64. Sneaking out

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"Let's play a game," Rylee said rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

"Jeez, you sound like we are in a saw movie," I chuckled and she hissed at me to be quiet.

"Why don't we sneak out of your place, before your lover boy notices, because I doubt that he's going to let you go anywhere without him," she smiled her mischievous smile.

"And how do you plan to do that?" Savannah asked, raising her brows, "every sound in this house echoes like in a cave. We wouldn't get farther than the hallway, leading to exit."

"Who said anything about leaving through the door?" She asked with furrowed brows. "We're going through the window."

"Won't anyone ask me my thoughts on this?" I asked them and Rylee shook her head. Savannah looked at my friend and just shrugged her shoulders.

"Listen, I can easily arrange that we have the day all to ourselves. He'll let me go, as long as I'm not alone," I explained them, expecting them to agree, but Rylee had other plans.

"But what's the fun of that?" She asked. "Sneaking out is an art. I've always wanted to do this..."

"What? Act like a criminal?" Savannah chuckled and Rylee laughed with her.

"I guess that it might sound like I want to be a criminal from a certain point of view. Actually, I think that this is pretty badass and I don't want to miss this chance," she explained with a smile on her face.

"Do I have any chance of convincing you to change your mind?" I asked Rylee and she shook her head.

"No way. What happened to the independent and free spirited Hailey?" She asked me, looking as if I was a completely different human.

"What are you talking about? I've never been like that," I chuckled confused at her question.

Rylee ignored me and opened my laptop. She typed in my password and put on white chicks. I watched her actions, trying to figure out her plan, when she turned on the volume on the movie and placed it on my bed.

"This is going to make him think that we're watching a movie," she explained.

She then opened the window and looked down, probably noticing that were actually on the second floor. She then made sure she had her wallet, car keys and telephone and turned to face us.

"Ok, guys. I'm going to jump out and if I don't break my legs, then I doubt that you will. I'll catch you, just in case," she quickly explained and crawled on the windowsill and leaned out of the window.

Me and Savannah gasped at our friends reckless behavior and saw that she was completely fine.

She then started making hand gestures, to make us jump out and firstly Savannah jumped and when it was my turn, I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Hailey?" Blake's muffled voice filled my ears.

"Yeah?" I asked him, nervously backing away from the window.

"Do you need me to buy you guys something to eat?" He asked and my heart melted. "No, but thank you!"

"Ok then. I'm going to leave you guys alone for now," he said as I heard his footsteps going down the stairs.

I quickly made my towards the window again and saw my friends looking up at me nervously. I clutched the skin over my heart with my hand, showing them that I was filled with so much emotions.

I saw that there was a tiny layer of snow outside and rolled my eyes at what we were doing. Our jackets are downstairs and they've jumped out in just their pullovers. I quickly walked to my closet, where I rummaged around to find some warmer jumpers, that I threw out of the window for them to catch. Then I put on my own jumper.

"You're stupid," I mouthed looking at Rylee and she puckered her lips and winked at me.

This was the moment I had to jump. I crawled on the windowsill, just like Rylee did and leapt without thinking. The jump wasn't as scary as I had expected. Rylee caught me, just like she did Savannah, and it didn't hurt at all.

I laughed in relief and my friends suddenly forced my mouth close, with their palms. "Shh, we still haven't sneaked away," Savannah whispered and I nodded my head understandingly.

We started walking around the house, trying to avoid making as much noise as possible, even though I doubt that he'd hear us from the outside anyways.

We were about to walk past the kitchen window, when I looked inside and saw Blake cooking something. I froze in my place and my friends noticed my sudden stop. They looked inside the window and noticed him too.

"Crap," Rylee muttered, ducking down, so that she wouldn't be visible. She then pulled me and Savannah down with her too. "We've gone this far, I'm not planning to get caught. We haven't even done anything."

She then started crawling by the window and me and Savannah followed her. Luckily, we weren't noticed and we managed to sneak past it. We then walked to my driveway, where Rylee had parked her car. She unlocked her car with her remote and we rushed inside, already frozen from the cold.

Rylee then turned on her car and slowly pulled out of my driveway, trying to avoid making any sounds. She actually managed to do that and we drove off, without being noticed.

"Oh my god! We actually did it!" Rylee laughed in joy.

"That was the most stupidest thing, I've ever done," I grumbled from the backseat.

"Stop being such a grumpy bag," Rylee chuckled, "we're going to have so much fun!"

"What's the plan?" Savannah asked and I leaned forward to hear Rylee's answer, my curiosity peaked.

"It's not like we can do much," I added, "we have only so much clothing and money."

"Stop stressing so much," Rylee dismissed us, "I'm not telling you. It's going to be a surprise."

I leaned back in my seat and sighed. I hope that whatever she has planned will be worth the wrath, that I will have to face back home.

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