15. Stalkers and plans

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You know that moment when you wish you could kill someone, because they've taken something precious from you?

It's literally me right now.

I woke up with someone tickling my nose and eventually I sneezed unattractively. Derek took away from me the thing that I can't live without. Sleep. And I had a good dream too...

I smacked his head with my palm as soon as I was sober enough to understand what happened.

"What is your problem, Hailey?" He hissed rubbing the back of his head and soothing the pain.

"My problem? MY PROBLEM?" I shouted at the top of my lungs and then took a calming breath. "My problem, dear brother," I said super sweetly," is that you just ruined my sleep."

He looked at me weirdly. "I think that you sis might have multiple personalities or something. I haven't seen anyone like you before."

"Because I'm unique, get over it," I snapped.

Ignoring him I rolled on my stomach and pressed my face inside my pillows. I could hear him breathing behind me and it took me everything not to tell him to shut his breath.

"Hailey, come on. I didn't come inside your cave for no reason," he whined.

"I certainly hope so," I muttered after a while of silence. "If that was the case, you'd be dead by now."

He chuckled. "Ok, so I came here because I wanted to tell you something." I then heard him take in a deep breath. "I know about you and Seb and I wanted to warn you to be careful with him. I know that you know that he's not really one who commits, so don't let your expectations lead you on the wrong path."

After his speech I turned around, shocked that once in his life he seemed worried about my well being.

"What?" I asked dumbly. "You actually gave me an advice?"

I looked to see him blush. How cute. I should keep this in my memory forever. This is actually something that I thought he'd never do.

"Don't get used to it," he barked at me.

"Don't worry, Der-boy, I won't," I gave him a close lipped smile.

He narrowed his eyes at my new nickname to him. "Don't call me that."

"What, Der-boy?"

"It's war, sis," he smirked at me.

"Bring it on Cinderella," I smirked back seeing him scowl.


I walked into school with an unexpected excitement. I don't know why I felt really good about walking into school, I would have usually complained about it.

Maybe it was because of my last encounter with Seb?

This morning Jessy took me to school, because my brother refused to drive me and Seb couldn't drive me and he didn't want me to walk to school on my own. He texted me yesterday night and I was disappointed at first, but then I realized that that's probably for the best.

"And what's occupying that little strange brain of yours?" Jessy asked poking her finger at my forehead.

I frowned. "This is annoying, don't ruin my perfectly fine morning in hell."

"Did you actually learn a spell how to get infinitive amount of chocolate cookies?" She gasped.

"What? What kind of question is that?" I asked getting annoyed and hungry. Damn, I really want cookies now. "I hate you, I want cookies now," I hissed at her.

And being the shit friend she is, she started laughing at me. "I managed to ruin your morning? Wow, I am a goddess..."

"Get me some cookies goddess," I snapped.

She threw her hands up in mock surrender and continued laughing at me. We were walking to the locker room to change for our gym class, when I saw Savannah walking quietly ahead of us.

I snickered and ran up to her to throw my hands around her In a hug.

"Jeez, What is wrong with you?" She asked. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"That was the plan," I smiled.

"You want me to die?"

"Of course," I saw her furrowing her brows in hurt. "I want to be the last person you see when you die," I smiled at her.

"Is that supposed to be comforting?" She asked. "Because that's not working. You actually sound like a serial killer."

I started snickering to myself, "cereal killer."

"She's hungry," Jessy suddenly showed up.

"That explains some things," Savannah started laughing and Jessy joined her. And with that my good mood returns and I watch with a smile my friends laughing.


Gym class was unbearable. We had to play basketball and me being really "sporty" I embarrassed myself.

I don't know whose genius idea it was, but someone threw me the ball while going on a attack to the opposite team. When I saw the ball coming towards me, I froze and saw it hit my chest and then fall on the ground.

I heard my teammates shouting at me for being such a useless human being, but I actually didn't care. Rylee was laughing her ass off in the middle of the field and Jessy soon joined her laughter afterwards.

Caroline and Savannah didn't laugh, because like me they weren't really sporty and they actually understood my struggle.

But despite that the day until the lunch brake was pretty boring. Until of course we saw Caroline walking into the cafeteria with another note and her hands shaking.

Roses are dead, violets are dead, but when I see you, everything comes to life. I can't wait to have you in my arms and to feel your soft skin against mine.

Your one and truly.

"I don't know who it is and it's creeping me out," she whispered.

And an idea formed in my head as she said that.

"Don't panic Caroline, but I've got an idea how to figure out a way to see him, if he's here watching you at the moment," I whispered.

Everyone suddenly turned their attention towards me and I took a knife out of one of the plates on the table. I snatched her finger and she immediately started shouting at the top of her lungs, "NOOOOO!"

Everyone at our table started shouting too.

"What the hell, Hailey! You can't just go around cutting people!" Savannah snapped.

"But it works in these kinds of situations," I said and everyone just shot me a glare. "Ok, if my plan isn't good enough for you, what do you suggest?"

Silence engulfed our table and the only thing we could hear was the chattering of other students.

"We could just write something on the paper and leave it somewhere. If he's really watching you right now, he'll respond to it. We can write him to meet you somewhere," Savannah suggested.

I thought about it, "that's actually not bad. I think it might be better than my plan."

"You think?" Jessy laughed.

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