68. Prank calls

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"What are you doing here?" I squealed and closed the door behind her.

"What do you think? I came here to keep you some company. I guessed that you'd be alone, as Damien is spending Christmas with Blake and his family and your mom is in England," Caroline shrugged and took off her winter jacket and boots. "And I also brought some snacks and gifts."

I looked down to see a big gift bag in her hands and blushed a little bit. I always say that I hate surprises, but the thing is that, when the surprise comes completely out of nowhere, it's the best thing ever.

When she had undressed, I led her to the kitchen, so that she could leave all the snacks there and when she started getting the "snacks" out of the bag, I stared at her open mouthed.

"What is this?" I asked.

"These are my friends Jack Daniels and Captain Morgan," she explained and took out some kind of fizzy drinks.

"Where are the snacks?" I asked her and she looked inside the bag and took out one packet of crisps.

"Is that it?" I asked her with raised brows. The bag contained more alcohol that food.

"Yep," she replied and rummaged through my cupboards in a search of glasses.

"Tonight, my dear friend, we're getting drunk," she explained with a wicked smile on her face. "That is my present to you."

When she found what she was looking for, she turned to face me and showed me two glasses in her hands.

"Which hot dude do we start with first?" She asked with furrowed brows, trying to decide.

I took Jack Daniels and opened it in front of her and she nodded her head.

"Good choice," she put the glasses on the kitchen counter and grabbed the bottle out of my hands. She steadily poured the beverage into the glasses and when she was done, she put the bottle on the table and passed me a glass.

"Bottoms up," She said as she took a shot. I quickly joined her and gulped down the burning drink.

"How do you feel?" She asked me, with rosy cheeks.

"I feel... really good," I answered and she smiled.

She took the bottle and told me to take the glasses and we moved our way to the living room. She sat down on the floor, cross legged and I joined her.

We made ourselves comfortable and she poured us another shot, which we both gulped down.

"How are you and Damien?" I asked her and she smiled.

"He's the best thing, that's happened to me in years. He's like my savior. I told him about Trevor and he promised to help me, besides, now you have Blake to protect you."

I smiled at my friend. She deserves all the happiness in the world, after dealing with that jerk.

"Are you like... together?" I asked her and she blushed. "Oh god! You are!"

"Shh," She shushed me. "Yeah, he told me that I was the one and he could never let me go. And everything about him is perfect. His height, his piercing blue eyes, his dark hair, his deep voice, I just... he's everything that I could ever wish for. I'd be stupid to let him go."

"He sounds amazing," I gave her assuring smile.

"What about you? What is that on your neck?" She gasped.

"Oh, that... Blake gave it to me as a gift, I guess he was making sure, that I remember him," I explained and saw her furrowing brows. "Are you talking about the hickey? Because if you are, then you must know that there's only one person to claim me like that..."

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