6. Bruised knees

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Ding, ding, ding. I heard the alarm blaring. I groaned throwing my hand over my eyes and thought to myself how much I hated the sound. I should probably switch it.

But again, once my alarm had one of my favorite songs on it and it backfired to me. At first it was pleasant to wake up hearing the one thing that you want to hear, but when you have a dream and you mistake the song of the alarm as you singing in the meadow and miss school because of it, you start to think to yourself- is it really worth it to listen to your favorite song in the morning, if there's a huge chance, that this will happen again?

Fuck ye! I took my phone and switched the song.

I heard footsteps outside my door and recognized them as my mom's, because when she walks you sometimes think that there are two people walking instead of one.

"Hailey, wake up!" She shouted outside of my door.

"I already am!" I replied, crawling out of the bed. The chilly air of my room greeted my warm skin, as I realized that I left the window open in my room. But I didn't mind it, as it was actually helping me to wake up.


"Do you know where Derek is?" My mom asked handing me orange juice.

I took a sip. "No, but he's probably at Seb's."

My mom rolled her eyes and sighed. "If he's at Seb's, then what is Seb doing here?"

I heard footsteps behind me and I froze trying to figure out a way out of this. Who am I kidding, there are two options- either I speak to him willingly or I embarrass myself and speak to him anyway.

I turned around and saw him with his ripped jeans and light blue T-shirt. His blue eyes were looking at me, as if he was trying to figure out what was going on in my head. Pff, nothing, just checking you out, I winked at him internally.

Oh god, I'm so pathetic.

"Hi Liz!" Seb greeted my mom, as he walked towards the table and sat next to me.

"Sebastian, dear, what are you doing here? And where's Derek?" My mom asked sitting in front of us and taking her warm cup of coffee between her slender fingers.

"Derek asked me to stay here, to take Hailey to school, but he didn't tell me where he was going."

"Hmm" My mom sighed. I bet that Seb was protecting my brother's ass again and he actually knew where he was.

"So, Hailey, how do your knees feel?" Seb asked and my eyes widened. I saw my mom choking on her coffee and I leaned over the table to tap her back.

"Thanks!" She gurgled, her voice raspy. "What did you do Hailey? Did you two...?" My mom asked and my eyes widened even more, probably looking like they would roll out of my eye sockets any minute.

I felt really uncomfortable and I couldn't believe that my mom could ask me that. Didn't she know me? She always thought that I would end up alone with dogs, because I was always so rude and uninterested in boys. "What do you mean mom? Didn't you tell me couple of weeks back that with my attitude I would die alone? Nothing has changed mom, I'll still die alone." I said as I took a large sip of my juice to calm me.

"She fell." Seb said and I looked to see him looking at me with eyes filled with amusement.

"Thank god!" My mom exclaimed, her hand over her heart, that undoubtedly was beating fast. "I mean, I'm sorry that you fell, are you ok?" My mom sent me an apologetic look.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sighed.


"Thanks for the ride!" I said shutting the passenger door of Seb's car.

"I'll drive you home after school too. Don't forget about it!" Seb said locking his car behind him.

"Yeah, sure." I said and quickly walked towards the school. The day was almost perfect. It was warm and cloudy, all it missed was a rain shower.

I saw Jessy walking inside of the school and quickly I ran to catch up to her.

"Jessy!" I shouted panting. I can't believe that running so little has me breathing like I'm about to die.

"Hailey?" She asked turning around. She saw me panting and asked "did you run from your home to school or something?"

I took a deep breath. "No, I just saw you walking from the school's parking lot and decided to catch up with you."

She glanced back towards the glass door and I could feel that she was about to tell me that the parking lot is like right next to school, so I spoke before she could say that "I know why Stacy's acting so weird."

I saw that I had gained her attention as she started bombarding me with questions."What? She told you? When? What is happening to her? Is she in trouble? Or is..." she was taking nonstop until I interrupted her.

"Shut up!" I smirked when she stopped talking. "She's fine, but I think that she might want to kill me after what I did to her yesterday."

"What did you do?"

"I forced her to fix her problem..."

"Which is?" Jessy was running out of patience, but I enjoyed seeing her struggling.

"And that my dear friend, I'm going to tell you when I'm sure that Stacy won't kill me afterwards. But you might actually be able to help me help her." I said with a smirk.

Jessy was struggling with the cryptic information that I gave her. But being the most wonderful friend in the world I decided to keep the truth from her until the lunch break, so that I could inform my other friend too and hopefully together form a plan, that could help Stacy.

"I'll tell you later, when we'll all be together." I said grabbing her elbow and pushing her towards our first lesson.

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