "you're going to be alright. Let's skip school, I'll call Savannah too."

I just nodded my head and let her lead me out of that shithole.

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