86. Red

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Loads and loads of jasmines and red roses surrounded the room and the strong scent of the flowers immediately hit my nose. I gaped at all the colors and saw that every corner of the room was filled with them. This was truly amazing.

I slowly walked deeper inside the room and saw a big flat box laying on the bed. It had a shiny red wrapper and I gently touched the smooth material with my fingers.

Suddenly, I felt arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me towards something hard. A gentle kiss was laid on my head and Blake whispered in my ear, "happy birthday, mia regina."

A smile formed on my lips and few tears managed to escape me. I took the box and Blake rested his head on my shoulder, watching my fingers unwrapping the material. Once the wrapper was removed, I saw a box and without hesitation I pulled the lid off.

I saw a pool of dark red fabric inside and I touched it to feel that it was something silky. I grasped the fabric in my fingers and let the box fall back on the bed, slightly bouncing a few times.

It was a red silky floor length dress, that seemed a bit revealing. It had a deep cut in front and even deeper in the back. The waist seemed to be tight and the bottom of the dress was flowing.

This was certainly the most beautiful dress, that I've ever owned and I couldn't help but to feel happy.

"What do you think?" Blake muttered in my shoulder.

I used my free hand to brush my hand through his hair and turned my head to look at him. "I love it, thank you."

A proud smile took over his face and I peaked his lips.

"Is that all I get for the surprise?" He pouted and I laughed.

"That's all you get for now," I gave him a wink and he groaned and tried to kiss me, but I sneakily turned my face.

"This is not fair," he said and I took his hand and kissed it.

"I love you," I said. "Thank you for all of this."

Then a something started screaming In my head, he couldn't have possibly known that it was my birthday.

"Erm, Blake?" I asked him and he hummed on my shoulder.

The next words made him freeze behind me, "How did you know that today was my birthday?"

"Lucky guess," he kissed my cheek and let me go. I turned around to face him and he sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"I know everything about you- your every size, your birthday and all of your favorite things."

"How?" I asked him with narrowed eyes.

"Your friends know plenty," he shrugged and I gasped.

"Did you interrogate things about me through my friends?"

"Yes, I did. And I'm glad that I did, because you wouldn't have told me that today's your birthday," he snapped and took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Do you hate all of this?"

I looked around and if I told him that I did, I would be the biggest liar in the world. "Miraculously, I don't. I actually love this."

"So..." he suddenly looked at me curiously, "why did Damien and the rest of them actually call you about? You seemed pretty angry."

I licked my lower lip and gave out a single laugh, "they're celebrating without me with my favorite chocolate cake and ice cream in my fridge."

"Well, I'm glad that they did. If they didn't do that, I wouldn't have ever seen you try to drink with your cheek," I saw amusement dancing in his eyes and I chuckled with him.

Then he slowly walked towards me and cupped my face, planting a sensual kiss on my lips. After he was done, he pulled back, planting his forehead on mine. "My grandpa is hosting a ball in his house and we're invited. It's actually celebrating our arrival, so making an entrance is obligatory."

"That's why the dress?" I asked him quietly, still trying to get over his kiss and the feeling of closeness.

"And because I think you look even more beautiful in red," he explained and I nodded.

He was about to kiss me again, but I pushed him back, "I need to start preparing for the ball. I can't afford to have any distractions."

Blake pouted, but didn't objectify.


I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but to feel a little bit worried.

I didn't look like me. The woman in front of me looked fierce and bold- something that I definitely wasn't. She had put on the lacy underwear, that her friends had gifted her and it felt like she had nothing under her dress. She had dark eyes with red lipstick. Her tree necklace was laying still on her chest, moving only then, when the woman took breaths. The deep V-neck on the front revealed just enough, but at the same time it left little to imagination. She turned around and watched with wide eyes her bare back and couldn't help but to feel a little bit naked.

I had never seen myself dressed so good. I almost felt jealous of myself, but I kept reminding me, that it's only me. I sighed and picked up the red heels, that Blake provided me so kindly.

I watched in horror the length of the heel and realized that this is some killer stiletto. I could easily kill someone with the heel and that would make me look even more badass. I knew that at the end of the night, my feet are going to hurt so bad, that I'll be willing to die, to escape the torture.

Ok, this is it. This is the end of my comfort and the start of my internal hell. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror and shot me a pained look. After that, I just put on the heels without thinking and stood up, brushing my hands along the dress, to try to smoothen it out.

I took a deep breath and walked up to the bathroom door. Without hesitation, I pulled it open and was greeted by Blake sitting on the bed in a black suit with a red tie. He looked up and I saw his eyes sliding downwards from my face to my lips and then the exposed skin on my front.

He stood up and looked into my eyes once again, but now he kept his eyes on mine, walking straight towards me. Almost automatically, I started walking backwards, only to hit my back against the bathroom door.

Blake kept looking into my eyes, lust leaking from his expression. He slowly pressed his hands against the frame of the door and leaned in. I closed my eyes, expecting him to kiss me, but I felt his cheek connecting with mine and his lips brushing against my ear. "I'm starting to feel that staying at home, would be the best decision," he muttered huskily.

My mind was in a complete mush and I was about to agree with him, until my brain hit me on the head. "We have to go," I whispered. "We're expected."

He pressed his nose against my neck and took a deep breath, inhaling my perfume. I felt him pressing his lips against my neck and a small groan. He finally pulled back, but his eyes still looked a little clouded, "fuck. I can't control myself around you. And now I need to take a cold shower."

Immediately my eyes wondered down at his crotch area and I saw the bulge in his pants, making me blush.

"You're so cute," he cooed and kissed my cheek. He then gently pulled me away from the bathroom door and let himself in. "If you want to watch, you're welcome in," he smirked.

That brought me out of my bubble almost immediately and I turned around, to walk out of the room. His chuckle followed my every step and I decided that it would be best, if I just went downstairs and waited for him there.

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