49. Rubber chickens

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"What are we doing here? I thought that we were going home," I crossed my arms and refused to move anywhere.

"Stop being so difficult," Rylee groaned. "You have to move out somewhere. If we go back home, you're going to cry your eyes out, but if we go here, you'll have fun and eventually will forget about their words."

She's probably right, but at the moment I don't feel like going anywhere but home.

"She's right, Hailey. You need to have some fun, we don't want to see you sad," Savannah agreed with Rylee.

"But if the situation were different and you were in my place, there's no way that you'd go anywhere but home," I argued with Savannah.

"Yeah, well, the situation right now is about you, so don't even try with 'if you were then you would' tactic. It's not going to work," she smiled sweetly and I groaned.

"Move, Hailey, or I'm going to drag you in there myself," Rylee nudged me out of the car.

"I hate you guys," I grumbled.

"But you're going to love us later. Isn't that right, Rylee?" Savannah asked the last part looking at our friend that was suddenly really deep in thought.

"Rylee?" She asked once again.

The moment Savannah said Rylee's name the second time, she snapped out of whatever daze she was in and smiled, "I heard there is a new underwear shop opened in there, let's go and have a look."

I looked at the shopping centre in front of us and gulped. This was the exact same shopping centre, where me and Stacy stalked Jonah and I eventually ended up modeling underwear. I can't go back in there.

"Guys, can we go to a different shopping centre. I don't want to go back into this one," I whined.

"What's wrong with this shopping centre?" Savannah asked furrowing her brows.

"This is the place where I met Blake and the shop that was recently opened is owned by Blake's mother. You can see why I don't want to go in there," I explained.

"It's going to be fine!" Rylee rolled her eyes and dragged me inside the building, while Savannah was following us closely behind.


We walked through many different shops and my mood was slowly changing for the better. I still looked like shit, but Rylee and Savannah didn't mention to me, probably afraid that I'd start crying. I'm not going to cry anymore. Although the words Cindy said were truly hurtful, I figured that it was nothing knew and I should just move on with my life and stop being so sad about things that I simply cannot change.

Rylee was making it her mission to fall on Savannah's nerves. She had everything planned out in her mischievous head, the moment we entered the shopping centre.

Savannah hates when things go out of control and Rylee did just that. She became an animal, that couldn't be tamed and Savannah was slowly starting to become so annoyed and embarrassed, that she almost left us in the shopping centre.

Note the word 'almost'.

Rylee convinced her to stay, by saying words along the lines of 'we're here for a reason. You can't just leave your sad friend alone, when she's sad'.

Savannah calmed herself down and we continued our shopping.

We entered a toy store, because we hadn't been in one for so long and we decided that it would be nice to recall our childhoods.

Rylee entered the store first, leaving me and Savannah together. We just shrugged our shoulders and walked to the doll section, where we laughed about the dolls that are being sold. There was a doll, that's private parts were covered with only drawn leaves and the packaging said that it was a survivor Barbie. We laughed and played a game called 'who finds the most ridiculous doll wins'.

We started looking through the dolls in a rush, when suddenly we heard hundreds of rubbery chickens squealing.

We didn't have to guess twice, to know that it is Rylee.

Savannah didn't waste a second to walk towards the sound and when we walked around the corner, we saw Rylee smiling mischievously next to a box containing rubber chickens.

"Want to see something cool?" She asked us and before we could respond, she started walking towards us and with every step she took, we heard a chicken squealing.

She had found somewhere a tape and had plastered to chickens on the button of her shoes and they were making a noise with her every step. All of this was so ridiculous, that I started laughing hysterically.

Savannah laughed too, until Rylee refused to take them off and requested us to buy her the chickens.

Although it was funny to see her walking like a complete lunatic, hearing the sound of those chickens screaming wasn't something that me and Savannah could handle for the rest of our day.

We refused and eventually managed to persuade Rylee to take them off and go to a different shop.

She really wanted to see the lingerie shop, not because she was interested in underwear. She just wanted to make fun of the sexy lingerie, that they were selling. And when we entered that shop, she just got off the leash. She ran immediately to sexy lingerie and put them on front of her clothes.

She managed to put on 3 bra's to cover her chest and belly and also a bra on her head. She looked even more ridiculous and I laughed.

This is exactly what she's good at, she can make anyone smile, doesn't matter the occasion.

Which brings us back to now...

We sat in front of a small ice cream shop, where they sell the most delicious ice creams in the city. I chose the cherry ice cream, Savannah some kind of tropical mix and Rylee chose cranberry.

"Thanks, you actually managed to make my day," I said licking the ice cream.

"You're welcome," they both replied at the same time.

I laughed and closed my eyes to relax a little bit.

We had only three days left of school and I had no power to go to the classes anymore. Maybe I can just skip them? It's not like my mom's going to find out from England. She's too busy anyways.

"Hailey?" A male voice interrupted my thoughts.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Damien killing at me with curiosity.

"What are you doing here? And why do you look like you've been crying?" He asked. "Blake is not going to like this."

"No, no, no," I interrupted him. "It's nothing. My friends just showed me a sad video of... of a dog crying. It was really sad." I quickly lied avoiding his gaze. Just like Blake, I felt that I couldn't lie to Damien even if I tried.

He didn't answer me for a while, until he finally spoke, "He'd kill me if he found out that I've been hiding from him the fact that you've been crying. He'll flip out anyways, but with this he'll be more forgiving. I'm supposed to meet him in five minutes, so I'm giving you a chance to leave, before he decides to drag you to his home and keep you locked up there."

I widened my eyes at his words and quickly stood up, my friends following me. "I'll try to calm him down and I've no doubt that he'll call you tonight, if not visit you personally," Damien then turned to my friends, "we really don't have time, but I'm Blake's best friend, it's nice to meet you."

Rylee introduced herself and Savannah to him and we left the building in haste to avoid the upcoming hurricane, that I've unintentionally caused.

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