28. When will it ever end?

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"See you after school," Seb said as I walked out of his car.

I nodded in agreement and quickly made my way inside. The breakfast that we shared was a tiny bit awkward, as he kept taking glances of me and I hate attention.

I wanted to start a food fight with him, but I knew that it would end up with someone (me) getting hurt, because of their own stupidity. I would've probably tripped on the food and ended up in a hospital bed, missing out on my revenge.

"Whore," someone pushed pushed me forwards and I stumbled on my foot, but managed not to fall.

I looked back to see another blonde bitch looking at me with hate in her eyes.

"What the fuck is your problem," I snapped anger taking over me.

"You," she said flicking her rat nails.

I raised both of my eyebrows. "Me? And what exactly have I done this time? Don't you like me breathing your air too?"

"I don't. You don't deserve him," she gave me a glare full of jealousy.

Then I realized what all of this was about. "Oh, I get it. It's Seb isn't it? You can take him, I don't need him," I laughed.

"You don't need him? Then that's why your always following him like a tail? Leave him the fuck alone!" She grabbed my hair and scratched my cheek.

"What the fuck!" I pried her nails out of my hair and slapped her. "Listen, bitch, I don't need him. I don't want him. And I most certainly don't follow him around. If we're being honest here, it's other way around. If anything, it should be him under your nails, not me."

She hissed at me and wanted to tell me something again, but before she could do that I interrupted her."Listen, blondy, I'm going to give you an advice and be sure to listen to me, because you're going to regret it later if you don't. Seb doesn't do love, he doesn't do romance, what he does is selfish. He only cares about himself and his dick. So save yourself some dignity and just leave him be."

She threw me a disgusted look," You're just saying this, because you want to have him all to yourself. You're ugly, it's no wonder he cheated on you the second he had the chance to. I would have done it too. You're a nobody."

Auch. This kinda hurts a lot.

"What's going on over here?" Rylee stepped out of nowhere with a concerned expression.

"Nothing," I muttered taking one last glance of the blonde Satan.

"This isn't over!" The blondy shouted behind me, as I walked away.

"What did she want?" Rylee asked wrapping her hand around my shoulders in a comforting hug.

"The same that they always want," I murmured.

"Is it about Seb again?"


Rylee stopped walking and turned me around to face her. She had furrowed eyebrows and she seemed to be thinking hard about something, not a sight that graces her features often. She's usually carefree and thinks only about food, but this time she seemed serious.

"If you're having those thoughts, then stop them," she raised her eyebrows.


"I know that glum looking face of yours, when I see it," she pointed out. "Stop thinking that you are something that you aren't. You're perfect just the way you are, don't let anybody bring you down."

A sob broke out of me and I was kinda surprised, as I hadn't realized how much did i take the blondy's words to my heart.

Rylee saw me breaking down and quickly hugged me hiding me from the view of everybody else. "Listen, Hailey. You know that they say these things only out of jealousy."

"But it true," words barely left my lips, as my throat was all squeezed shut.

I felt Rylee shaking her head and wrapping her hands around me tighter. "Stop. Sebastian was an idiot to do this to you. If you don't stop thinking so low of yourself, I'm going to hit Sebastian's other eye," Rylee threatened me.

"You can't do that," I sniffled. "He got what he deserves."

"Then I suggest you quit thinking those bad thoughts and look around. The fish is fool of sea. I have no doubt that if you didn't find Nemo, you're going to find dory."

"Is this supposed to be something wise?" I asked laughing. This is exactly why I love Rylee so much. She always brings light in our darkness.

"Yeah, fishes are definitely full of sea and I'm becoming lesbian only because Seb broke me."

Rylee jerked back and looked at me with wide eyes. "That's not what I meant. Don't become a lesbian, I meant to say that the sea is full of sexy fishes," she winked at me and I started laughing even harder.

Rylee smiled at me, seeing that my mood has brightened and wiped away tears from my cheeks," don't think about that jerk, Hailey. He doesn't deserve you. Now that I've seen you cry for the second time, my fist is starting to itch," she muttered looking around, as if she was hoping to see someone.

"You will do no such thing. If you hit him, he's going to wonder what has he done again and once he finds out, he's going to try to talk to me and I really don't need that."

She thought for a while," You're right, but if I see you crying because of him once again, he's not going to see me swinging my bat."

"Sure," I gave her a smile.

I looked around noticing that the hallways were getting emptier. Students were walking into the classrooms and I realized that the lesson had started.

"Rylee, we have to go," I said grabbing her arm and yanking her towards our next lesson.

"I don't think that we should go," she said stopping just outside the classroom.

"Why?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"You've just cried and it's obvious, we should just skip math, until your eyes look less puffy," she gave me a smile and I realized what it's really about.

"Oh, how great of you to be concerned about me," I said giving her a fake smile. "But it's nothing really. I don't want you to skip math, because of me. It isn't fair to you," i said.

I saw her look a little bit worried. "What? No, no, no. I can't just leave you on your own. I don't want you walking into another of Seb's bitches."

"You just don't want to go to math," I laughed and saw her squeeze her eyes shut.

"How did you... right, I can't lie to you," she laughed.

"Fine, let's just skip math, but only for today," I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"I knew that you'd choose the wisest option," Rylee said trying to sound smart.

"Sure, wisest option," I laughed.

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