42. Feelings that you can't avoid

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"This is bullshit!" I hissed looking at that confident ass that tried to force me to go out with him. "Who thinks that I want to go out with you?"

Blake rolled his eyes and started walking towards me, to have me against the wall once again.

"I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself," Blake whispered taking a string of hair in between his fingers and playing with it, while looking into my eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because I saw you," he whispered while brushing his knuckles against my cheekbone. "And you saw me."

What? So all of this is my fault? I shouldn't have looked at him, when I was at the podium?

I looked at him, like he has grown two heads and he kept looking at me with his intense gaze. I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms.

This action caused a smirk form on Blake's lips and he raised one eyebrow. "We've not even started our relationship and you're already giving me an attitude."

"Relationship? This is a dictatorship," I spat at him.

"Think of it what you want. It doesn't change the fact that you're mine," he calmly said. "But I need to make some rules you'll have to follow. Firstly, no talking to any other men, especially Seb. I don't like sharing. Secondly, you'll stop giving me this attitude. Believe me, you won't want to anger me. Thirdly, you'll start calling me every night and tell me about your day. If you don't, then I'll come up with a punishment accordingly to your mistake. Got it?"

I scoffed and turned my head away from him. "I can't believe you're doing this to me."

He brushed the strings of hair that had fallen on my face away and cupped my face with both of his palms. He then turned my head back to face him and sighed. "If you didn't fight me and your feelings so much, we would already be wrapped in each other's embraces. I promise you, I'll treat you like a queen, you just have to follow these simple rules."

"What if I don't follow them, What then?"

Blake sighed loudly, "You will. Eventually you'll give in."

All of this was confusing my mind. How did this happen? He'll treat me like a queen if I obey his stupid rules?

'Well technically he's just asking you to be faithful to him and share everything with him,' the annoying voice in my head said.

'Shut up! He's forcefully getting into my life,' I screamed into my head.

"What about Seb?" I asked and saw him clench his jaw.

"What about him?" He hissed.

"He's my brother's best friend. I can't just stop seeing him, he practically lives with us."

"Well that's easily arranged," Seb smirked, "You can come and live with me."

I looked at him for a while in silence and then burst in laughter, "nice one! For a moment I thought that you weren't joking."

"I'm not," he raised an eyebrow and his smirk vanished and he didn't have away any of his emotions, but I saw in his eyes the silent anger.

"I'm not going to live with you," I spoke without a breath. "I'm not even 18 yet, besides, my mom would kill me. And if honest, living with a stranger sounds like something that someone out of horror movie would do."

Blake tried to hide his smile at my words but he started laughing. "You're right. We'll just wait for a while to let you know me better. I know that I won't kill you, but i don't want you to start trusting strangers so easily, so I'm going to give you a little time to adjust to me being in your life."

His laughter was infectious but I frowned once I realized that not one word out of his mouth said that he'll let me live my life without him. "So this is final? You won't let me go?"

Blake dropped his smile and stepped even closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. We were now standing body against body and my breathing started getting rapid. He lowered his head and took a deep breath near my neck, inhaling my perfume and brushed his lips against my ear, causing me to shiver slightly.


A hiccup escaped my mouth causing him to jump back a little, but he didn't drop his hands around my body. He raised an eyebrow and tilted one side of his lip to form an unsymmetrical smile.

"Am I making you nervous?" He asked making me feel like a victim that was caught in a fishing net.

"No," I quickly muttered and after that took a deep breath to hold in the embarrassing hiccups that were threatening to spill out of me.

Blake gave me a full blown smile, showing his dimples and it honestly took my breath away. I mean, he looked like a god, he shouldn't even be real. But here he is, talking to me- a potato and he's trying to make me his. Talking about miracles, right?

Blake pressed me back against the wall and started moving his face towards my face slowly and teasingly, fully knowing what effect that has on me. He was looking at my lips and instinctively i bit them. Blake stopped for a second to look into my eyes with such passion, that I forgot how to breathe.

"Oh, Hailey," he whispered huskily. "I suggest you don't bite your lips in front of me. It turns me on easily."

My brains just melted at his words and I forgot how to function properly.

Blake cupped my face in his bear-like hands and gently pressed his lips against my forehead, making me melt even more. I let out an audible sigh and relaxed In his touch, which I knew subconsciously was a stupid thing to do. But being in his hands had a certain warmth to it and the feeling of being protected and loved, the feeling so similar and so different from when I was cared by my parents. This was the feeling of home, but even better. This was the home with passion and love.

"I won't make our first kiss here. I don't want you to remember something so special between us in somewhere like here," he whispered against my forehead.

I opened my eyes unwillingly and looked around. We were still in the same toilet. Right. This is not one of the most romantic places to kiss.

I closed my eyes once again, savoring the feeling of being in Blake's arms, because I doubt that I'll feel this anytime soon again. This is just so wrong, but it feels so damn good.

"We should go," Blake said slowly distancing himself from me, but still keeping one arm around my hip.

At this point I was such a mess, that the only thing that I could do was nod almost sleepily and follow him to the exit of the toilet.

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